
A Bumpy Day

 The sound of the birds chirping overlapped with the whirling mechanical sounds as the light flowed down through the cracks of the curtains and onto the weary bodies of the students. As the snores echoed through out rundown lounge, Ace grumbled in disbelief as he watched over jack in surprise, "Everyone's conked out... Jack didn't even make it to midnight. He's a sound sleeper, all right."

 The sound of machinery began to calm as Ace turned around with a worried expression, "How are things goin', Ortho? Everything look good?"

 "Yup! It'll be perfect this time, and I've got the timing down pat!" Ortho replied excitedly, "I couldn't have done it without everyone's help. Thanks so much."

 "Don't thank us yet. First we have to see if Vil gives us the thumbs up." Ace reminded him with a heavy heart at the thought of the guy.

 "Mrph? Vil?! One, two... One...two... mrgh..." Jack grumbled as he rolled over on the sofa.

 "He's having a nightmare. Must've been some SERIOUS training." Ace was startled in horror upon seeing this.

 "I wouldn't want Jack Howl and Silver's hard work to go to waste." Ortho declared enthusiastically.

 "Hey, I think you're forgetting someone here." Ace sighed nervously, "What about the guy who got the critical role of gettin' the queen up onto the stage?"

 "Heh heh, yes, you too." Ortho added acknowledging Ace's efforts, "Guys... I'm gonna make our show a success. You can count on it!"

 Saying this, they were startled by Jack's voice who grumbled and turn over on the sofa, "Fashion show... Rgh, sorry... I'll do better... next time... Rgh..."


 "It's finally time for the gala." 

 The cold yet beautiful ball room stood bathed in the light of the morning sun as Vil's voice echoed throughout it.

 "Are you pups ready to go?" Crewel walked into the room as his shiny shoes clacked against the wooden tile floor as the other dorm leaders involved followed. 

 "Yes, sir! I've already put fairy dust on my body, too." Ortho responded as he finished putting the last of the fairy dust onto his body.

 "That dust's makin' the air all sparkly." Grim marveled in awe upon seeing the glittering dust.

 "Jack's so big and ripped he wouldn't make a very convincing fairy. Let's dump some more of that stuff on him." Ace pointed out with a smirk upon seeing this.

 "Achoo! Hey, knock it off. If anyone here would be a lousy fairy, it's you." Jack growled at him annoyingly.

 "This is not the time for locker room antics. You don't seem to have the appropriate level of seriousness right now." Vil clapped his hands interrupting their antics on the spot with a worried expression across his face.

 "Don't worry." Silver spoke up firmly, "I solemnly swear I'll ensure our success and get this school back to normal."

 "As you should. While you were out gallivanting, Ortho was burning the midnight oil to improve the show." Sebek stated with a proud smirk across his face, "Since you are a sophomore, I expect you to give him your full support. And while this goes without saying... As a Briar Valley resident, you'd better not do anything that would reflect poorly on Malleus and Lilia!"

 "Good luck! You can do it!" Yuu cheered them on, "The school's riding on you guys!"

 "Thanks. Your support is very encouraging." Silver nodded calmly, "I'll do my best to make sure you can carry on as before."

 "We'll be watching the show through a feed from one of Idia's drones!" Deuce explained.

 "Be aware that I'll be observing as well. Ace, I expect you to pull your weight." Riddle reminded him with a strict glare.

 "You'd better not disappoint me, Jack." Leona said to him with a firm scowl.

 "I'm just worried... Extremely worried..." Idia muttered nervously before breaking out into a rant, "I keep asking Ortho for the fashion show deets, but all he'll say is "Leave it to us!" If the choice is between missing out on spring and putting Ortho in danger, I'd skip spring every time. We can still call this off, you know."

 "Don't worry, Idia!" Ortho replied positively, "I'll show you something only I can do. You'd better not miss a second!"

 Hearing this, Idia felt both touched and defeated, "Ortho..."

