
The beginning..

"Indura land right there!".


Xavier and Indura were flying for a week now, and finally, Xavier found a city, when he looked around he noticed something.

'This is an elf City!' Xavier thought, and smiled, he went around for a minute and went into a pub, the pub was filled with elves and they were all at least at the S or Epic rank!

'Holy mother, these are just some soldiers, no wonder why Rukas were afraid of those creatures.' Xavier was stunned, he never felt such dense spiritual energy.

Xavier went to a woman, and ask

"Miss, could you tell me where I'm ?" Xavier smiled and looked at her.

"Uhm. . Yeah, of course, you're right now in Saael and about eight hundred kilometers far from the city." The elf woman was surprised, she never met a human in her continent, and it was pretty curios because the man in front of her didn't know anything about her continent.

The elves were extremely proud and cocky folk because their magic and healing abilities were probably the best. Their methods and spells were on a whole different level, and no one would dare to attack the continent.

The elf continent has over 100 kingdoms and 10 big empires, they were the strongest race and their geographical territory is also extremely big, it covers 1/4 of the earth!

They have 5 big forests and all of them were protected by the spirits, the fire spirit, the air spirit, the earth spirit, the water spirit, the light alias the celestial spirit.

The forests were extremely dangerous and the survival rate is under 5%, the creatures were all at least in the Epic ranks, and the strongest in the Myth rank! And even the big 10 empires were afraid of them, the empires were filled with millions of elves and the royal city is the main place of all kings and queens of the elf continent. The royal city was more a fortress than a city.

The royal city had big taxes and was full of rich people, hunters, and mages!

"Where is the royal city exactly?" Xavier asked.

"Well as I said eight hundred kilometers, but in the west, the royal city is extremely big so you can see it from over sixty kilometers away." The woman replied.

"Thank you!" Xavier was extremely happy when he heard that news, it took him such a long time, and finally, he could arrive at the city.

'Who was that guy, I swear I already saw him once!' The elf was extremely confused, he was familiar with that face but she doesn't know where she saw his face.

'I should train first before I enter the royal city if such normal citizens are this strong I can't imagine how strong the kings are!' He was filled with joy when he thought about the strength, he hadn't a good fight since he got the system, but he also doesn't want to lose so he decided to fly to the forest.


Four hours later. . .

"Indura land, there is the forest!" Xavier left the city to continue his journey, and he finally found a good place to train a forest! His method the spiritual mediating needed much of spiritual energy, so when he wants to improve his rank and spells he needed a lot of spiritual energy.

But when Indura landed Xavier felt a presence.

"Show yourself," Xavier shouted out

"Ohoh human you noticed my presence ?" A creature comes out of the shadow.

The creature was covered in flames, so Xavier couldn't see his face or body, he only felt that something bad would happen if he wouldn't do a move.

'This creature it's my first time I see it, but why do I feel so familiar with it. . ' Xavier felt not just that something would happen but also a familiar feeling with that creature in front of him.

"Human I'll give you 10 seconds to vanish, or I'll do it by myself, you better leave that forest!" The creature shouted out.

"I just want to train, can we not do a compromise-" Xavier wanted to ask if he could do a compromise but before he could finish his sentence he was interrupted by a fist.

The creature already attacked Xavier and said

"10 seconds are over now you'll die!" The creature shouted out.

Xavier just smirked when he blocked the first with his bare hands

"I didn't want to fight but now. ." Xavier had now a big smile on his face. He grabbed the arms of the creature and kicked it in the stomach.

'that human isn't an ordinary one.' The creature thought and inside its flames, it also smiled.

"I was wrong, you're not a human indeed not! HAHA let us fight!"

"Yeah yeah, it shall begin!"

. . .

After that sentence both disappeared and then


Both of them appeared at the same spot and their fist matched each other, when the fists meet each other a big shockwave was created that destroyed some trees.

"Fire lance" both of them disappeared when a fire lance appeared in front of the creature, the fire lance wasn't an ordinary one the fire was filled with spiritual mana, that made it hotter and furious.

The fire lance flew right to Xavier with and extreme speed

"Firewall!" A big firewall filled with darkness was created it looked like hellfire, and it absorbed the fire lance.

[Fire wall was activated 10.000 Mana removed]

'I would've died without it. .'

'This dude he could block my attack so easily.'

Xavier smiled and walked through his flames and his flames disappeared and reappeared on his body, the flames formed a cloak made out of fire and darkness.

"Creature tell me your name!"

"Elvania the fire spirit and you?"


