
Oily Evenings Ch. 03


Disclaimer: All characters in this story are above 18 years of age.

If you haven't read chapters 1 and 2, please go read them first. The story here takes off from where it ended in Chapter 2.


Movements on the bed beside me woke me up... but I didn't open my eyes yet. Have you ever woken up in the middle of a dream and wanted to go back to sleep just so you could finish the dream? I do that often.

Today, I desperately wanted to finish that dream... coz it was about mom. Me and mom were in some sort of a pond... water up to our waist... playing with water... splashing each other. Both of us were naked. Mom's wet body was a sight to die for. Small droplets of water dripping down from her hair... sliding down her neck and over her breasts. Her tits wiggling as she tried to beat me in our water splashing contest.

But I couldn't fall back asleep. Faint rustling of clothes kept pulling me back into reality. I opened my eyes a peek. The first rays of sun were slipping in through the window. I followed the rustling sound and found that mom had woken up. She was sitting on the edge of her bed. Even in my groggy state, I found the sight of mom's bare back arousing. She stood up slowly and stretched up on her toes, raising her hand high. Then she dropped her hands and turned back to find me enjoying her nakedness.

"Did I wake you darling?" she asked smiling the way only she could smile. I smiled weakly and nodded. I looked at the clock. It was 6 AM. Slowly I sat up on the bed. Mom hadn't moved. She still stood there looking at me with those lovely eyes full of love.

"I had a lovely dream," I said, my voice raspy as it used to get every morning.

"What about?" mom asked.

"About us mom... the two of us were swimming around and playing with water... splashing each other and laughing... we were happy," I said and looked at her beautiful face.

Her face brightened up as she heard me describe my dream.

"In a pool?" she asked.

"No... it was a pond... walled on all four sides... with steps of stone leading down to the water," I described it to her, "like the one at gramma's house."

'Gramma' as I called the old lady was my mom's grandmother. She was 'ancient' years old and lived in a village in Kerala with her even more ancient husband. They lived in a huge house built around fifty years ago... surrounded by trees on all sides. They stayed there alone, except for a maid that came every morning to cook and clean. There were all kinds of trees around the house... mainly coconut and jackfruit... and some rubber trees too. The upkeep of the estate was looked after by the couple's youngest son who lived nearby. Though he was my mom's uncle by relation, he wasn't much older than mom. I used to call him uncle when I visited. Mom had spent a few years in that house growing up.

As I emerged out of these memories, I saw that mom was lost in her own.

"Mom?" I called. That brought her back.

She spoke, "Gramma's house huh? I was just remembering my childhood years that spent there. That old house... all my cousins... running around the backyard with them... oh... and swimming in that pond at the edge of the property. But that place's all but empty now... only gramma and granddad."

As she spoke, I couldn't help but run my eyes over her pussy. I really wanted to feel it's warmth. I remembered how my face had been so close to it last night, when I had knelt in front of mom.

But a change in mom's tone brought my attention back to her words.

"Hey... how about we visit gramma? Today's Friday, you can take the second half off from school... I'll write you a note to show the teacher... then if we leave the city by the afternoon train, we can reach there by evening... and isn't Monday a holiday for you? We can come back by Monday evening... huh... how about that? You up for a trip darling?" she asked with an expectant face.

Three full days and nights alone with mom... I wouldn't have missed it for anything. I nodded enthusiastically and jumped down from the bed to give her a hug. I put my arms around her and pressed her body to mine. Her tits squashed on my bare chest and my semi hard dick covered by my shorts rested on her abdomen. My hands caressed her back.

I heard myself say, "I love you mom," and I put my lips on hers. Our lips blended, moving urgently... kissing passionately. We smooched for a long minute before she broke the kiss. Giggling, she pushed me away.

"Not now... go and do your homework... I've got to get dressed and get started on breakfast," saying this she shooed me out of her room.

I went to my room and hurried through my homework. Afterwards, I took a bath. I gathered all my school stuff in my bag and went to the dining table expecting breakfast. I found dad instead. He was munching on the piping hot idlis mom had prepared.

As I sat down on a chair, dad smiled at me and said, "so... off to mom's village for the weekend huh?"

"Yeah," I said, "I wanted to see gramma."

