
Brother and Sister Share a Bathroom


I am Jack and my sister is Jill. Please no jokes, I have heard them all before. When I was young I asked my mother why she picked that combination. She said that both were nice names and that actually it was Jill and Jack since my sister was born first. Over the years I have got used to it. However it does cause amusement when we are together and are introduced to new people.

I am twenty-two years old and Jill is twenty-nine. She has her own place but I still live at home. She was sharing with a long-time boyfriend until a few months ago. It ended because, to quote her, 'He was fucking my best friends.' I asked her if she really meant more than one, she just said "Julie and Anne."

His behaviour really surprised me. It would be difficult to find a more attractive woman. My sister is five feet six inches tall. She has long black hair that frames big brown eyes, a button nose and full lips. Her figure is curvy and I have heard more than one boyfriend refer to her as 'Stacked'. I think her bra size is 40DD. I cannot remember how I know that but it has stuck in my mind. If she was my girlfriend there is no way I would fool around.

We have always got on well together so when I needed to attend a training course near to where she lives I was more than happy to stay with her. I should have been staying in a hotel paid for by the company I work for. However when I explained to my boss that my sister lived a fifteen minute car ride from the training centre he was OK with me being there instead. I would get a weekly allowance that I could pay to my sister as rent. It was a reasonable amount but a lot less than the hotel rate. The course was six weeks so it was going to be a big saving for the company. My sister was delighted I was going to be with here. It was an arrangement that suited everybody.

On the day I was travelling I was excited. It felt as if I was going on holiday. I had packed early and was eager to go. She lives two hundred miles from the family home. With a break I reckoned it would take me four hours. Most of the journey is motorway so I should be able to keep up a good speed.

I got there in just under five. The traffic was bad. I was tired and hungry as I pulled into her drive. She must have heard the car because as soon as I stopped she was standing at the front door waving to me. As I got out she rushed over and gave me a big hug.

"It's so good to see you. I was getting worried."

"Hi sis, I am glad to see you as well. That last hour was a nightmare."

She released me and stepped back. I was glad she had because the smell of her perfume and her very large chest was making me uncomfortable.

"Let me look at you." She gave me the once over. "So my handsome brother any girlfriends? Come on tell me."

I gave a shy grin and just said "No."

"They don't know what they are missing. If you were not my brother I would date you." She then added "I forgot, after what that bastard did to me I never want to go near another man ever again." Her words were harsh but there was a smile on her face so I smiled as well.

"Sis are we going to stand out here all night?"

"You can if you want but it's too cold for me. Let's unpack. Put everything in the hallway and we can take it up to your room later."

It didn't take long. I had brought very few clothes all packed into the one suitcase. I had enough for two weeks before I needed to do the washing. Another suitcase was packed mostly with books and manuals that I thought might be useful for the computer course I was on. There was other bits and pieces in carrier bags.

"Do you want to see your room?" Before I could say anything she was half way up the stairs. I quickly followed.

"Do you like it?" I could tell she had given it a good clean. It wasn't as big as my bedroom at home but it had everything I needed, single bed, table and chair, wardrobe and television. Also some shelves for my books.

"Do you?"

"Thanks sis it's perfect."

She beamed. "I am glad you like it. Let me explain about the bathroom." I was puzzled, what was there to explain? She saw the look on my face and said "Let me show you." There was a door at the other side of the bedroom. She walked towards it and I followed. When she opened it she said "This is your bathroom and mine as well." She pointed to another door opposite to where we were standing. "That opens into my bedroom. We have to share."

"I thought you had another bathroom?"

"No. David and I. Sorry that bastard and I were planning to convert the small box room but we never did."

"We can manage with just the one but we need to be careful."

"What do you mean?"

"When Julie stayed we kept trying to use the bathroom at the same time. It was embarrassing. The worst was when I was on the toilet and she rushed in needing it as well."

"The same Julie that."

She cut me off with a firm "YES, that Julie." I got a look that said don't mention her name again. "By the end of her stay we had a system. Knock before entering and wait."

