
Incest & Consequences

Ian Shergold©

For 18-year old Billy Grange, to say that the last 24 hours had been life changing was an understatement.

What he thought would be another boring weekend with his mother, Joanne, at his aunt and uncle's; turned out to be the complete opposite. He still couldn't believe what happened when his mother came to say "goodnight" to him the other night. Or what they have done since.*

*(Author's Note: As detailed in "A Boy's Lust").

Even now, he was lying in his mother's bed while she was mounted on top of him, her back to him as she slid herself up and down his fresh hard on.

"W-we need to stop soon, baby." He heard her say. "Your aunt and uncle will be back soon and...oooohh!" She was cut off as he thrusted himself deeply inside her.

"Jesus, darling." "She moaned. "You are so bloody big."

Hungry to feel and taste her, Billy lifted himself up, nuzzling into her neck while his hands slide round and grasped his mother's breasts.

A squeeze elicited another moan.

No, life could not be better for the lad.

But then the bedroom door opened and his life came crashing down.

"Joanne, you should see what I ... OH MY GOD! WHAT ARE YOU DOING???!!"

The two of them froze and saw that Aunt Peggy was standing next to the bed with some bags of shopping. Immediately, she dropped them and fled the room.

"Peggy? Oh no!" His mother cried out as she quickly jumped off the boy and scrambled off the bed.


"Get dressed and go to back your room." She hissed as she started putting on some clothes.

"But, Mum..." He wanted to be with her when she talked to his aunt and uncle.

"Billy, just do it!"

Billy obeyed and retreated to his room.

As he lay on his bed, he could hear the shouting coming from downstairs.

After what seemed an age, there was a knock on the door. His mother came in. He could see that she had been crying.

"Billy, get your stuff together. We are going home."

Billy got up from his bed and started gathering his things.

"What about Aunt Peggy and Uncle Joe?" He asked.

"Just get your stuff." And she left the room.


Downstairs, his uncle was helping in packing the car while his aunt stood by the front door.

Once the packing was finished, Billy and his mother went to leave.

"Peggy, I-I'm so sorry. I-I..." His mother started to say.

"What are you so sorry for, Joanne? For having sex with your own son? For doing it under my nose? Or for getting caught for it?"

His mother tried to say something else and he could see that she was trying not to cry.

"Just go, Joanne. Take your 'boyfriend' and go."


The car journey home was done in silence. Billy tried to speak to his mother but to no avail. He eventually gave up and just before dusk, they arrived at their house in Manchester.

"Could you bring in the cases." His mother asked before walking into the house.

When Billy had finished unpacking the car, he popped his head around the kitchen door to tell her.

"Billy, we need to talk." His mother said matter of factly.

Oh! Oh! He didn't like that tone.

Gingerly, Billy came into the kitchen and sat at the table opposite to his mother.

"You okay, Mum?"

"No, I'm not. Your aunt caught us together and threw us out of her home. We are lucky that she didn't call the police."

"Will she?"

His mother sighed. "No, I don't think she will, thank God."


"But I have just lost one of my best friends."

"I'm sorry, Mum." Billy said, not knowing what else to say.

His mother gave him a smile. "It's my fault too, honey. I am the adult. I am supposed to be the responsible one."

"Mum, I'm 18 years of age. I can vote and I will be going to college next year."

"Don't remind me, baby." His mother sighed.

"I'm sorry about what happened with Aunt Peggy and I wish it didn't happen."

"So do I."

"I-I mean that I wish it didn't happen at Aunt Peggy's. I don't regret us doing it."

"Oh, sweetheart." His mother groaned. "You don't know what you are saying, Billy. What we did was wrong."

"But I love you and before Aunt Peggy caught us, you said that you liked it."

"But it isn't right."

"T-then you don't love me." Billy said.

Gently, his mother took his hands in hers.

"Oh darling, it isn't that. I love you so much." She squeezed his hands. "More than I should."

"Then I don't understand. What are we doing wrong if we love each other? It's not as if Dad is around anymore."

"Billy. Mothers and sons do not do that sort of thing."

"Not even if they love each other and it feels good?"

