
4. Blessed.



I can smell a big group of them. It seems like I've gathered quite the audience, I almost feel honored.

I then hasted my way through the forest, pushing down any tree in my way while dragging the mammoth carcass along.

A few minutes later and I've finally pushed the last tree that was obstructing my view, and what laid before my eyes was a wide plain area with a village situated in the far end near a large river, with a dense forest surrounding it. Not to forget the group of natives who were there to welcome me outside the entrance of their village.

Seeing this I took a deep breath once again, and it felt really good when the clean and fresh oxygen entered my lungs and system so I released a satisfied smile.

"This is a good place you got here," I said with an approving nod. But deep down, the excitement of finally being able to sate my hunger was running wildly inside my heart.

Not to waste any more time, I began to make my way towards the native group with the carcass close behind. It was time to trade. At least that's what I thought would happen but I might have been too naive. Maybe when I was making my way here, I seem to have been too excited and forgot that these weren't your average modern person, but they were ancient people who didn't know much about hospitality yet.

Whilst making my way towards them, a spear suddenly impaled the ground just a few meters in front of me. From this spear alone I knew what it meant. It means not taking another step. And I can totally understand and respect it. I'm an unknown intruder making my way to their peaceful village which most likely housed their families. And it was the right choice on their part.

However, I would've accepted that alone but when I looked towards the native who had thrown it, there was this look of challenge in his eyes. It might've been my imagination but my bear senses were definitely tingling.

"I see," I said with a grin while picking up the spear, inspecting it. "You should know that it's very rude to throw things at your guests... But don't worry, I'll kindly return this." Then I threw the spear back at the native.

As if it was a rocket, the spear flew past the natives' cheeks before impaling a tree a hundred meters away from the village. The native was frozen in place as he couldn't believe his eyes and was utterly terrified, then he fell down due to his legs failing him.

That should teach him, but I might've created more problems.

I look around the faces of the natives and as expected what I see are expressions of fear. It wasn't my intention but it is what it is, I'll just have to deal with it. I know it's an excuse but I think this bear inside me has got quite the temper.

But surprisingly, the Chieftain intervened. He shouted towards his men and from what it looks like, he seems to be mediating them but his men seem to be gobsmacked about what he was saying to them. Oh, that brown-haired individual looks important as he's currently the only one going off at the chieftain.

After their back and forth arguments, the chieftain seems to have eased his men, surprisingly. As to what he has planned, I have no idea. This chieftain might also be a freak of nature when it comes to what he's planning. Maybe he wants to be friends? I don't know.

The chieftain turns towards me and seems to gather his courage before making his way towards me.

Once he arrives before me, I almost felt bad for the guy because he was shaking uncontrollably. Although he looks terrified to stand before me, his courage was respectable. Also, I came to realize that my height was very unnatural once again because the chieftain's height only reached below my chest so he had to look up toward the sky just to look at me.

"#@#@#@##," The Chieftain says in his language, almost eager to show me something. Of course, I had no idea what he was saying but I saw this as my once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to feed myself.

I quickly interrupted him and showed him the mammoth behind me, "Yes, yes, sorry, but do you see this?" The Chief stopped speaking and looked curiously behind me and was instantly impressed by the little mountain of the carcass. Although he saw me coming here with it, seeing it up close further amazed him and everyone.

"Yeah, this is food..." I say while using hand gestures for food, that even little toddlers would understand. But unfortunately, this chieftain was a bit slow. I sighed, "You know... Food that you eat? Nana?" I try again, this time pointing to him and then exaggerating me biting the food while making a satisfied smile as if I was full.

I knew what I was doing right now might look ridiculous but a man's gotta do what a man gotta do. Especially if that mans is hungry as fuck, your not you when you're hungry.

The chieftain seeing my professional acting skills showed a bright smile as if a light bulb had shone brightly above his head. And fortunately this time he understood. He immediately grabbed my hand and began to drag me towards his village while his men were quietly confused as to what was happening. I was also included.

I don't know if every chieftain is like this, which I highly doubt, but I'll just take this chance that God has shown me. It's very important to always eat first then ask questions later.