"Why don't we just lock both doors?"

"There are no locks. Yes I know we should have them but we never go round to putting them on. Not many people have stayed with us."

"Sis I guess we should be OK. Just don't spend ages in there like you did at home."

She was smiling. I wasn't sure why because what I had said wasn't that funny.

"Do you know what they call this sort of bathroom?"

"A pain in the arse?"

"Very funny."

"I have no idea. Go on tell me."

Grinning she said "A Jack and Jill bathroom."

"You are joking."

"It's true. A Jack and Jill for Jack and Jill."

I waited until she had stopped laughing before saying "Very amusing. Give me a hand to get my stuff upstairs."

When that was done Jill went downstairs and I emptied the suitcases and bags .The room looked good not too cluttered. I shouted to Jill "What about the suitcases? Anywhere I can store them?"

She shouted back "In the loft. There is a pole in the corner. Attach it to the hook in the ceiling and pull. Be careful it's just a simple wooden ladder."

"Got it."

As I was pulling the ladder down I could hear Jill on the stairs. She came in. "Be careful. I don't want my little brother breaking his neck." I just nodded. I climbed up with a suitcase under my arm and Jill went into the bathroom. She closed the door and I heard her switch on the light. I wondered if there was a light in the loft. I couldn't see one but the moonlight coming through a small skylight was enough so that I could see my way.

I dumped the suitcase in the corner and looked around. What got my attention was a small shaft of light coming from the floor. I walked over and bent down. I was curious so I put my eye to it. It gave a great view of the bathroom and of Jill sitting on the toilet, a hand between her legs. Her dress was pulled up high and it looked as if she was wiping herself.

"How are you doing up there?"

Startled I quickly raised my head. Had she seen me? No way, the hole was small. She was just checking if I was OK. I composed myself and replied "Good. Plenty of room for the suitcases." I went back down for the second one, but before taking it up I spent some time rearranging the books on the shelf. I then climbed back up and placed it next to the other one. I knew I shouldn't look but I did.

Surprisingly she was still on the toilet but now with her legs clamped together, a hand squeezed between them. Her head was tilted back and her eyes were closed. She then got up looking unsteady on her feet. With a fainter more hesitant voice she said "Just finished. When you have showered come down and I will fix you some supper."

I sat in the loft shocked at what I had witnessed. My sister had just fingered herself. I had seen the start and the end of it. It hadn't taken her long to come so she must have been ready for it. I felt guilty but the strongest feeling was of excitement. My cock was thickening at the thought of what I had seen. I knew that later in bed I would play with myself and for the first time when I climaxed I would be thinking of Jill. I also knew that I would be compelled to return to the loft. My mind was already trying to think of ways that I could do it without making her suspicious.

I must say I did like the bathroom. It was compact but had everything in. I had showered but there was also a reasonably sized bath as well. The sink had a large mirror above it, perfect for when I needed to shave. Also lots of space in the cupboard at the side of the mirror for all my toiletries. There was only a few of Jill's things in it so I guess she has removed stuff to make space for mine.

There was a faint smell of cooking. Jill must have already started. I had better hurry up. I was in front of the mirror towelling my hair when my thoughts turned to big sister again. If I wasn't her brother would she be attracted to me? I don't know. I am six feet tall with black cropped hair. I have the same big brown eyes as Jill but my nose it bigger. I like to think I have better than average looks. I have a muscular build even though I don't work out. Generally I do OK but haven't had a regular girlfriend for the last few months. My cock could be bigger. It's six inches. Actually it's a bit smaller but six sounds a lot better than five and a half. Perhaps I shouldn't worry, up to now there have been no complaints in bed. Would sis expect more from a boyfriend?

My thoughts were interrupted by Jill shouting "It's nearly ready."

"On my way."

I slept well that night despite first-day nerves. Ignoring everything Jill had said I walked into the bathroom without knocking. Her clothes were on the floor, she must have showered earlier. I then remembered her instructions. It's lucky she wasn't still in because I was naked. That would have been embarrassing.