"Mmm... say hi to her for me will you?"

"Sure dad," I said. Mom brought me a plate of idlis with sambhar and I wiped the plate clean in no time.

"Bye dad," I said and went to the kitchen.

"Bye mom," I said for dad's benefit and planted a peck on mom's lips. As I parted she handed me a note.

"For your teacher," she said.

I rushed out clutching that note in my palms.

Uncle had come to the railway station to pick us up. The train journey was dreadful due to the heat. As we made our way to gramma's in uncle's car, the AC kicked in, providing some respite. Mom and Uncle made small talk all through the journey. As for me, uncle only wanted to know if I was doing well in school. I had replied in affirmative.

While mom caught up on the lives of different relatives of hers, I looked out of the window at the landscape of the village... so alien to that of the city where we lived. All around, greenery filled your eyes. Green fields running out to the horizon... small rivers and irrigation canals... beauty of nature wherever you looked... but for the summer heat, it was paradise... and I was there with my angel.

As soon as I entered the old house and greeted gramma, she pulled me into a hug. Then she sat me down beside her on a bench and proceeded to tell me how long it had been since she'd last seen me... how little I was then... how grown up I am now... how mischievous I used to be... and a hundred other stories.

Mom had greeted her before me and had gone to keep our bags in the room uncle had gotten tidied for our stay.

Five minutes later mom rescued me from gramma saying, "gramma, he's tired from the journey... let him change and take a nap."

As I was about to leave, mom said, "Go say hi to grand dad before you take a nap."

I went to the adjoining room and found grand dad reclined on the traditional armchair. He was even older and frail than I had imagined. He couldn't walk much. His speech was more of a mumbling. I spent a couple of minutes with him before retiring to me and mom's room.

It was a spacious and airy room on the first floor. Two beds had been brought there and mattresses readied. I went and collapsed on the smaller one near the window. I was truly exhausted. Before long, I was dreaming... about swimming with mom.

When I woke up, it was dark outside save for the moon. I made my way downstairs looking for mom. I found her in gramma's room going through some old photo albums with her.

"Finally you are up, you sleepyhead," gramma teased when she saw me at the doorway.

"Come... let's go and have supper," she closed the album and led us into a big room with a dining table at the centre. I sat down on one of the chairs as Mom and gramma brought in plates. Then the three of us had porridge and lentils for supper. When I enquired, I was told that grand dad had already slept after an early supper. Apparently, he had a routine.

After supper, I kissed gramma goodnight on her wrinkled cheeks and came back to my room. I lied down on the bed, looking out at the moonlit sky through the window.

Mom came in an hour later and sat down at the foot of my bed, looking out at the moon with me. Everything was so beautiful here. Outside we could hear some night birds, and the wind rustling the leaves on the trees. We spent some time in silence, looking out of that window... me and mom in our own world... a cocoon of sorts.

After some time, her voice came like music into my ears, "Darling... you want to go swim in the pond with me?"

"Right now?" I asked, not believing what I heard.

"Yeah... now... no one's going to be there at this time," she confirmed, "only thing is... we have to sneak out of the house and slip back in without waking up gramma... you up for some sneaking?"

"Oh yeah!" I grinned naughtily.

We packed some towels into mom's handbag and sneaked downstairs... taking each step carefully, not to let some creaky stairs spoil our fun. We opened the main door without making a sound and slipped past it, latching it from the outside. Barefoot we tip toed on the mud path that led to the pond. After some distance, we relaxed and walked leisurely. The pond was a fair distance and I held mom's hand as we walked.

We reached the pond and stared in wonder at the beautiful sight waiting for us. We saw the moon reflected on the surface of the pond... as if it had drowned in it.

The walled-off pond had two entrances... a private entrance from the house... and a common entrance for the public. The first thing mom did was to go around and ensure that the common entrance door was latched. Once that was ensured, I witnessed my dream begin to take form in real life.

Mom and I went down the steps and stood and the final dry step. She put the bag down.

"You get in first... take of your clothes," she told me.

A little shy and tentative, I undressed. I took off my t shirt and shorts and stood there in my underwear.

"Take off your underwear too... don't be shy... it's only fair that I get to see you naked," she said, her voice sultry.

