
Back To Work

I really can't imagine that our tremendous vacation is done rapidly and need to get back to our real business knowing that we need to make it up for our customers.

Since our vacation is held in three days, we need to close our shop. And those three days, it could be lost our profit so we work hard to reach the normal profit that we lost. And so, it'll be hard for us since it will be very depleting but at some point, we are pleased that our customer misses the shop and they are glad that it's finally open. 

Yet, another problem that I encounter before returning to Minnesota is Theodore. He keeps bugging me—interrogating about what happened between me and Christian even though they follow us. Theo confides that they follow us on the lake and not on top of the mountain since it's too much work for them. 

Three in the morning, we take off to the cabin, they even follow us but then, they just wait from the grounds. And when they see us rush through the mountain, they conceal themselves under the bushes and follow us behind. 

'Such a stalker, I would say.' I thought to myself. 

"Theo! Stop clinging at me and go back to work! I need to finish the paperwork." I divulge while pushing him away from my arms yet he's just sitting there, clinging to my arms as if he's a koala and doesn't stop pestering me.

"You need to tell me what happened back there!" He exclaims while shaking my arms, acting like a child. I glare at him, striving to scare him yet he doesn't bother to remove his arms around me, instead, he snickers at me

"I told you, nothing happened yesterday. We just talked to each other and messed around. That's why I don't know why you are very intrigued by us." I explain while shoving arms away from me so I could continue working on the paperwork.  

"I just want to know if there's progress between you two so I decided to ask you if he's sweet to you or helped you when you were very tired." He utters. I place the pen on the table as my arms cross and my eyes narrow. 

"I don't know why it is a big deal for you. For the last time, nothing happened between us. We were just casually talking with each other and messing around. I repeat that three times today," I utter. He sighs as he sits in front of me, leaning his head on the table. 

"Why are you disappointed?" I ask while placing the paper with the money inside the envelope that needs to be placed at the bank account. 

"I'm not disappointed, Mia. I was just assuming that Christian will make a move to ask you on a date or even just a friendly date. But he was too weak to do that." I raise my brows as he's trying to love matching us. I know that Christian would never date me. 

"I don't think he would ask me on a date since we're not that closest friend to fall in love with each other and he told me that he's waiting for someone but I don't know who," I explain and place the envelope inside the cabinet. 

"I don't know what he's into but his younger brother told me that he's very reserved and even his younger brother doesn't know about Christian. But according to him, Christian only acts to other men." I choke to my spit when hearing Theo about Christian's job. 

"So he's..." 

"No, he's not gay. He's uncomfortable working on the leading lady since the netizens love to match the actors to their leading actresses so he decided to enter the acting with other men." He explains as he stands to the chair and wanders to the door. 

"How did you know this?" I implore as I follow him outside the office.

"His younger brother told me. We are very close so no secret between us." 

"But what is his parent's reaction when their son is acting with other men?" I raise a question, intriguing by his parent's reaction.

"Of course, they are furious but what will they do? Christian was too old for them to control." He replies as he ambles to the counter and replaces Justin with the cashier. 

"Justin, you can rest now. Tell Jennie to rest too. Theo, Yoongi, and I will take care of the shop while you two are resting." Justin nods and steps inside the pantry. 

Then, I stroll out of the counter and give some water for my plants and flowers. 

"Mia!" Theodore calls me from the counter so I put down the watering can on the ground before sauntering in Theo's direction. 

"Yes, Theo? Do you need anything?" I ask him. He bestows me a small envelope while smiling at me. I glance at the envelope and back at Theodore.

"What is this?" I ask. He just shrugs and goes back to his job. 

"Who gives this to you?" I implore again yet nothing replies coming from him. I sigh and place the envelope inside my pocket. I walk back and continue watering my plants. 

After watering all the plants, I ask Theodore to operate the shop while I'm gone since I need to get back to my apartment to get some of the papers and the budgets for the next day and their payroll. 

"Okay and don't forget to open the envelope!" Theo exclaims. I nod and walk out of the shop. 

As I wander on the sidewalk, I see a man, who's struggling from picking his fruits. "What happened to him?" I murmur. Then, I walk closer to him and decide to help him. And so, I sprint in his direction. 

"Let me help you," I inform as I start picking his fruits, and gradually, I place it inside the bag—laying on the ground.

 Afterward, my eyes glance at him, vying as if I've seen him somewhere. 'Is it? Or it's just my imagination?' I ask myself. 

"Mia?" I snap into reality when the man mumbles my name. My lips form into a smile when recognizing his voice.

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