
Chapter 127 - Reya Meets Hekate

The Minotaur roared loudly, spit and snot flying everywhere. The cave ceiling trembled with the force of the roar. Small pieces of rock broke away and fell straight towards Artemis.

Reya pushed her out of range and jumped to the side. "What do we do?"

"Come this way," Art ran towards the narrow passageway. As they went on, it became so narrow that they literally had to squeeze in. "I didn't think this through," she mumbled, wiggling her body in that small gap.

Reya glanced up. The huge metal walls were not connected to the ceiling. It was like an independent structure built from the ground. So the huge creature can any time look at them from above.

She vigilantly watched the skies. "I see its horns!!"

Art too glanced up with her eyes wide open. "Reya come here to help me dock my arrow"

Reya dashed to her and helped her with the arrow. "Will this work?"

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