"Not even if it..." His mother stopped, shaking her head. "I'm not debating this with you, Billy. This is WRONG!" She pulled her hands away. "Why did I ever come to your room last night?"

His mother started to cry.

Billy got up and quickly came round the table. He pulled his mother up and took her into his arms.

"Well I'm glad you did." He held her tightly.

"But it was so wrong. I am your MOTHER. Not a young girl."

Billy brought his mother's chin up so that she was looking directly up at him.

"I don't want a girl from school." He said fiercely. "I want YOU!"

"But Billy." Billy felt her sliding her hand onto his cheek. "You don't know what you are saying. All because your stupid mother couldn't keep her hands off you."

Billy was conscious of her soft mature body pressing into his. Her large breasts against his chest. Her face inches from his own. Those full ruby lips so near him.

His mother looked at him intently.

"God! You are so handsome." She murmured.

"Oh Mum." He whispered and even without thinking, he brought his mouth to cover hers.

For a moment, he felt her stiffen in his arms. Then she was returning his kiss. Her body pressing harder against his, even as her lower half pushed against his sudden projectile coming out of his groin.

Time seemed to stop as the two of them grasped each other tightly, their mouths and tongues duelling ardently. The boy groaned as he tasted his mother's saliva even as her lower body continued to tease his now raging hard on.

Then suddenly it was gone as his mother pulled away from him.

"Oh God! What are we DOING???"

For a moment, she stood in front of the boy. Her mouth open, her lips wet from their kissing. Her eyes locked onto the huge lump in the front of his jeans.

"Oh God." And then she rushed out the kitchen and headed upstairs.

Billy wanted to go after her but instead he went to his own bedroom and to bed.

In the dark, Billy lay in his bed. He had tried speaking to his mother through her bedroom door but she just told him that she would see him in the morning.

Dejected, he stared at the ceiling.

What is happening? He wondered.

He replayed the last 24 hours in his head.

Why did his aunt have to find out?

He thought of his mother's hot lips on his. The feel of her big tits in his hands. Her hand on his stiff cock. And her cunt when he...

Oh fuck!

The boy groaned as he felt his arousal increase. Even now, he could feel his cock aching under the sheets. Impatient to get back into his mother's tight cunt.

A part of him knew that it was wrong to think of her like that. She was his mother after all. But even if he wanted to find a girl of his age, where would he look? His school was an all boys. Yes, he known some girls before they had moved up from London. There was even one girl he liked in particular - Jenny which at one time he thought she was going to let him fuck her. But the move up to Manchester stopped that. The distance between them being just too much.

Besides, his mother didn't like her.

He just could not win.

But even if he could go back to London and see Jenny, it wouldn't do any good. Sure she was pretty but Jenny was just not his mother. Even before all of this, when he did look at girls on the internet, he preferred older women. Especially Christina Hendricks who looked just like his mother.

Again, Billy found himself thinking of his mother's nude body. How pale her skin was. How big her breasts were. The roundness of her arse. The thickness of her smooth thighs. The tightness of her cunt. The taste of her mouth.

His cock jerked, causing him to groan with need.

His thoughts were interrupted as there was a knock on the door.


"Can I come in?" She asked.

"S-sure." Billy answered nervously as he switched on his bedside lamp.

He watched her as she came round and sat on the edge of the bed. He noticed that she was wearing the same floral dressing gown that she wore the night she visited him. He found his throat going dry as he noticed how it moulded around her body, causing his penis to thicken even further under the sheets.

Christ, he wanted to fuck her.

"Honey. I am sorry for what happened downstairs." She said as she leaned over him. Billy had to use all his willpower to keep his eyes focused on her face. But he could smell her perfume. His cock throbbed.

"I'm sorry too." He said lamely.

"I don't know what is the matter with me." She sighed. "I knew it was wrong when I kissed you in the kitchen. Like it was wrong what we did in Blackpool."

"Well I liked it." His mother was beginning to frustrate him.

"I know." She smiled. "But that is no excuse. You are still only a boy and I am a grown woman and your mother."

Billy felt his heckles rise being called 'a boy'. Hadn't he proven to her that he wasn't?

"But I'm so fed up of being alone, Billy." She continued. "I thought after all these years, it would get better but it hasn't. It's getting worst."