I picked the clothes up to put them in the corner out of the way. Her bra was on top and I stared at it admiring its size. Sis was a big girl. I found the label, 42DD. Bigger than I thought. I was wrong, sis was a very big girl. I thought of what it would be like to hold those tits, to play with them and to suck them. My cock was rising. No time for that now but I was compelled to search for her knickers. They were small and red and the material was soft. They were heavily stained at the front and when I put them to my nose there was a heavenly musky smell of cunt, my sister's cunt. Last night I had climaxed thinking about Jill but I still needed more. I wrapped her knickers around my cock and masturbated furiously. I came within a minute. When I opened my eyes I saw the mess on the floor. The tiles would be easy to clean but what about her knickers? They were wetter and more stained than before but if she noticed I hoped she would put it down to them being on the wet bathroom floor.

"You were a long time in the bathroom."

I nearly chocked on my food.

"Are you OK?"

"Yes, just eating too fast." I then added "I had a nice long shower."

"Sorry about my clothes. Now that you are here I must remember to tidy up after myself. Did they get in your way?"

I didn't look at her in case she could see the guilt on my face. "No I just moved them into the corner." I didn't mention that before doing that I had pleasured myself on her knickers.

The first day went well. I had worried over nothing. The other people on the course were friendly. Mostly guys but one or two cute girls. At the end of the day I was optimistic that I was going to enjoy it.

The first week flew by. I didn't see sis much except at meal times. The bathroom routine was going well, I was remembering to knock. There was nothing left in the bathroom to tempt me and all my thoughts about Jill were now pure. Well mostly pure. It was difficult not to think of what had happened but I had it under control.

"This is your first weekend. Any plans?"

"No sis. What about you?"

"Just relaxing. It's been a busy week at work. Lots of sleep and long baths is what I need. I am not doing anything that requires any effort." She then added "If you are looking for something to do you can tidy up the loft. Did you notice it's a mess?"

"It does need sorting out." I was hesitant to volunteer. The spy hole into the bathroom was tempting and knew I was weak. I was hoping she wouldn't push it but she did.

"Yes or no?"

I hesitated but said "OK." She was letting me stay with her so it would be mean of me not to help. I spent the morning studying, re-reading my notes from the lectures and doing my homework. I had to write a program before next Wednesday. Plenty of time to do it but I wanted to get it out of the way. I had just decided to stop for the day when Jill shouted from downstairs "I am going to do some shopping. Help yourself to lunch. Not much in the fridge which is why I am going to the supermarket. Should be enough for a sandwich though." She shouted something else as she was leaving but I only managed to hear 'loft' and 'mess'. I groaned. I knew what she meant.

There was enough for a sandwich, but it had to be cheese. Not my favourite but there wasn't much else. I did fancy the strawberry yoghurt but that was until I opened it. 'Furry' was the only way to describe it. I put it in the bin. As I ate the sandwich I thought about the loft. Should I do it now or later? I could have it done in well under two hours. I searched the cupboards for biscuits. Nothing. Would it be better doing it tomorrow? I decided to get it done now out of the way. I might even be able to finish it before sis got back.

I sat on a box in the loft and looked around trying to get the measure of what needed to be done. After a few minutes I had a plan. First I would move all the stuff to the middle. I would then go through each item and decide where to place it. I was aiming to keep things together, for example all the boxes that contained books in one place.

It was taking longer than expected. I had been working for an hour and it looked as if it would take me at least the same again before it was done. I heard Jill on the stairs and then a knock on my door "Can I come in?"

"Yes I am in the loft."

As she entered I popped my head through the opening. Looking down on her I said "Did you get the food?"

"Yes all your favourites. Sorry the cupboard was bare." Then she added "How are you doing up there?"

"It's taking longer than expected. I should have known it would because everything always takes longer than expected."

"Sex doesn't" was her reply. She then laughed at her own joke.

