

"Why trying to hide this news from the general public?? They deserve to know it. It is their money you all wasted it."

Indian representative protested with her strong voice. India had been always in the third position in investing in the vision system.

"Yes yes. It is time the general public comes to know about all these shenanigans."

"It was promised to address about the threat from alien life news a year and two ago but still had not been done. Why not let it all out in one go??"

"Yes..yes. We want liquidity of information to the general public. Cannot keep them in any more darkness. "

"Now that the protection system is already missing. What is the use to hide it??"

Questions and questions were thrown from every direction to the General of the United Nations and Selena Dion did not know how to calm this mess down and then how to confront the general public about this.

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