Making my way into this interesting and ancient village I couldn't help but inspect everything. There were numerous huts made out of sticks and skins of animals, while some were made with animal bones. Although they looked quite nice, they were all too small. Although every hut varied in height, their tallest one only reaches below my shoulders.

While going through the village with the help of the chieftain, naturally, the villagers noticed my appearance. And soon, everyone was out to see in awe, fear, confusion, etc. When I inspected their appearances from children, teenagers, adults, and the elderly, I saw something in common. They all wore scruffy skin outfits or leather outfits made from animal skin. And they were all quite dirty which was only natural, as hygiene wouldn't be so popular yet.

I had no idea where this chieftain was taking me but I shut up and followed. Furthermore, when the villagers saw the carcass behind me, sounds of awe and amazement erupted throughout the village.

I know, it looks really good. I wouldn't mind sharing this with you all under the condition that you also give me some too.

Soon we finally made it to our destination. A place in the middle of this village where there was a massive campfire, stick-made food driers, and spiritual-like large trees covered with paintings that had various animal skulls hanging off the branches. So far, this place definitely ticks the boxes of what I would expect from an ancient village if it were from 10,000 years ago.

The chieftain then made his way on this skin mat in the middle where there were other multiple skin mats and sat down. Then he waved his hand toward the other skin mat across from him, meaning I should sit down with him. I still can't figure out what this chieftain was thinking, but there's nothing I can do about it now. So I also sat down where he requested of me, of course, before leaving the carcass there where there was space.

Sitting down, I noticed around us was probably all of the residents of this village because there was a crapload of them. Including the warriors from before as well. They quite the curious bunch, whispering this and that while pointing to me and the carcass.

Hey, it's rude to point... but oh well.

"##@@!" The chieftain shouts, which made the surrounding people flinch in hesitation. Yet, once he shouted again, some of the women scattered somewhere before coming back to bring me a skin bundle of some kind with fear. Nah, they basically threw it at me. Luckily I had quick reflexes so I easily caught it.

When I cautiously examined the contents of this skin bundle, the brightest smile appeared on my face. And I could swear tears seemed to have appeared as well, but I quickly wiped them off. Yes, inside this blessed bundle of goodies was food! Although they look like some dried meat of some animal and a few berries and such. I was nonetheless very happy.

The chieftain also smiled happily with me as he was relieved that it was truly what I sought. Unlike in this situation, anyone in my shoes would at once eat the food but not me. I still have my manners.

"Thank you very much, chieftain," I said with sincerity from the bottom of my heart while bowing my head down a little bit because if he couldn't understand my language, my actions will do the talking instead. Fortunately, the message was received as the chieftain smiled while waving his hand. However, this much is not enough for me so I also gave something in return.

"This here is for you. Keep it, you'll need it more than me." I said while gesturing to him towards the mammoth. It was a couple of trials and errors before the chieftain could understand but when he did, he was also very delighted straight away thanking me in his own way. I think.

Furthermore, what surprised them most was that the surrounding audience also understood and a mini celebration erupted, but then immediately died as soon as they heard a loud shout from somewhere.


(Grok POV)

"Chief! What is the meaning of this?!" A loud shout surprised everyone who was too busy watching the interactions of their beloved chief and the weird creature across from him.

When the people made way for the people who arrived late, it was Ibu, Tykka, Allu, and the kids. Ibu was furious when he heard that the chief had let an intruder inside their tribe as they've never let anyone in, his daughter naturally followed her father. As for Allu, she was just curious and worried as she brought the kids with her.

"I know you're the chief but you must understand there are rules-" Ibu began to complain but stopped midway as his old eyes laid upon the gigantic creature sitting across from chief. In all of his life, he can brag about seeing many unique creatures in his travel, however, this was the first time he's ever seen a creature such as that.

The creature also had an intimidating aura, just being around it, anyone could sense that this being was very dangerous.

"What in U'lar Katou is that?!" Ibu frantically shouted in fear. His shouting also caused many of the tribesmen to become uneasy just when they began to relax. Allu and her kids were also shocked to see the creature, except for my daughter due to her condition, she was just curious as to what the commotion was all about.