I just gave her a weak smile whilst my thoughts turned to what it would be like with her.

"You carry on. I am going to have a bath." Before I could say anything she added "Do you need the bathroom before I start?"

"No I can wait."

"I hope so. I might be in there ages."

What I did need was to see her naked. I sat there for a while thinking. Eventually I got up and quietly walked to the hole. There was a stirring in my trousers as I bent down. She was facing the mirror so I could only see her back. Her hands were high, it looked as if she was doing something with her hair. The mirror was steaming up so she stopped to wipe it with the hand towel. Suddenly she moved her head to look behind her. For a second I thought I had been caught out but she was just checking the bath water. I started to breathe again but I now had a nagging feeling that this would not end well, but I carried on watching.

Her hands were now lower, she was unbuttoning her blouse. As it slipped from her shoulders she turned round again to look at the bath. It was now ready. She bent down and stopped the flow, added something to the water then mixing it in with her hands. I had the perfect view of her large tits straining against her white bra. They jiggled as she moved and I was mesmerised by them.

Standing back up she reached behind to unhook her bra. I moved to get a better view and in the process kicked a box. I quickly lifted my head.

"Careful. I don't want you falling through the ceiling."

I shouted back "Sorry. My foot slipped." After a few seconds I risked looking again. She was now back at the mirror but without her bra. Slowly I unzipped my trousers and grasped my cock. I was breathing heavier now and my eyes were focused on her back waiting for her to turn round. When she did I opened my mouth in awe. They looked much bigger now that they were not constrained. However it was the nipples that shocked me. Long and thick. A match for any I had ever seen in the flesh or in porno films. They complemented her large tits perfectly. As she stood there my hand was moving on my cock as I admired them, wishing I could suck them.

She seemed to be thinking about something but then started to remove her skirt. It was quickly off revealing red knickers, possibly the ones she has left in the bathroom earlier in the week. My hand was now moving faster in anticipation of seeing her cunt. I almost groaned in disappointment when she was eventually naked. The knickers had come off whilst she had her back to me. Her Stepping into the bath had revealed very little other than she looked to be shaved. I guess that was always going to be the case. It wasn't likely that she would lie on the bathroom floor then open her legs wide and point her bald cunt towards the spy hole.

What I could see was still keeping me excited. The bath was foamy covering all of her lower body but her magnificent tits were on show. Her eyes were closed and she was relaxing. I kept imagining what those nipples would feel like in my mouth. Sucking one and rubbing and pinching the other. I was tempted to close my eyes and finish myself off with that thought. That changed when she started to wash her tits, slowly splashing water onto them with both hands. The washing quickly turned into massaging. She was now firmly squeezing them. One hand stopped and disappeared under the water. I could now see her knees because she had spread her legs wide. Her mouth was open and I could see the water ripple as she fingered herself. There was a low moan that was steadily getting louder. It was a race between us. She won, climaxing with a loud groan that became a long sigh. I was still working towards mine so I closed my eyes and concentrated.

"Are you doing any work up there? I can't hear any boxes being moved."

She had said that just as I climaxed so I wasn't in a fit state to say anything.

A few seconds later she added "Little brother. You OK?"

I managed to compose myself enough to reply "Yes."

"You sound breathless."

"I am, it's hard work."

"Thanks for doing it. If you want me to do anything for you as a reward just ask?"

I thought of lots of things I would like her to do, including 'fuck me' and 'suck my cock', but I just said "Make that fish dish I like."

I could hear her laughing then she said "You are easy to please."

Spurred on by the prospect of a good meal I finished in just over an hour. Jill popped her head in to check it was OK and declared it a success. Later on whilst I was enjoying the fish I reflected on a job well done. I also thought of Jill in the bath. It had been a good first week. Would it get better?

There was not much time to relax in the second week. I now had three projects to complete by the end of the course. I studied hard but still managed to spend some time with Jill in the evenings. We talked and watched television. I had suggested that I should do some cooking but she dismissed it straight away saying she didn't want to be poisoned. I knew I wasn't a great cook but it hurt my feelings. When she saw the upset on my face she belatedly thanked me for the offer.

