
Chapter 35: Stepping Stone

A square box hovered my digivice containing Mailbirdramon, I swiped the box and a ding was heard.

Issei:"Digimon Capture complete!"

???:"H-hey your a human right?" said the kid with goggles

Issei:"Depends I'm Issei you must be the digi-destined hey tell me some thing..." I began to ask about famous anime and TV shows from DXD world.

???:"Never heard of them why'd you ask and what's a digi destined?" said the kid with the Coronamon.

Issei:"I see!" I cupped my chin and started to think.

Issei:"I get it my world doesn't have a digital world so it sent to another earth's digital world."

???:"Takashi this guy is wierd." said a short kid with a bag pack and glasses.

Tentomon:"And those digimon with him are super strong." said the kids partner.

Issei:"Guess I should explain Rio can you get some fire wood." he nod and disappeared.

Issei:"Anyways my name is Issei Hyoudou I'm a digimon tamer? Or is it hunter? doesn't matter."

A few minutes later everyone introduced themselves. we were sitting around a camp fire.

Ryuto:"Anyway thank you for saving us." said a little boy with a patamon.This was Ryuto the youngest of the group.

Mami:"By the way what did you do with Mailbirdramon?" she's partners with Byomon. I smiled and swiped my digivice revealing a circular hologram with the mecha Digimon.

Issei:"I captured him I'm not from the same human world you are."

Kyoya:"What!" this is the kids whose Coronamon's partner. I drew a circle in the dirt and another around it.

Issei:"You see the digital world is made up of different layers, each layers contains a different version of the digital world, my world doesn't have a digital world, so I was sent me to another version of it from another earth."

Hakuto:"So multiverse theory?" he's the kid partnered with Tentomon.

Issei:"Yes, I met a Tamer who was traveling the multiverse his name was Taiga."

Rumi:"Still though Issei-sama what's a tamer." she's partners with Palmon. She grabbed my arm she's blushing and everything. There's an interdimensional FBI out there, I should be careful.

Issei:"You'll have to find out what's a digi destined first."

Takashi:"Still though are those your partner digimon?"

Issei:"Yeah the Wargreymon is Rio, the MetalGarurumon is called, the Grademon is Riza and finally the Angewoman is Meilee."

Tentomon:"Those are Ultimate and Mega level digimon!?!?"

Coronamon:"Whoa! really."

Sheng:"I think we should turn in for the night."


The digi destined and their partner digimon woke up to see Issei and his digimon gone only a bag with a note on it.

'I can't be joining you on you journey, I know it's scary but trust in your digimon partners Dracomon beware the green digivolution route, there's enough to last you a few weeks that's all.'

Dracomon:"What does that beware the green digivolution route mean?"


Biyomon:"He left tons of food though!"

Minato:"Well atleast we don't have to worry about food for a while." this is Gomamon's partner.

Rumi:"Issei-Sama I'll miss you!" said the girl crying obviously love sick.

High in the sky is was Mailbirdramon.

Bahamut:((Was it necessary to be so dramatic?))

Issei:"Of course there's probably a universe out there that sees this world as fiction or a TV show, I have to play the badass mystery guy."

Ranna:((Let's just get to folder continent.))

Issei:"Mailbirdramon get me there. How bout I call you Diego from now on."

Diego:"Thank you for the name sir!" he flew at sonic speeds towards the direction of Folder continent after a few minutes we noticed a dark fog the farther we go out.


Issei:"A weakling!" The figure made itself known it was Devimon.

Devimon:"Weakling how dare I serve the the Lord Daemon and the Seven demon lords I will erase you!"

Issei:"Tch! So small."

(AN/ who ever gets this reference gets a thumbs up!)

Issei:"Reload Rio Sheng!" As Devimon felt aura off of my digimon sweat began to build up on his face.






Devimon was lying on the floor dirt covering his body he looked extremely terrible unlike his original look a few minutes ago.

Devimon:"To think there could be such strong digimon." he clenched his fist and couldn't help but to think back to Issei's words.

A few minutes ago

Omegamon:"Why don't we just kill him?"

Issei:"Simple those kids will need a challenge, or a stepping stone of sorts he'll be a good one."

Omegamon:"Alright!" in a burst of light the Digimon entered the digivice.


Devimon:"Dammit it all I must report him the Lady Lillithmon!"

Devimon:"Ahh! My lady Lillithmon💞!" said the fallen angel digimon as he rubbed his face against a picture of Lilithmon as if it was his favourite anime waifu.

Over the ocean Mailbirdramon was flying at hyper sonic speeds, the sky was clear blue unlike it's malevolent look.

Diego:"Sir it might take another a day before we get to folder continent."

Issei:"Good there are a number of small island make sure to rest we might even find something interesting on one of them."


Later we landed on small island below to rest for the night a created a small camp fire. I heard a rustle we didn't go on guard we already sensed something coming towards us long ago...but what came out suprise me. It was a Hackmon it was carrying a sack containing two digi-eggs.

He was about die it was distorting. I took out a Revive floppy and threw at the Digimon who passed out.

Rio:"Who's that digimon?"

Issei:"That's Hackmon, a digimon I would love to raise well, I'll ask him." I covered the Digimon in a blanket and waited the night.

*Hackmon pov*

I was being chased by digimon working for the seven demon lords. I stole two digi-eggs from them. I'm not gonna let them raise innocent children to be weapons! My original plan was to get them to Elecmon, but I was chased outside of file island and had to travel for days by see. Luckily the digi eggs weren't damaged and Devimon is too egotistical to pay attention to me. My luck however ran out when I was attacked by a group of Seadramon. I suffered fatal injuries I was close to dying.....I've already thought about that.

That's when I woke up to scent of something delicious.


Hackmon:"W-who are you?!"

Issei:"I'm human well 50%!"


Issei:"Oh well these are my digimon partners or well team."

Rio:"Yo I'm Rio a WarGreymon."

Sheng:"Sheng a MetalGarurumon."

Riza:"Riza a Grademon!"

Meilee:"I'm Meilee and Angewoman."

Diego:"Diego a Mailbirdramon."

Issei:"So Hackmon wanna join my team? It's your choice I won't abandon you if you reject or anything, I'm not that petty."

Hackmon:"I'll join."


Hackmon:"You have these strong digimon around you, you must've trained them yourself right?"

Issei:"Yeah, well except Diego he's new."

Hackmon:"I want to be stronger so I can defeat the Seven Great Demon Lords! They-they took my friends from, I won't ever forgive them!" I dark aura shone around me.

Issei:"STOP!" he came out of his stupor at my words.

Issei:"You hold a grudge against them don't you, you nearly digivolved into a Dark Digivolution be careful."

Issei:"Anyway let's begin your training now."

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