I wrestled my hesitation away... pulled my underwear down and stepped out of it. I stood there naked in front of mom, my semi hard cock dangling between my legs. I still was feeling shy and could not look up at mom.

"Mmm... I see... get into the water now... don't go too deep," she told me.

I was quick to oblige, wanting to somehow hide my growing member. I waddled down the pond till the water came up to my chest. The cool water tickled my body. Then I turned around, excitement written large on my face about what was to follow.

Mom swayed a little, wearing her long nightdress, as if to some imaginary music only she could hear. She then bent down and reached the hem of the nightdress at her ankle and started pulling it up. It was slow and sensuous. Still swaying a little she pulled it up over her hips... giving me a look at the grey panty which we'd bought a few days ago. With each passing second, more of her skin got exposed... her belly, her grey bra... and the she pulled it off her and dropped it on the ground.

Then she reached behind her and unhooked her bra in a swift motion. The little grey number fell to the floor. It was time for the grand finale. She hooked her thumbs inside her panty and pulled it down her legs... bent at her waist to take it off. She put it among the pile of our clothes on the steps of the well. She stood there naked, the moonlight highlighting the magnificence of her gorgeous body.

With that little sway on her hips, she took the steps down to the pond one by one. Each step she took, more of her body got immersed... and the closer she came to me. A few more steps and she was right in front of me, water up to her nipples. I stood transfixed... unable to move at how perfectly real life had mirrored my dream.

"Now... How about we finish that kiss we broke midway in the morning?" she said, as she closed the final step and leaned on my body, her lips finding mine. We kissed madly... like long lost lovers. I tasted the sweet nectar of mom's lips as I put my arms around her and pressed my body into hers. I ran my hands all around her back. My dick rested on her abdomen, rock hard and pointing upwards. My hands and mouth expressed all the love that was brimming inside me for mom. I was so excited that my hands slipped down from her back and rested on her ass. I felt a little shiver in her body as I did this... but no objection. I squeezed her ass cheeks with both my palms and mom moaned inside my mouth as we kissed. She held my face in both her hands as she planted deep kisses on my mouth. We were both hungry for each other's lips. We kissed and kissed... like there was no tomorrow.

Many minutes later our lips separated and we took a tiny step back, panting. My hands rested on her hips and hers on my chest as we took deep breaths staring into each other's eyes.

"Is this how you dreamed it?" she asked, her eyes full of love.

"It's even more perfect than my dream was," I said, and I could see that I had filled her heart with joy.

Then in a sudden motion she pushed me into deep water. I lost my balance and fell over backwards. But I quickly regained and started swimming. Mom giggled as she started splashing me with water... her breasts jiggling captivatingly with the forceful movements of her arms.

It took me a while to recoup from her sudden splash attack... but when I did I gave it back to her in equal measure, splashing her face and breasts with cool water. We played around splashing each other till our hands got tired. Then we swam around a little... naked under the peaceful moonlit sky.

After some time, both of us swam towards the steps and sat down side by side, placing our naked asses on the first submerged step. Water came up to our belly button. We leaned back on the next step behind us and looked up at the sky.

The sheer beauty of the moment... the moonlight, and the woman beside me was overwhelming. A strong feeling was forming itself in my chest and was forming into words that were keen to make themselves heard. I couldn't hold them in any longer.

"I am in love with you mom," I heard my nervous voice, "and I don't say this as your son... as your son I love you more than anything... but this is different... somehow this love defines my entire existence... I'm so full of this love for you, I feel like I'm in paradise when I'm with you... I think about you all the time... and all my dreams are also about you... you are an amazing woman... and I am really lucky to be able to be this way with you... and I want to be with you this way, all my life," I was breathing nervously as I finished my piece.

Mom was still as she took in my emotions. It scared me a little not knowing what she was feeling. Then I saw the thin hair on her arms stand up in goosebumps... and a tiny pearl of a tear trickled down from her left eye. Slowly, she shifted towards me and curled up in my arm, resting her head on my shoulder. She was quiet. I could sense that she was finding it difficult to put into words what she was feeling.