There had been a 'near miss' on the Wednesday morning. I barged in without knocking and almost walked into Jill. She was wrapped in a large towel so nothing was on show. I got a mild telling off but she seemed more amused than annoyed. As I was leaving she pointed out that if I had come in a few minutes earlier she would have been naked. It almost sounded like an invitation. Fortunately she couldn't see my face as I imagined that happening. I did eventually get into the bathroom. There was a pile of clothes in the corner, topped by sis's bra. However before I could search through it and get to her knickers she shouted "Sorry, forgot my clothes." After checking I was decent she came in and retrieved them. I was disappointed but also thankful that I hadn't already started using her underwear to relieve myself.

I spent most of my time on Saturday in my room studying. The plan was to get it all out of the way so that Sunday could be a relaxing day. I was just debating if I should call it a day or do a bit more when I heard Jill in the bathroom.

"I forget to tell you I am going out tonight with the girls."

I could not resist shouting back "Does that include Julie and Anne?"

"Very funny." However there was irritation in her voice. I wished I hadn't said that and made a mental note to never mention their names again. "If you need the bathroom speak now or forever hold your piss."

I grimaced at her weak joke and replied with "No. Carry on."

"Just to warn you I may be some time."

Since I was going to be alone I might as well occupy myself with some more studying. I snacked on a few biscuits then started on the next chapter. It was a complicated subject so I had to concentrate hard. At times there was a lot of noise coming from the bathroom but I was able to block it out.


That startled me. I raised my head from the book and shouted back "I thought you had gone. You have been in there ages."

"I need you in here NOW."

I got to the bathroom door in record time but when I opened it all I saw was Jill sitting on the edge of the bath.

"I have lost an earring."

I closed my eyes and silently counted to five. When I opened them I said as calmly as I could "I thought it was an emergency."

"It is. They are very expensive." Smiling she quickly added "Sorry, I didn't mean to alarm you."

I just smiled back glad that she was OK.

She was fully clothed ready to go out. Her dress was red (to match her knickers?) and when she stood up I could see it fitted her perfectly. It was tight at the waist which made her top look bigger and even more impressive than usual. It didn't reveal much. It was classy, designed to be subtle rather than trashy.

"Stop checking me out and find it."

I felt as if I had been caught out so responded with a quick "Why can't you look for it?"

Raising her hands she said "I am waiting for my fingernails to dry. They are perfect and I want them to stay like that." The look on her face was one that said 'isn't it obvious?'

For the first time I noticed she had only one earring in.

"It just fell out when I sat down. I mustn't have fitted it properly."

It wasn't near her feet. I had to get on my hands and knees and search around. It took a couple of minutes to find. It had rolled and was flush against the sink, not easy to see. I was pleased with myself until Jill said "Where is the screw for the back?"

I was just going to go back down onto the floor when I noticed something glisten. "Stay perfectly still. It's caught on your dress at the top."

She bent her head slightly to look causing the dress to open and the screw to fall in.

"You shouldn't have moved. It's gone down your dress. You will have to take it off."

I was a bit annoyed as I turned to leave.

"No. Can't you? It will be at the top. Just unzip me and get it out."

I turned round and looked at her, our eyes met and something passed between us. I hesitated then nodded. Facing her I reached behind for the zip. I pulled it down as far as it would go. I then realised that to get access to her top I would have to pull the straps off her shoulders. I looked at her to ask for permission but her eyes were closed. She had a dreamy look on her face. I held the straps in my nervous hands then pulled them down. As I did so the dress fell to her waist exposing a white silky bra that was straining to contain her huge tits. My cock was now erect. It she looked down she would surely see the bulge in my trousers.

In a low voice I murmured "It's a lovely bra." It wasn't intended for her to hear but she did.

Her eyes opened. In almost a whisper she said "It's silk. So soft. Feel it."