This old fool! He's gonna agitate this being!

"You old fool! Shut your mouth! You're going to make matters worse!" My anger had shown itself, it wasn't intentional but couldn't this fool just talk calmly. However, Ibu seemed to be offended.

"Me?! No, you're the fool! We should get rid of this beast immediately before it's too late!" Ibu shouted as he ordered the warriors to do something, fortunately, none listened as they knew the strengths of this being. Also, they weren't idiots, no one is trying to die.

"What is going on Grok... Is that the guest you spoke off?" Allu says timidly while making her way behind me and sitting down with our children, I've never seen her this timid before. She held the boys while I put my daughter on my lap.

"Yes, this is that guest," I confirm, everyone who overhead I was utterly confused including Ibu, while Allu just nodded her head. Aru on the other hand seems to have realized something.

"Guest?! This is outrageous! Chief, this is endangering the safety of everyone in our tribe! We can still do something about this problem now!" Ibu began to shout again, I don't know why he wants to escalate everything when all is going well.

Although we can't communicate with each other, it's not a problem because this being is very intelligent and reasonable. And that's all I need to make this situation for the better.

"Ibu, just sit down and stop making a fool of yourself. This being is completely harmless, it just wanted something to eat and all is well. See, it even hunted that Elder Mammoth and gifted it to us." I said explaining it to Ibu.

Ibu looked at the corner that I pointed towards and his mouth almost fell off while his already pale skin becomes even paler. Allu and the kids were also very shocked because they knew these were very incredible creatures that even other carnivores avoid, and their strength was otherworldly.

But I knew that this being would definitely be capable of this level since he is the true predator. I'm confident because of what I've seen, so I must also share this information with my people. They need to know. And so I began to explain what I knew and what U'lar Katou told me as well.


(Gi'kali POV)

Hmm... that old man is troublesome. I'll personally note that. But other than that, this chief is doing well-maintaining order here. Well done chief, well done.

However whilst I was enjoying my meal and leaving this situation to the Chief, I inspected his family. It's a cute little family. The wife, although is rude to me say, is not that good-looking... But I can say that she's got quite the curves, nice.

But hey, everyone has their own taste who am I to judge. Yet looking around, I noticed that none of the women in this tribe were better than the Chief's wife. Nice job Chief, you did well.

Oh and she's wearing some nice fur coat, pretty neat for primitive standards. As for the children, I tried to say hi to the two boys as I tried to interact with the other children of this village. Unfortunately like all the other children, they just hug their mothers tightly and hide their faces from me as if I'm the bloody boogie monster.

To be completely honest, it kinda stings. I love kids, kids are the personification of pure little joys of love. So to see them hiding from me... sigh. It's pretty rough man.

However, something caught my eye. The village chief's daughter, although she doesn't look too different from her sibling... No, sorry she looks completely different from her siblings and parents. She's got snow-like hair, a healthy tan, and her eyes were beautiful. They were a unique purple but from what I know, I'm pretty sure she's blind. It's really unfortunate. The poor child.

Furthermore, when I compared the parents to the daughter, my mind was having a hard time. I mean I can see it from the mother, maybe from the tan skin. But the father... Oof, sorry man but you gotta get check if thats even yours. Just saying.

Before I could go back to enjoying my very simple and primitive meal, something caught my eyes. Around his daughter were these tentacles that were red in color. And for some reason, they were really bugging me. It was as if it was calling for me to cut it, and I'm really itching to scratch it off. I don't know what it is but I unconsciously made my way towards the child to cut that disgusting thing off.

Unconsciously I released a deep growl as my eyes glowed goldenly and my fingers shined brightly as well.

"I'll remove that thing..."


(Grok POV)

"...And that's all. That's why we need this being, you understand now?" I finally finished explaining to the best of my ability, also trying hard to convince them.

Everyone was in deep thought, including Aru, Allu, and Ibu himself. But after a few seconds, I heard a little giggle from Ibu and I immediately knew I failed in trying to convince him.

"Haha... You believe that I would fall for that?" Ibu says with disdain, he seems really heated as well. Probably offended that I used the name of his beloved God lightly like this. Even though it's true.