"But I keep telling you that you have got me."

"I know that, honey and that's the problem. One day, you will leave me."

"Why? I love you? Why would I want to leave?"

"Oh sweetheart," She sighed. "You won't want to be around me forever. You will meet a nice girl and will want to settle down. "

"But I do want you. I can look after you properly. Like Dad did."

"I know you think you can but..."

"But I can." Billy protested


"Oh baby, it's not as simple as that. There are things you just don't understand."

"You keep saying that. But I do understand." Billy protested. "I can love you like Dad loved you!" Swiftly, he pulled back his bed covers, revealing his naked body and rampant erection. His mother gasped.

"I can give you what he gave you. What you need." He went on.

"No..." She whispered, but he noticed that his mother's eyes were staring at his straining prick.

"Please, Mum. I can help. Let me help." Desperately, he grasped her hand and pulled it down to his erection.

"Oh honey. No." But despite the protest, her hand never moved away.

He lifted himself up, moving his face towards hers.

"Please, Mum. Let me help." And he kissed his mother.

"N-no..." He heard her whisper but did not pull away.

"Please..." He whispered back, reaching around to the back of her head so that he could kiss her more fully.

"N-no." She cried, finally breaking away. "I'm doing it again. I shouldn't have come."

His mother tried leave the bedroom but Billy was on her. Pushing her against the door.

"Please, Mum." He pleaded, as he pressed into her from behind, his face nuzzling her neck even as he pushed his hand round to grasp her chest.

"No, Billy..." She protested.

"Please..." He said again.

"N-no..." She whispered.

"Please, mummy."

"Oh God! Please help me..."

In one swift motion, his mother span around in his arms so that they were standing face to face. Her soft body pressed against his young naked one. For a moment, she stared intently at him and then her lips were upon his. Her arms around him as she pulled him to her.

"I...just...can't...fight...this...anymore." She gasped between kisses. Her mouth reclaiming his even as he felt a hand grab his swollen shaft.


"Christ, you are stiff!" His mother whispered.

Billy felt himself being pushed back, falling onto his bed. His mother stood over him, looking down.

"Oh God. I know it is wrong and I tried to stop myself." She glared hungrily at him.

"I do love you so bloody much. I thought I loved your father but you...?"

Billy watched wide-eyed as his mother pulled open her robe. Revealing her pale naked body underneath. Eagerly he drunk in the sight of her freckled meaty breasts, her wide hips, the thatch of red hair in between her legs.


Hastily, she dropped the robe to the floor and started to advance on him.

"I have tried to fight this. God I have tried." She got onto the bed and started to crawl up over his body.

"You don't know how bloody sexy you are. Christ! I know I am your mother but I just can't get what we have done out of my head."

Billy just lay there, stunned over the change that had come over her.


"Shhh!" She was sitting on his waist, her finger pressing down on his lips.

"Do you love me?"

At first he didn't answer.

"Well do you?" Her voice urgent.


"And do you want me? To be with me? To have sex with me. To fuck me, your own mother?" At the word 'mother', Billy felt her hand grab hold of his rock hard erection and squeeze.

He groaned.

"Well?" Another squeeze.


"Even if it means that you can't have anyone else. Not that Jenny or anyone? It may even cost you your friends?"

The boy gasped as his mother slowly bent down and started to nibble his ear.

"If we do this, you will be mine. We won't be able to go back. Nor will I share you."

His mother wanted him for herself?

But he didn't care. All he wanted to do was fuck this woman.

His mother gently sucked on his earlobe.

"And you don't care about the other consequences?"


His mother continued.

"You realise that I am still young enough to get pregnant."

"P-pregnant?" His mother slowly slid her tongue down his cheek and onto his neck.

"Yes, pregnant." Her voice was now a whisper. "And believe me, you have the equipment..." She squeezed his cock again "...to get the job done."


"Well?" Her mouth slowly moved up to his chin.

She was blowing his mind.

"Well?" She said again. Her top lip touched his bottom lip.

But the boy was gone. Fiercely grabbing her head, he urgently pulled her mouth to his. His tongue pushing forth to find hers.

For long seconds, the pair held each other as they snogged each other hungrily.

Finally his mother pulled away.

