
Meeting mother-in-law

"Eh? What are they doing?" Xie Yao asked as she saw the scene in front of her.

After returning to the airstrip where the plane they had traveled on was located to pick up their luggage, the sight they saw came as a bit of a surprise to all of them.

A large number of men and women were moving hurriedly working their way around the plane.

"Hurry up with that door, we don't have much time to spare!"

Shouted a woman holding a tablet in her hand as she pointed to a man driving a considerable sized cargo truck. Apparently, she was the one in charge of what was happening.

As the cargo truck came to a stop, a small man reached around the back and opened the truck doors. After the small man climbed into the back of the truck it was a few seconds before he climbed out again... It's just that in his hands was a large steel door.

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