I didn't move so she reached down for my hand. She placed it near her nipple then let go.

"Feel it. Rub it between your fingers. See how good it feels."

I started to feel the silk but then quickly moved to her nipple. It was big and thick, getting even bigger as it swelled under my touch.

"Feel the other one. That is soft as well."

I did as she asked. She closed her eyes again and tilted her head back. Her tits were starting to heave as she breathed hard. Every time I pulled hard on her nipples she gasped. She tried to speak but was struggling.

Eventually she managed "I think it might be in my bra. Take it off."

It was an effort to unhook it. I was getting desperate but eventually it sprang open. I was now licking, sucking and even chewing on her nipples as if my life depended on it. I was rough but the gasps and moans told me she liked it. I only stopped so that I could move to the other one.

She said something but I couldn't tell what. I think she repeated it "Have you found the screw?" soon followed by "It might have slipped into my knickers."

She was keeping up the pretence of this being innocent. I heard what she had said but I knew what she meant, 'I want you to finger my cunt.' My cock was fit to burst. I was worried that I might come in my trousers.

Suddenly there was a loud knock on the front door, then another.

There was a look of realisation on Jill's face, then she said "Fuck. It's Charlotte and Jen. I am giving them a lift. They are early."

"Will they go away?"

"No. Go down and let them in. Tell them I will be down in ten minutes."

The knocking started up again.

I opened my mouth to protest but closed it without saying anything. They were not going to leave. I gave a long loud sigh, adjusted my cock as best I could, and then raced down the stairs.

I kept them entertained until Jill came down. She looked perfect but perhaps a little flushed. She must have taken an extra few minutes to finish herself off. The thought of that made my cock ache. If only they had arrived ten minutes later.

"Sorry about the delay." I lost an earring in the bathroom. Jack was helping me find it." Both were now on so she had obviously found the screw.

As soon as they left I went to my bedroom and relived what had happened. I reached a massive climax but it was tinged with the disappointment of what might have been. I waited up late for sis but she was still out when I fell asleep shortly after midnight.

The next day Jill got up late, obviously the worse for wear. I tried to make conversation but it was hard work. When I said I was glad she had found the earring there was no acknowledgment, instead she changed the subject asking me if I was planning to go out. She was already walking away from me to the kitchen before I could reply. Later on when I was in my bedroom I heard the bath being filled.

There was a knock on the door then Jill popped her head in. "Sorry about earlier." I thought she meant what had happened yesterday but she continued with "I had the mother of all headaches. When you were talking to me downstairs I couldn't concentrate. The pain killers have kicked in now. In fact I might have a drink." She laughed then added '"Perhaps not."

"You do look a bit rough. Take it easy today."

"Thanks for the compliment." She was smiling as she said it so I knew there was no offence taken.

As she was leaving she stopped. Looking back at me she said "Thanks for yesterday for what you did." There was a slight hesitation then "You know, helping me with the earring." She was gone and the door closed before I could think of a reply. From what was said, and the tone it was said in, I could tell she had no regrets. I certainly didn't have any. I just had a deep longing for more. I contemplated going into the loft, but even if I could think of a legitimate reason for doing so seeing sis naked would just frustrate me. I didn't want to see her nipples I wanted to suck them.

The third week passed quickly but was even busier than the first two. On the Wednesday I spoke to Chris, one of the lecturers, saying that I was worried. If it continued like this I might not be able to keep up. He told me not to worry. He explained that most people find this week difficult. It should be easier from next Monday onwards. He seemed to emphasise 'should' but I trusted his judgement so when I walked away from him I was in a happier mood.

On the Friday evening I reflected on what Chris had said. I might even get time to go out on a 'school night', perhaps Thursday. I wondered if sis was up for going to the cinema. She could choose the film. I could ask her now, she was in her bedroom. I took the shortcut through the bathroom. Knocking I shouted "Can I come in?"

"Who is it?"