"I am in love with you too son... in exactly the way that you are with me... my darling boy... I wish I had the words to show you what's in my heart... I wish I could tell you how deeply I am in love with you... this closeness with you over the past weeks has completely changed me... I've become this new woman... or is it my true self which I had suppressed all these years to adjust to your dad's life... I don't know... but this woman that I am now... I love her... my love for you has made me love myself... and I too hope that I can be this woman at least when it's just the two of us... I too hope for the same future... where I can be with you this way, all my life," she said.

My heart was beating so fast that my entire body was shivering with the feeling that had enveloped us with our confessions of love for each other. My left hand lifted her face up by the chin and I saw her lips beckoning. I planted my mouth on hers and we kissed... a kiss that was more soul than body... a kiss that transcended the realm of pleasure and found itself in the realm of peace.

Afterwards, we dried ourselves with the towel mom had brought and dressed up. We walked the way back to the old house hand in hand. We tiptoed our way back into the house and up the stairs... taking care not to make any sound. It was 2 o' clock when we reached our room... and we were tired. We both slept in mom's bed cuddled up like young lovers.

When I woke up, I was alone in the bed. The morning rays of the sun though not too bright albeit hurt my groggy eyes. I sat up on the bed, yawning and stretching. Within seconds of waking up, my mind was filled with images from last night... swimming around naked with mom in the pond... embracing her, her breasts pressed against my chest... squeezing her plump ass... and kissing her soft lips to my heart's content. My cock started growing in my shorts.

I shook my head smiling to myself. I got off the bed and went to the bathroom to pee. I brushed my teeth and washed the grogginess off my face with tap water before heading downstairs looking for mom. I found her with gramma seated at the dining table sipping hot tea from small steel cups.

"This one has a habit of sleeping in till late... doesn't he? You are too lenient with him," gramma said fixing mom with a mock accusatory look. Her lips then turned into a grin looking at me. I sat down at the table sheepishly. Soon, the maid came out of the kitchen and served the three of us crispy dosas and coconut chutney. She brought me my cup of tea too.

"I am leaving now amma," she told gramma, "I'll be back in the evening to make supper."

I ate my breakfast slowly, relishing each bite of the crispy dosa dipped in thick coconut chutney.

"So, what have you planned for today?" gramma asked mom.

"Nothing much... he told me he wants to see the school that I went to," mom said, gesturing at me. I nodded, trying to hide my surprise at mom attributing the plan to me.

"Mmm... that's a good idea... and being Saturday, you'll be able to give him a tour without all the buzz of a regular working day. But get back here before lunch. Some of our relatives are coming over in the afternoon to see you two," gramma told us. So the plan was fixed. I finished my breakfast and put the plate in the sink.

"Go and get ready now... I'll be up in a moment," mom said.

I went up to my room and rummaged in my bag for a pair of clean t shirt and pants. I put them on and stood in front of the mirror judging whether I looked presentable, in case we encountered some of mom's acquaintances on our way. I ran the comb through my hair making some order in my wild curly hair. Mom came in at this.

"You look prim," she said with a lovely smile, "now go and talk to gramma... I'll get ready and we'll go see my school."

I was glancing at the clock, counting second after painful second, looking for a way out of gramma's old tales. Luckily, mom came down to fetch me and we were off. She was wearing a light blue kurti top... that had buttons at the front. She topped that with a shawl over her chest. She had worn comfortable white leggings below. The school, apparently was at walking distance, and as we walked the tail of her shawl flew around in a gentle breeze that brought some respite from the scorching sun.

The rusty iron gates of the old building were closed. Luckily we heard sounds coming from the watchman's shed. Mom went over and knocked on the door, while I stood there taking in the view of the dilapilated building... the muddy walls with intermittent greenish discolorations... the small playground with football goal posts at either end... the red soil reflecting the sun's heat back up... a small cement parapet at one corner of the ground, which I assumed was were the daily assembly and the Annual day would be conducted. It was totally world's apart from the posh private school that I went to.

Mom came towards me followed by a frail looking grey haired man.

"Uncle, this is my son," she introduced me to him. I smiled. He flashed a friendly smile back at me.

"This nice uncle has allowed us to have a quick look around... come, let's go," she said and pulled me by my arm. The old man opened the gate for us and mom started me off on a guided tour of her alma mater.

First stop was the assembly parapet.

