
14. Lets go to Route 19

after i tell Klara one of my secrets of my training aka Dakrai, shes go to full fangirling mode, bcz she can meet mythical pokemon in the flesh with her own eyes...well ofc i didnt forget to threaten her to keep this a secret otherwise she will experiencing a never ending nightmare....

ah sorry i didnt mean to threaten her, i just giving some friendly advices to her well because theres many bad guys in the world after all...

after i introduce her to Darkrai. of course i didnt forgot to ask her to sign on my eight copies album of her, she really suprised because im actually really her fans and still keeping the album eventho i already forgotten her songs...{a/n:thats bcz she only have that in name only, and i dont have capabilities to make an actual songs for her so thats it}

after she seeing her actual albums, she teared up a little but covered it, and her look to me become more sincere...

we agreed to go to Route 19 to farm some pokemon or some grindings, then we split up to prepare our things

Juniper House/Lellouch Room

emergency foods?..checked!

some balls(x5)?..checked!

emergency rope?..checked!

survival knife?..checked!

first aids(potions,antidote,full heal)?..checked!


trainer identity?..checked, and make sure im wearing the Trainer armband

im looks handsome just like the origina Lellouchl?..checked! seeing his full body in mirror with narcisstic smile, while her attire just like Hilbert of Pokemon BW except with Lellouch Lamperouge appearances...

after hes done preparing and put the items into his backpack he called Riolu, then Riolu jump to his right shoulder and claim that place. Lellouch locked his house and go to pick up the others with Riolu..

after i pick up Rosa in her home which is literaly in front of my house. I, Rosa, and Riolu goes to pick up Klara in her hotel...

few moments later...

Klara:"Luluuuu~" suddenly comes Klara with open arms, running to me wearing backpack and trainer armband just like us...but get stoped by Rosa who blocked her

Klara:"why u block my way? i just want give Lulu my lovely greetings!!" she anoyyed with stomping her foot few times

Rosa:"no way!, i dont want my Lulu to get poisoned by ur toxicity, u THOT!" still blocking Klara with her arms crossed in her bosom

Klara:"what did u say u BITCH!, huu~ Lulu~ pls help me~ theres a crazy BITCH who blocking me here awawa~" with cutely tone and doing her signature pose like in the games {a/n:i dont know how to describe it, someone pls help me ╥﹏╥}

Rosa:"u THOT! how dare u call Lulu for help" then they start their fierce staring contest...

Riolu:"riooo" (seriously) shake his head helplessly

Lellouch sighing helplessly seeing the two like this, Klara become more bold and didnt even cover her intentions anymore after i tell my secrets, and telling me shes gladly to join in my journey, she even declared she will make me to krazy for her, that will make me to focus only to her and forget about me to making a harem, in front of me and Rosa eventho i did somewhat threaten-ah i mean give some friendly advices to Klara..and that what make Rosa trigerred and start this kind of war..

Lellouch: i put my hand on top of the girls each head and rubs "alright-alright~, lets not waste the times girls" then i pull each of the girls arm to my arms, Rosa left side and Klara right side, but when Klara come near to Riolu..

Riolu:"Rioooo!" hissed at Klara and jump off from Lellouch right shoulder then start covering its nose and keeping distances from Klara

puzzled by Riolu then i smell something so strong that i realized why Riolu doing that..

Rosa:"urgh!! u Thot just how much perfumes do u use huh?, ur smells so bad seriously!" then release Lellouch arm and, start opening her backpack, putting out a mask then wear that mask to covering the smell, Rosa even offered some of the mask to Lellouch but declined it..

Klara:"what did u say? no way im using too much perfumes! im just a little too excited and using more than i usually do!, anyway how do u think Lulu?" clingingly and coquettishly she rub her assets in my arm waiting for my answer..

Lellouch:"hate to say this Klara but yeah, Rosa right ur perfumes is too strong, even for me, but dont worry ill try to bear with it" with sunny smile i answer her

Klara:"!!??" she shocked hearing me said that and releasing my arm, her faces is full of loss and defeats, she didnt really expected that, normally any guy will try to do anything that will impress the girl he like aka simp, and she always do that tricks, but Lellouch is...she at loss now, if shes just carefull and not to use too much perfumes bcos of her excitement...

Rosa: seeing Klara like that 'serve u right!' smiled in victory

Klara:she slowly distancing herself "sorry u two, it seems..ill skip for today..i dont want to bother u guys with my-"

Rosa:"just how much stupidity u have Thot? mouuu! aaarrgh! seriously who said u didnt have to come?, and whats more why must i the frustrated one!? moouu~..Lulu deal her" with that Rosa hold my left arm again frustratedly, i just chukles seeing the cuteness of Rosa

Klara:"wha...Bi-i mean Rosa, Lulu, am i still can join?" but Rosa just didnt care anymore, i just pull Klara and let her hold my arm..

Riolu: seeing the couple drama (seriusly guys, lets just go already sigh) sighing...

then Lellouch, Rosa, Klara, Riolu, and Darkrai who hiding in Lellouch shadows is finally going to Route 19

sorry for short chapter ╥﹏╥

man~ i really want to rushing things but, sorry if theres so much interractions between characters, i really want to doing this and that more effectively, but i still dont have that kind of skill yet..

anyway hope u guys can enjoy if theres any faults pls help me (〃∀〃)ゞ thank you!!

AllWorldsEvilcreators' thoughts
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