 "See you after the show!" Yuu called out as the group walked out of the room.

 "Right. See you then!" Ortho waved as he walked out the room. 


 With a sigh, Peony stretched while her mother slept peacefully on a large flower in her small fairy form. She looked at her mother who was stirring under the light of the sun and got up. Thanks to her mother's excitement, she had to stay up for the entire night telling her everything that transpired at school. She even forced her to divulge everything that happened at STYX and their goals, despite the whole confidentiality of it all. It has always been like this with her. No matter what secrets or hidden intentions others have, she has no problems pressuring it out of others until there are no secrets left. Her mother is certainly a force not to be messed with.

 With a heavy sigh, she got up from the large velvet sofa and walked to the doors. She got up and opened the door to call for some breakfast before pausing in bewilderment with her mouth opened. 

 "We meet again, Princess Peony!"

 The familiar and leisurely hum left a chill down her spine as she wore a dry smile, "Sir Robin, it's a pleasure to see you again! I recall the last we met was when I was still ten. How have you been? Perhaps the king called for you to check mother's state?"

 Before she stood a large light fae in greenery clothing, shaggy red hair and a pair of small horns on his head. Despite being in his large state, he was small yet not small enough to hide away his wild nature about him. Fortunately or unfortunately, this wild nature has been a great aid to her father ever since be began to take action during his time as crown prince and even after her father inherited the crown and throne. 

 "Unfortunately." He heaved a heavy sigh exaggeratingly, "He is such a slave driver."

 "Come now. If the queen heard you, she may end up getting upset. Even you know how close the king and queen are..." Princess Peony shook her head in dismay before raising a brow in confusion, "On second thought, you should know about it. Still as daring as ever... Nevertheless, let me wake her up. By the way, where is Pyro? Is he still busy preparing for the gala?"

 "Hahaha!" He laughed aloud, "He was outside your door before flying out the moment he saw me!"

 "Oh dear." Peony shook her head in dismay, "I see you still find this as amusing as ever... Nevermind. I'll prepare some fruits at the very least. Please give us a few minutes."

 With that, she closed the door and woke up her mother softly. Though she was groggy at first, her attention snapped back the moment Peony explained to her of Robin's presence at the gala. She got up and Peony helped brush up her mother's hair and appearance before serving up the plates of fruits and drinks. After they were done, they allowed Robin inside as the queen greeted Robin from her seat on the sofa, "Puck! It's been a long time. We see you came to pay us a visit today. We apologize for not greeting you at the door. Come have a seat with us! My daughter has brought us some lovely fruits, though we do apologize that we can only entertain you with this much today."

 "Oh, it's fine!" He laughed and sat down on the other of the small table, "It's not like I came here to cause trouble. I only came to check on her majesty's and the princess's health."

  Hearing this, the two wanted to roll their eyes as it was well known from both experience and rumors. Puck examined the queen before he nodded with a hum, "Well, her majesty's mana is flowing properly and there is no unusual magic overlaying her mana."

  "That's reassuring to hear." Peony nodded calmly, "However, will she be well enough to attend the gala today?"

  "Can't you just ask me that question instead?" The queen frowned. 

  Peony shook her head in disappointment, "Did you forget the numerous times when you said you would be fine attending events and gatherings after sustaining injuries or fatigue, yet you would pass out in the middle of the event making father and me worried? Mother, I know you love me very much. However, it would definitely cause everyone distress if you had another fainting spell. And this time, the cause was because of my negligence that got you hurt."

  "Oh, Peony! I didn't know you felt this awful!" The queen teared up and suddenly hugged her, "I'm so sorry! It's all because my daughter was working so hard that I wanted to do everything I can to help!"

  Ah, she messed up again. Peony glanced over to Robin who was happily enjoying the drama unfold before him as he ate another piece of the spiritual fruit. Peony could do nothing but ignore him and spent another hour soothing her mother and tending to her make up. As she did so, she could already tell that the day was going to be a rather bumpy one at that. 

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