"Take pictures for me," she said handing me her mobile. She climbed up on the parapet, describing how the best girl singers of the school would sing prayer songs at the daily assembly. I clicked a picture of her standing up there smiling at me.

Next stop, her tenth grade classroom. The classrooms were comparatively decent. She walked around the desks trying to remember where she used to sit. She stopped at the third desk on the left side, her face nostalgic.

It was the click of the camera that brought her back. I was standing at the teacher's table looking at her through the phone's camera. She turned to face me and posed for the camera, leaning a little on the desk. I clicked. Then she kept one hand on her hips and changed the pose. Click. Then she stood up straight, both hands on her hips, and cocked her hips slightly to one side. She looked pretty in the phone screen. Click.

Then I saw her right hand move towards her chest. She pulled the shawl off her body and placed it on the desk. She posed again pushing her chest out slightly. I clicked. With each click, I felt like the sound of the camera shutter was getting louder, echoing in the classroom.

Her hand went to her chest again and I became aware of her fingers toying with the top button of her kurti. I looked up from the phone screen expectantly... but her fingers stopped moving... as if sending me some message. I shifted my look back to the phone screen and found that mom fingers resumed toying with the top button. She slipped it off the button hole. I clicked. The sound of the shutter prompted her fingers to move to the second button. She unbuttoned it. Click. Then the third button.

By now the cloth off her kurti was parting in the middle hinting her cleavage. I clicked and she moved on to the fourth. I kept clicking. My cock was uncomfortably stiff in my pants.

Click. Click and Click. She was unbuttoned down to her belly now... and I noticed something strange. I couldn't see a bra underneath the parted kurti. I zoomed in on the phone, focussing on her chest. It confirmed my suspicion that mom had not worn a bra. My cock jumped in my pants. It was then that I saw her hands pulling the lapels apart... exposing her breast meat. I couldn't stop myself from looking up. There she was... my mom... standing beside her old desk... bare chested, with her nipples hard and pointing towards me. She shrugged and her loose kurti slid down her arms. She took her arms out of it and held the kurti bunched at her waist. It was without doubt the hottest scene I'd ever seen in my life.

I put the camera in video mode and clicked record. I placed it on the teacher's table, supported by a duster, pointed towards mom... and then I advanced towards mom. Within seconds my palms were on mom's tits, squeezing and kneading her soft flesh. I pushed mom back on her desk and she lied down on it. Her legs came around my waist trapping me between. I bent down and started sucking on mom's tits. My palms pushed her tits up from underneath while my mouth pleasured her nipples. I sucked hard getting her aroused moans as reward.

"Mmm... Suck my nipples darling... suck them hard... mmm... mmm," her moans reached my ear. I flicked her hard nipples side to side with the pointy end of my tongue... eliciting even sexier moans from her.

"Mmm... son... darling... keep doing that... keep licking my hard nipples... oh god son... oh god," she was at the brink of cumming when I heard footsteps approaching. Mom heard it too for she pushed me away and pulled her kurti back on... putting her arms through the sleeves. She buttoned herself up and put on her shawl as the footsteps got nearer. Within a couple of seconds we saw the watchman's face at the door. He looked at us with creased forehead, hinting that we couldn't be there much longer.

"We were just about to leave... uncle," mom offered and nudged me forward. I picked up the phone and clicked the red icon to stop recording. Quietly we made our way out of the classroom. We made short walk crossing the playground. After crossing the gate, we turned and waved at the uncle who had almost caught me and mom in a compromising position. He waved back. Then we walked away.

We wandered around the village for a while before heading back. We reached the old house around 12.30 in the noon. Gramma was sitting on an armchair in the verandah.

"Good... you're home just in time... I was starting to feel hungry," she said as she saw us.

We went straight to the dining room. Mom and gramma brought the food and plates to the dining table and we had our lunch, rice with chicken curry and some boiled vegetables. The lunch was quite heavy. I was a little drowsy from walking in the sun. I yawned.

"Go take a nap upstairs if you're tired," mom offered, "I'll come wake you up when our relatives reach."

I climbed the stairs to my room and lied down on the bed near the window... falling asleep within minutes... my dreams a movie starring mom in a ravishing costume.