"Oh darling." She panted heavily as she laid on top of him.

Quickly, they rolled over so that Billy was on top of his mother, between her open legs. Hands slide between their bodies and his stout erection was guided to its destination. As soon as the swollen head touched those wet lips of his mother's cunt, the boy shoved his hips forward with everything he had, causing his mother to cry out.

He felt her warm wet tightness slide over him as his mother's hungry cunt hungrily consumed his huge aching hard-on. The two of them gasped heavily as he barrowed in deep, their pubic hairs intermingling as their groins finally collided together.

Billy loved how tight she felt around him. He felt his mother's legs come up around his arse - gripping him. He look down at her face - flushed with their joining - their mating.

"Oh God, Billy. This is so wrong!" She whispered as she pulled his face down to hers, consuming his mouth. But despite her protests, he felt her move against him, forcing him to precipitate.

Starting with short jabs, his thrusts quickly increased in length and speed. Until he was frantically ramming his huge aching cock into his mother's wet depths. His teenage hormones taking full control as he sought to stake his lust.

Nor was his mother placid in their joining.

Years of sexual frustration, of forbidden love for a boy who was her son burst forth. Her legs tightly gripped her son's rebounding arse, while her vagina stretched tightly to contain the boy's swollen penis. Holding on for dear life as her boy valiantly fucked her with everything he had even as she shoved her hips to meet his thrusts.

"That's it! That's it!. Take me! FUCK ME!!" She gasped as their mouths broke apart.

But he was not listening. He didn't even feel the pain that his mother was inflicting on him as her fingernails dug in deep. His young mind already lost in their bout of fucking. Relishing in the wet sensation of burying his large teenage cock repeatedly into the tight confines of his mother's middle-aged cunt. The bed creaking loudly, as it was going to break under the urgent actions of the copulating couple.

And it was simply mating. Both were answering their call to fuck with neither showing the other any tenderness. So focused were they on the act. Their energy boundless. The intensity never letting up.

Harder and faster, Billy shoved his cock into his mother's ever tightening cunt. Ever deeper as he slowly felt the pressure in his balls building. His cock ever swelling. His mother's cries getting louder as their end slowly approached.

Then he felt her stiffen.

"COME! I want you to come inside me. I need you to come!" He heard her gasp.

Unable to hold back any more and with a loud cry of his own, the boy who was a virgin just the day before, shoved himself as deeply as he could inside his mother and let himself go. Through the stalk of his throbbing erection he felt his cum shoot up. Exploding from the swollen helmet in large thick white spurts as it swamped his mother's insides with his essence. Billy groaned with every release as if his very life force was draining from him.

Both boy and woman shuddered and cried out as their climaxes rolled over them. Their fluids mixing freely deep within his parent's belly.

Finally, his heart hammering wildly in his chest, Billy felt himself getting dizzy as his mother relaxed her grip and he slowly fell on top of her. His still half swollen cock slowly sliding out of the wet confines for his mother's soaking cunt. Allowing their mixed juices to slowly trickle onto the bed.

Finally sleep claimed him.


Billy awoke to find that he was in his mother's arms.

"Are you okay, baby?" She asked soothingly, her lips touching his forehead.

"Yes, Mum. As long as you are."

His mother nodded. "As best as I can be. I am still trying to get my head around all of this."


She pulled him closer. "But I do know that apart from your father, there has only been one man in my life. You." She slowly stroked his face. "I know it is wrong but I can't help it. You are such a lovely looking boy." She quickly corrected herself. "Sorry, lovely looking man."

She reached down and took his hand in hers.

"I have always loved you more than I should. Even before your dad died and as you got older..." She sighed. "I think it finally dawned on me when I saw you with that Jenny girl. I was jealous."

So that's why his mother never liked her.

"And that's why we moved up to Manchester."

Now Billy was surprised. "But I thought it was because of your job."

His mother smiled. "That too but the main reason was that I didn't want you to be with Jenny. I didn't want to lose you. Was that wrong?"

Both knew the answer to that.

"I don't care. I just love you, Mum." And he was awarded with a kiss. Followed by another and another until they were making out hungrily. Finally his mother pulled away.

