
Looking for a Solution

Martin finally found the correct address and stood uncertainly in front of the gate. What should he do? Jack was his friend. The boy should not create situations that could appear ambiguous. But there was Sid, the boy in trouble, and no one to help him. Martin couldn't leave him alone if he could do anything, anything, to help him.

Well, Jack should trust his boyfriend and he should trust Martin. Martin had no reason to be unfaithful to Steve, and Kevin had no reason to be unfaithful to Jack - at least Martin hoped so. But he knew that although Moore was very handsome and attractive, he certainly did not attract him. For the young mechanic, there was only one man as a potential partner, and it was Steve Paxton.

Martin boldly pressed the doorbell ...

The gate opened before anyone asked who had come. This question was not asked at all. The owner of the house was either very trusting of people or he knew it was Martin.

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