"Come down... all of them are asking about you," mom shook me awake. I must have napped for around an hour. I followed her downstairs to enter the living room full of chit chatting aunties. The moment I entered all of them started firing inane questions at me, intended to find out about my well being... all of them at the same time. I felt trapped.

Mom paraded me around, introducing me to the aunties one by one. I followed her, a stock smile pasted on my face... repeating stock answers to the same questions.

Once this session was over, they all but forgot about me. They swarmed around mom trying to extract small titbits from her about city life. I used this moment to escape upstairs unnoticed. I decided to explore the other rooms in the first floor. The first couple of rooms I opened were empty... and by the looks of it, had not been opened in weeks. Then I happened upon a treasure. There was a freaking library in the house... Six shelves stacked along one wall, full of books. There was a long table and a few chairs around it. I read through the titles on the shelves. There were quite a few good books in there. Many of them were translations of famous authors like Ernest Hemingway, Bram Stocker and the likes of them. I picked out 'The Old Man and the Sea' by Hemingway translated into Malayalam, my native language. I sat down on a chair and got started on the book. The tale of the Cuban fisherman at sea battling with a gigantic swordfish that caught on its hook was engrossing. I lost track of time.

When I looked up from the book a couple of hours later, it was to find the source of the voice speaking to me.

"What are you so engrossed in?" mom asked standing at the doorway to the library.

"Just a book I found in one of the shelves," I replied.

"Oh... these are grand dad's collection... you'll find a lot of classics in there," mom spoke as she slowly walked towards me. When she reached in front of me, she grasped the book from my hands and turned it to see the cover page.

"Old Man and the Sea... huh? It's a great story... I remember when grand dad narrated it to me and my cousins," mom said. Then she dog-eared the page I was reading and closed the book. Placing it on the table she sat sideways on my lap putting her arms around my neck.

"Did you forget about me?" she teased.

"No... but what was I supposed to do? Those aunties were all over you," I said. She laughed at that.

"I'm here now, aren't I?" she looked into my eyes, "or do you prefer the company of the book?"

"No," I said and held her in place on my lap... my hands grabbing her slender waist.

"Kiss me then," she whispered. My lips took possession of hers and kissed deeply. I pushed my tongue into her mouth while my right hand grabbed her left tit and squeezed. Our tongues engaged in a duel, poking and pushing inside each other's mouth. My saliva mixed with mom's as we smooched passionately. My hand played with her tits as our breaths quickened, excited from the kissing and fondling.

But our excitement was interrupted for we heard one of the aunties calling out for us to join them for tea.

We broke our kiss and mom could see the disappointment on my face. She held my face in her palms and spoke, "We have all the time in the world darling... don't be frustrated over such small interruptions." That relaxed me. I followed her downstairs to have tea with the aunties.

The tea drinking seemed to go on forever with the accompanying gossip. I managed to stay out of eyesight for the most part. It was 6 PM when the aunties left and the house was quiet again. Mom told me to finish reading my book.

"I'll spend some time with gramma... she'll sulk otherwise... I'll come call you at supper time," mom told me and so I went back to the library and resumed reading. I finished the book in a couple of hours. When I closed the book and put it down, the sad ending to the old man's valiant efforts at catching the giant fish stung my heart. I reclined on the chair lost in deep reflection about the incredible story that I'd just read.

Thankfully, the sadness that loomed over me faded slowly at the sight of supper. I hadn't noticed that my stomach had been grumbling with hunger for some time. When hot chappattis were served with steaming chicken curry, I cheered up. I tore a small piece of chappati and pinched a piece of tender chicken breast inside it. I then dipped it in the spicy brown gravy and put it in my mouth. My taste buds exploded with the rich creaminess of the curry and my eyes welled up at the hot spicy flavour. Supper lifted my spirits.

After supper I said good night to gramma and came back to my room. I lied down on the bed by the window looking out at the moon. Then something triggered in my memory. I went to the table near the mirror where mom had kept her bag and fished out her phone from it. I went back and sat down on the bed leaning back on the window.