"S-slow down, soldier. I am not as young as I was." She grinned. Billy made a move for another kiss but his mother stopped him.

"Oh no, bucko. Time to get up and have a shower."

"Oh please, Mum!" Billy said eagerly as he pushed his mother onto her back.

"Oh darling." She sighed before she gave into another lusty fuck.


Later, they were still in bed.

"Mum?" Billy said after a while.

"Yes, darling?"

"Did you mean what you said last night?"

"And what was that?" She replied as she nuzzled against him.

"You saying that I could get you pregnant?"

His mother laughed. "I'm not that old you know."

"I didn't mean that." Billy said, his hand cupping a heavy breast. "It's just that shouldn't we be..."

His mother brought a finger to his lips.

"Your father and I tried for years have a baby and we had almost given up when you came along. I always wanted to give you a baby brother or sister and we tried right up to your father's death."

His mother pulled herself up.

"If, and it is a BIG if I ever do conceive again, then I think I would. Does that bother you?"

In answer to his mother's question, Billy took her hand and pushed it onto his cock. From its condition, his mother knew the answer.

"You kinky git." She laughed.

"I just take after you, Mum." Billy laughed back.

And both could feel the sudden urgency. Eagerly Billy mounted his mother again, his re-energised erection poised at the entrance of his mother's sex.

"Okay, big boy." She breathed. "See if you can give your old mother a babeeeee..oooohh!" The last word being cut off as her child slid his solid erection into her.

Despite the recent sessions, they fucked urgently. Fuelled by the prospect of getting his mother pregnant.

Billy came quickly.

"Wow! You certainly do want to give Mummy a baby." His mother gasped as they slowed. But the boy was on fire, his penis hardly losing its stiffness as he started again.

"Oh my..." Exclaimed his mother.


Six months later, Joanne Grange sat drinking a coffee at her local Costa's.

"Hi, Joanne." Said Peggy as she came over to join her. She had phoned Joanne a few days earlier.

"Hello, Peggy." Joanne coldly replied. She really did not want to be there but her ex-friend had insisted.

Peggy sat down across her, her eyes immediately on Joanne's belly.

"You are pregnant."

Joanne nodded. "Yes. Almost six months."

"Is it Billy's?"

Joanne nodded, fearing the worst.

Peggy smiled. "I am so sorry on how I reacted, Joanne."

Joanne did not say anything.

"You must admit it was a bit of a shock seeing you in bed with Billy."

Joanne still said nothing.

"Oh, Joanne. Please don't be like this. I have missed you."

"Well, I suppose I am grateful that you didn't call the police." Joanne finally conceded.

"Oh I would never have done that. You must believe me, Joanne. I was just shocked more than anything. And you know what I'm like. Too proud to apologise afterwards."

Joanne gave a small smile. "Well you were always stubborn."

Peggy laughed. "Look who's talking."

They both chuckled. The ice finally broken.

"How have you been, Joanne? Are you and Billy still er together?"


"And are you really happy?"


"I can see." Peggy glanced again at Joanne's belly. "He certainly didn't take any time getting you 'knocked up'." Peggy always had a way with words. "He certainly doesn't take after his father."

"Oh believe me, in that department he certainly doesn't." For a moment, Joanne wondered if she said too much but quickly relaxed when Peggy laughed.

"I'm so glad that I finally called you." The two women rose and cuddled.

After some small talk, Peggy asked: "Do you regret what you have done? Being with Billy I mean?"

Joanne looked Peggy squarely in the eye. "Okay, Peggy. What's up? I know you have something on your mind."

Peggy took a deep sip of her coffee.

"Well, it is like this, Joanne. After finding out about you and Billy, it started me thinking."

Joanne just listened.

"You know that Joe and I have never been great. Well Leroy has come home from college."

Leroy was Peggy and Joe's 20 year old son.


"Well, after seeing you and Billy together I..." Peggy paused.

"Go on, Peggy." Though Joanne had a feeling where this was heading.

"...I find I can't stop thinking about him."

"You mean Leroy?"

"Y-yes." Peggy answered.

"Oh." Joanne said. "I think we are going to need something stronger than a coffee."

Peggy nodded.

The two of them got up and left the coffee shop.

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