

"What time exactly it is though?" Matty questioned.

"I have no idea," Chris replied.

"Me neither." Vin joined, sitting high up on the tree looking out for them.

Cole had never done this but he decided that it was time he did it. He closed his eyes for a flash of second wishing to know the time. He was not sure if it would work out or not. 

"I actually tried to wish to know the time but the barbie said invalid command from an invalid person." Vin let out.

Following what Vin said, Chris did it.

"Invalid command from an invalid person!" The barbie asserted right away.

" See I told you. " Vin grinned from the other side.

"Cole you must try it. You are the leader." Matty spoke.

"I m trying but I m not getting any answer. " Cole answered back.

"Try again maybe?" Chris implored.

Cole nodded his head and wished for it again. This time he did it a little bit differently. He wished to know the game time.

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