I opened the 'Gallery' in mom's phone and clicked on the video at the top. The phone screen came alive and there was mom... standing beside her desk in her classroom... her kurti bunched at her waist... her bare breasts thrust out proudly at the camera. Then the video got a little shaky. Once it got stable again I entered into the frame walking towards mom. I got goosebumps as I watched the video of me mauling mom's tits, pushing her down on the desk and feasting on her meaty tits... sucking her nipples and flicking them around using my tongue.

My penis stood up straight like a flag post as I watched the video. When it finished playing I started it again, my cock getting harder. I played the video over and over again, commiting the scene to memory. Afterwards I opened the options in the phone's gallery and changed the video file properties to 'hidden'. I also hid the other nude pictures of mom I clicked. I put the phone back in mom's handbag and then paced around the room feeling horny. I changed into sleep clothes.

Mom walked in at 11 PM. She stood at the doorway observing me. I fixed her with a look that said, "what now?"

She smiled a naughty smile.

"Up for some sneaking?" she asked.

With last night's experience, we sneaked out easily latching the main door behind us. The pond was as beautiful as last night. The moon even more so. Mom swiftly went around to check on the public entrance... to ensure it was locked. Then, like last night we found ourselves at the last dry step.

"You know what to do?" mom said.

I wasted no time in undressing and getting naked. Mom laughed at my urgency and stared lovingly at my hard penis. I went down the steps enjoying the feeling of cold water on my body. When the water was up to my chest I stopped and turned around.

Mom fixed her eyes on me and started unbuttoning her blue kurti. Once it was unbuttoned all the way to her belly she grasped the hem and pulled it over her head. I was reminded of her bra-less state when her tits bounced on her chest. She pulled the thread on her leggings, untying the knot and letting it fall to the floor. I saw her pussy covered by the transparent black panty we'd bought from the mall. It seemed tonight's pace was a little faster than the previous night, for she pulled her panty down without wasting any time... showing me her trim pussy.

She waddled down towards me and came straight for my lips.

"Kiss me lover!" she commanded. It seemed like she'd resumed from where we had been interrupted in the evening at the library. Our lips mashed together, wet with saliva... we kissed like horny teenagers in Hollywood flicks. Her breasts pressed up against my chest and my hands on mom's plump ass cheeks... it was intense. Her hands too explored my back. Our bodies were releasing some pent up sexual energy.

Then she broke the kiss and pulled me towards the steps. She pushed me down on the first dry step making me sit back with my legs still submerged in water. She spread my legs and kneeled in between them, the water coming up to her waist.

"I need to do this," mom said, "I need to feel your cock in my mouth."

With those words, she bent down bringing her mouth towards my hard cock. She formed an 'o' with her mouth and dragged it over and along my cock, enveloping it. She placed her hands on my thighs as she started moving her mouth up and down on my cock, saliva leaking from the corners of her lips. Her right hand then grasped the base of my cock and started jerking as her mouth worked on my cock head. She sucked my cock hard, teasing the tip with her tongue. Slowly she picked up pace. Her hands jerked faster and her mouth sucked harder. I was shivering with pleasure at my first blowjob. I couldn't hold any longer. White gooey cum surged up from my balls and shot into mom's mouth. She slowed and stopped sucking soon. As she pulled her mouth of my cock, semen leaked out from her mouth onto my balls.

Both of us were panting. She spit out the rest of my cum and splashed water on my cock and balls, cleaning them. Afterwards, she lied down beside me on the steps looking up at the moon.

Moments later I heard her giggling. I turned to look at her face.

She spoke, "It's funny how that yellow thing up in the sky has been a witness to our secret intimate moments."

"The stars too mom," I reminded her.

"Yeah... I wonder what they think of us... mother and son being sexually intimate... I wonder if they are disgusted by it," she continued her train of thought.

I interrupted, "I don't know mom... and frankly it's none of their business... it's none of anyone's business what two people do when they are alone together... as for the moon and stars... well, they should avert their eyes and leave us alone if they're so offended by our love."

I glanced at mom and saw that my words had a happy effect on her.

"For the record, I think they're with us on our journey of love... haven't you noticed how the moon is shining even brighter than last night?" I said.

"Enough with your sweet words," mom playfully smacked my arm. We rested on the steps enjoying each other's company for a while.

Then I heard her sigh. I glanced at her face.

"You know what I have been missing?" she looked at me. I waited keenly for the answer.