I opened the door and went in. She was smiling. "Very funny. Who else could it be?" I didn't wait for a reply before adding "On Thursday do you fancy going to the cinema?"

She thought for a few seconds then there was a hesitant "Yes."

"You don't sound too keen."

"I am but I need to check something at work. There is a management meeting scheduled. It might be Thursday but I am almost certain it's Wednesday. Will let you know Monday night." She then looked at me and I could tell she was thinking about something. "I am trying to remember the last time I actually went to the cinema. Everything is now on DVD." She was determined to remember. After some time she said "It was with James. How could I ever forget after what."

I had no idea who James was. It must have been years ago. I was also puzzled because she had stopped mid-sentence. I looked at her and said "After what?"

She looked apprehensive before saying. "Well he was the first. The first to."

"Come on tell me."

"He was the first to touch me."

"He did it at the cinema?"

I laughed but she looked embarrassed. "How old were you?"


"Wow you left it late." Before I could stop myself I blurted out "I was playing with tits when I was eighteen, but none as big as yours."

She ignored my comment about her tits and said in a defensive tone "I started early as well. I meant he touched me below the waist."

"You mean he fingered you?"

There was silence for a few seconds and I thought I had gone too far, but she then replied with "Yes he fingered me." To get one over on me she also added "And he made me come!"

We looked at each other and I said "Way too much information." That broke the tension and we both laughed.

As I was leaving she said "Will let you know Monday." It was followed by "And keep your hands to yourself." I could hear her laughing as I walked through the bathroom. I smiled and wished I was James.

On the Saturday most of my time was again devoted to study. In the evening I did get a chance to relax. Jill had lovingly prepared a three course meal. I asked what the occasion was but she said it was just because she fancied cooking. The main course was a spicy lamb dish. She was a bit nervous because it was the first time she had cooked it. It was absolutely delicious, restaurant standard. Whilst eating it I thought of her cheating ex-boyfriend. Jill was worth staying with just for her cooking alone.

We talked. There was a lot of eye contact and it felt intimate. We both had a few drinks. A stranger looking in would think we were partners rather than brother and sister. It ended with Jill standing up and saying "Thanks, I have had a really nice time. I am going to end it with a long hot bath."

"Yes it was good. The meal was wonderful. I am coming up with you."

Playfully Jill said "You are coming in the bath with me?"

I laughed. "No. The bath is too small." We both laughed at that.

I rested on top of my bed listening to Jill singing as the bath filled. I couldn't make out all the words of the song but it sounded familiar. She was obviously in a good mood. I heard the water stop and then some splashing as she got in. In the silence my thoughts turned to what had happened before in the bathroom. Should I go in? What would happen if I did? The safe thing to do would be to get into bed and go to sleep. Deep down I knew I was never going to do that. I got up and walked, almost in a trance, to the door.

"Jill." It was too soft so I repeated it louder "Jill."

"Yes Jack."

She didn't seem surprised I was calling her. As casually as I could manage I said "If you want your back scrubbing I can do it for you."

She replied softly with "No."

I was desperately trying to think of something to say to make it into a joke when she added in the same soft voice "But you can massage my shoulders. They are very tense."

As I entered she slowly sat up turning her head to look at me. She was smiling and I smiled back. The room was hot and the mirror and glass shower door were steamed up. I knelt down and put my hands on her shoulders. She placed one of hers on mine and gently squeezed it as if to give approval for me to continue. When she removed her hand I started to massage her. Gently at first but then harder.

"Do my back."

My hands moved from her shoulders. I worked them continuously up and down her back, even going under the water to her bottom.

"That feels good but what about my front? You need to work on that as well."

I massaged her stomach. I wanted to saviour the moment and take my time but she hurried me with "Higher." When I cupped her tits, feeling them heavy in my hands, she moaned. It became louder when I got to her nipples. I rolled them between my finger and thumb. One hand had to stop to release my cock, it was painfully trapped in my underwear. I didn't dare use two in case it broke the spell. As long as I had one nipple between my fingers I knew she was not going to say stop. Eventually it was free. Strong and erect it was pushing against the side of the bath. As I leant over to play with the other nipple she grabbed my hand.