"Ibu, what I've just said is the truth," I replied with a deep sigh, this is such a headache.

"######" The being suddenly said, making everyone focus on it. We could see that it abruptly stood up while something was off and eerie about this situation. I don't know how but the area was then suffocating as it was hard to breathe all of sudden.

The being stood in front of me and pulled its right arm back, I thought it was weird or if it was pointing somewhere so I checked the direction it pointed. But it was too late, all I knew was the scream of my wife and my tribesmen.

And from there the world seemed to slow down as did my heart rate when I saw what was about to happen. From the being's right hand, instead of fingers, there were long and sharp claws that shined blindingly. And what happened next made my heart drop and made me despair. The being then instantly slashed my daughter, my baby, my precious daughter who was already unfortunate.

Instinctively and like any mother my wife screamed dreadfully with complete terror. My tribesmen also were in chaos, my warriors unconsciously attacked their spears already at hand. Aru also attacked with a loud warcry. My children cried painfully to see their older sister slashed brutally in front of them, although they don't really get along, this shows that they really cared for their sister.

Instantly a battle erupted while the none combatants fleed for safety. My men were getting beaten downed one-sidedly, Aru also trying to kill the being while tears flooded his eyes. Allu got some women to take the boys to safety before facing the being who had brutally killed our daughter, with a mother's rage and despair she attacked with all her heart. And it seemed to catch the being off guard until she was also knocked out ruthlessly.

As for me, I'm frozen in time holding my precious daughter. I can't move nor can I say anything, I'm in utter shock.

Why did this happen to me... I brought this being in because of what U'lar Katou told me to do so... Was I foolish to believe in a God. Or was that all just my imagination to begin with... This was my fault, the blood of my innocent daughter is mine alone.

I want to cry but I can't, for some reason, I just can't. But when I looked towards this being who had beaten all of my best warriors and my wife unconscious, I was mad. Mad because we were weak. He was the predator and we were nothing but mere prey. This has always been the rule, only the strong will live.

The being also seems to be something, but I can't hear him. Right now all I want to do is kill this being even though I know I cannot win. But I don't care, I will release the rage and despair inside of my heart.

"This for my daughter!!" I screamed with all my might before grabbing a nearby spear, quickly thrusting toward the beings face. Unfortunately, as I expected, the being easily dodged it and when I tried to slash him with the tip of my spear, he turned in a blur and I was knocked out.

I'm sorry my people it was my fault...


(Gi'kali POV)

Fuck, I really really really fucked up this time. God damn it, why did I have to lose control of myself!

Looking around the floor it was littered with the villagers who I had just knocked out in self-defense, even the Chief and his wife, damn.

However, I tried to tell them right after ridding off the evil thing on their daughter but I think it was already too late and I can understand. To them, I had just attacked the Chief's daughter.

I deeply sighed and fell to the ground tired.

But suddenly a little voice caught my attention.


I turned to the source and saw that it was their daughter, and better yet she's alive!

Furthermore, there was definitely something different about her now. One, there was no longer that evil thingy on her anymore, and secondly, her eyes that were purple now has a bit of gold coursing through here and there. And lastly and most importantly, she's no longer blind.

How do I know you ask? Well, she's currently looking around timidly while worried about her parents. Oh, she's looking at me now. Sigh... what do I do now... she looks really confused she seemed to have frozen in shock.

"Hi there little missy, how are you feeling?" I asked innocently with a bright smile as if I wasn't the cause of her people and parents' unconscious state.

Sorry, y'all I was absent for a long duration of time.

Some major problems have popped up in my life which had caused me to be absent. I know that y'all would like an explanation, but all I can is that it's just life.

Concerning the updates, I cannot promise any set dates because you know... I can't really keep that promise. And I am sorry once again.

But do know that I am currently writing another one and I'll post it whenever I can...

Meaning whenever I get it done. But I'll try to make the chapters smaller if you'd want more chapters or if you prefer longer ones, though they'll take longer to get done but whatever.

Just let me know what you guys want.

Again sorry <3

Mike_Cockakacreators' thoughts
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