"The oil massages you used to give me." she offered. It was my turn to sigh.

"I could do it now... you didn't bring oil by any chance, did you mom?" I asked.

"I didn't," she answered, "but I'm sure if we search around here, we'll find some... a lot of people use this pond in the daytime you see... I'm sure at least one of them has a bottle hidden here."

She jumped up and walked briskly towards the private entrance of the pond. I saw her searching with her hands along the wall adjacent to the entrance.

No matter how many times I saw this woman nude, it still gave me butterflies in my stomach. I watched her body move, the moonlight bouncing off her curves.

"Aha!" I heard her say, "see what I found." She came towards me holding a small bottle in one hand and a soap in the other. She was all smiles. She placed the soap on the floor while handing the bottle to me. As I opened the lid and smelled the content of the bottle, mom lied down fully on the stone step. I brought the bottle near my nose. It smelled a pleasant combination of some traditional herbs.

"It's too late in the night for a scalp massage... but I'd like a shoulder rub, like you did the other night," she said. There was excitement in mom's eyes. But I had other plans.

I held the bottle a feet above her belly and poured a few drops on it. I saw her navel shiver when the oil fell. The droplets started sliding towards her belly button. I kept the bottle aside and moved my hand to place it on her belly. She flinched slightly at me touching a new place on her body for the first time... but as I started rubbing the oil around on her belly, she relaxed. I rubbed my palms on her in large circles, from the underside of her tits to her abdomen. The smile on her face indicated that she was enjoying it. I massaged slowly, enjoying her smile as much as her soft skin. I spent a lot of time on her belly. By the time I moved on, her belly was glistening.

Then I picked up the bottle and poured a generous amount of oil on my palms. Then I lowered my palms to grab a hold of her tits. I squeezed, oiling up mom's round breasts. I ran my hand downwards from the bottom of her neck, passing through her cleavage... down and around the underside of her tits... and then on to her nipples. I repeated this motion again and again. I saw mom pull her legs closed, squirming a little. Then I caught her nipples between the thumbs and index fingers of both my hands, rolling her nipples gently. In between, I also pinched her nipples, pulling them up a little. I kept up this intense pinching and rolling motion eliciting deep moans from mom.

"Mmmm... uhhmm... son... oh darling... it feels so good... your hands feel so good on my nipples," she moaned.

In between her moans I withdrew my right hand from her left tit and traced it down her belly... passing her belly button, going further down. My hand stopped on mom's trimmed pubic hair. I needed her to open her legs. I ran small circles with my fingers on her pubic hair... asking for access. My left hand meanwhile continued massaging her right breast and nipple. I counted the seconds in my head, waiting for mom to open her legs. One. Two. Three. Four. Five.

And then it happened. She drew her legs up bending her knees and then parted her legs. Her pussy looked amazing in the dim light of the moon. I lowered my middle finger onto her mound and parted the lips. My fingers found the opening of her vagina. Her pussy was really wet. The way I had massaged her tits had made her really horny. I started rubbing her pussy with my finger, from her clit to the opening of her vagina... back and forth. Slowly at first, teasing her a little. Then my fingers found a steady pace aided by the wetness of mom's cunt. She responded to my rubs by thrusting her pelvis up to match the movement of my finger. I could feel the energy welling up inside her, looking for release. I increased my pace and mom's thrusts mirrored it. With the increase in the pace of the rub, my palm started to make small slapping sounds as it contacted her fleshy pubic area. I rubbed her harder and faster... and suddenly she raised her pelvis up, arching her back.

"Mmmm... Oh my God!" she came on my finger as her body released orgasmic energy. With my other hand I held her head as her body shook in spasms for a few seconds. Then she fell back, her body still... except for her deep breaths. I rested my head her shoulders cuddling up to her body. We lay like that for a while... me enjoying the rise and fall of her breasts while she caught her breath. I looked up at the sky and I swear I saw all the stars twinkle at once. I glanced at mom and I saw a twinkle in them too.

Later, mom used the soap to wash the oil of her body and I watched her sitting on the steps. We then swam a few laps of the pond before towelling ourselves dry and heading back to the house, after putting on our clothes. Once we sneaked back into our room, we went straight to bed cuddled up in each other's arms.

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