Both of them had a smile, that was the sign of pure respect, they both had respect and knew that someone would be killed today.

Elvania disappeared and reappeared in front of Xavier her flames that covered her body was now even hotter and furious.

'Holy she's fast. . But not fast enough' Xavier thought and smiled, Elvania unleashed her power, and Xavier disappeared.

He switched his cloak to the lightning cloak.

'Could it be? .' Elvania thought but no time to think Xavier already attacked her again.

He punched her in her face and she flew some meters away

He reappeared in front of her but this time she was way stronger, right in front of Xavier a big wall appeared.

"Let's get this fight in the next stage!" Elvania screamed and the wall grew bigger.

'She wants an air fight? Why not'

Both of them flew up.

Lightning storm!

When Elvania saw that scene she became even more enthusiastic!

"Xavier I don't know who you are but you're the second human I matched that was so strong you have my respect!" Elvania shouted out when he flames covered even the sky, the sky became red and flames appeared around her.

"Only the second? I'm ashamed Haha Elvania you're the second spirit I matched, let me show you my strength!" Xavier unleashed his power and bolts of lightning surrounded him.


Lightning versus Fire!

The whole forest began to shake and everything in 200 meters was destroyed or melted.

Elvania appeared in front of Xavier and tried to attack him but his lightning cloak was way too strong it made Xavier senses 100% better and made him over 75% faster!

"Nice try" Xavier appeared behind her and she saw a leg hit her stomach

"Do you think that work two times?" She smiled grabbed his leg and gave him such a punch that he flew hundreds of meters away she appeared in front of him again and smashed him down to the ground.

"Lightning of destruction!" A big lightning bolt came down and split the ground, the lightning was filled with demon essence, that's why the lightning was so destructive.

The sky was red and every second lightning bolts came down, it was like two gods were fighting each other.

When Xavier wanted to use his scythe. . .

"STOP!" A voice screamed.

When Xavier looked down he saw a woman, and it was the first time he was attracted by a woman.

She was the prettiest girl he ever saw, she had beautiful green-blue eyes, her skin was bright-brown and she had curly black hair.

Elvania looked down and was surprised.

"What you doing here ?" Elvania and Xavier stopped their fight immediately when they heard the voice of that woman.

Xavier because he was stunned by her and Elvania because she was a friend of her and the first human she respected!

Xavier and Elvania landed and Xavier went straight to her and asked.

"Excuse me but who are you?" Xavier felt such a strong and warm feeling. . It was like he already met her once.


In another place.

"He met her." A man said, the man was sitting on a creature that was over seven kilometers long and wide, and not only that this creature was sitting on an even bigger creature!

The creature was a leviathan over hundreds of kilometers long and wide, it was a water leviathan, its skin was blue as the sea but his eyes were the abyss itself!

No one could describe such a monster it had only one word.


This creature was a divine creature and the same for the other creature.

The man on the creature had golden hair and golden eyes, he was muscular and had a beautiful face, he looked like a 20-year-old man that just entered the twenties.

He wears a big white golden robe and behind that robe, and in the back on the robe was a name.


The man was the true patriarch of the Xanerz family!

"My son, you finally met her, this is your first step in the celestial realms!" The man said, his voice was deep but filled with joy.

"Finally my precious son, it's finally the time that your seals get destroyed, by that woman. ." The man rejoiced.

"Master, do you think he will like her ?" The leviathan asked via telepathy.

"He will trust me don't you forget that they already knew each other ?" The man responded.

"Oh you mean her. . Did you?" The leviathan was frightened and asked.

"I've promised it to Mortem, Xavier isn't an ordinary one, even the Immortal lands wanted to abandon him." The man smirked.

"Master, do you wonder about that? You the probably the strongest being alive and your wife the second strongest being would make a baby and the universe would accept that? Did you forget how many races you annihilated just because they didn't kneel in front of you?" The leviathan joked.

"Oh come on, I'm a being that lives for over trillion of years, it is normal that I annihilated some races!" The man responded.

"Master you erased four trillion creatures and that in the last 4 centuries, and even before I was born you probably annihilated over thirty thousand races." The leviathan said.

"Yeah yeah I understand I'm sometimes sensible." The man smiled.

"But Xavier my son the girl you will meet it is not an ordinary girl take good care of her, and remember her name till you die. . Ellia"


"Oh yeah, my name is. .Ellia" the woman answered.


Guys, finally I have an autumn break!

And yeah I'll drop some chaps today (my editor will edit them later) I just wanted to give you some chaps because I have extremely much free time now!

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