"No." My heart sank. She then added in a low almost inaudible voice "Put it between my legs."

My reply was louder, almost a shout "You want me to finger your cunt?"

"Yes" then with a brief hesitation "Finger me."

As she said it she lay back in the bath almost submerged. I had one hand still on a nipple but the other was now probing for her opening. She made it easier by lifting her knees up and parting her legs. As a finger went in she grunted.

"I need more. I am a big girl."

I pushed another one in up to the knuckle. Her mouth opened but before she could speak I squeezed in another two. She let out a noise that was almost a scream then grabbed my hand again. I thought she was going to pull my fingers out but she looked at me and said "No. Keep them in." Her hand was there to make sure that I would do as she asked. I started to move my fingers in and out. She smiled and released my hand. Every time they were fully in she moaned. The water between her legs was splashing as I increased the pace. Her moans were getting louder. My other hand left her nipple and was now on my cock slowly moving up and down.

It was going to end this way. I would finger her to a climax then shoot my load against the side of the bath, but I was wrong. Suddenly she started to get up. My fingers were forcibly pulled out and before I could say anything she was out of the bath and on all fours. I was in shock. She had taken me completely by surprise. My mouth was open and I was just staring at her on the floor.

"Fuck me. Come on hurry up."

It was loud and it was a command. I mumbled "Sorry" then went behind her. Her bottom was raised high but her back was low. I instinctively knew this was her favourite position. I could see her bald cunt. It was partially open and her lips looked very suckable. I wanted to take my time but sis was ready now. I needed to be in before she had to ask me again.

With an unsteady hand I positioned my cock. It moved against her lips and she groaned. I squeezed the head in then pushed until I was up to my balls. There was a gasp from her then "That feels sooooo good."

She started to say something else but stopped when I began fucking her. I was in heaven. Her cunt was tight, just right. I had both hands on her bottom and I was giving her the longest and hardest strokes I could manage. We were both making lots of noise, we were both enjoying it.

"Put - a - finger - in." The words came out one at a time rather than a sentence. I slowed down a bit so she could talk. "I want a finger in my bum". As I put it in she gave a long sigh and added "One more." I was now fucking her cunt and her bum.

I had lasted a lot longer than I thought I would but I was going to come soon. I was now getting worried that I would finish without satisfying her. If that happened I would have to lick her to a climax.

"Talk dirty to me. Call me a cunt. That will take me over the edge."

That shocked me. I wasn't sure if I could do that. Strange, I was finding it easy to fuck her but difficult to call her names.

"Please." She was begging me.

"You are a cunt. A dirty little cunt." As I said it I fucked her even harder. "Tell me what you are."

It was her turn to hesitate then she said "I am a cunt. A dirty cuuuuuuunt." She had climaxed on that last word. I was still going on until her contracting cunt made me come as well. She collapsed onto the floor and I fell on top of her. I was still inside her. We lay there for several minutes on the cold wet floor.

Eventually the silence was broken when she said "That was some massage." She giggled and I laughed. We got up and looked around the room, it was a mess. "I will tidy up in here then shower. You can shower after." I nodded and was leaving when she said "Jack." I turned to face her. "You are here for another three weeks so these are the rules." I screwed my face up wondering what they were. She kept me in suspense before saying "What happens in the bathroom stays in the bathroom." She paused again before adding "You must promise to 'massage' me twice a week." She stressed the word massage.

"I promise, but let's make it three times a week."

That made her smile "You have a deal."

Nothing more was said and I went to my room. I lay on the bed completely exhausted. I then had a sudden thought. What had happened would make a great story. There must be a website that would publish it. I would have to change the names. It could even be in two parts, each covering three weeks. However what if nobody read it or if people thought it was rubbish? They might even think I had made it up.

On reflection I decided not to write about it, but you never know, one day I might!

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