

Wow I can't believe that I haven't written in my diary for over a month and six days

I couldn't find my laptop for a week

I thought my mom took it

I got two new puzzles that I did

I got another one

My entire garage is going to be overrun by puzzles

My mom painted the laundry room white it looks so much bigger in there now

I don't have work Tuesday because I have doctors

Scott wants to hang out but that's never going to happen I don't like him anymore

Jasiah is starting to teeth poor baby was in so much pain he's even starting to crawl how fast to do babies grow up god damn

So today is horrible my little sister is at the hospital hope she is okay

I swear to god I'm about to blow up I hope that my little sister is okay

I've been focusing more on my story

My little sister is fine thank god I got scared

I think I'm falling for Toby he's so cute goddamn

why didn't I meet him a long time ago he honestly gives me good advice

I told him about Scott and he's just like dont do it and to tell Scott that I had a family emergency and if I did hang out with him he told me to bring someone with me

I got another cut this time on my thumb

I have no work tomorrow

Juno came into my room and attacked me with kisses

Oh yeah Lindsay is talking to someone her name is Lauren she's cute

Kylie wants me to tell Toby that I like him but I dont know how to tell him

I downloaded spoon it's an app that you can go live and do whatever and people listen to your voice but dont show your face

we went to the doctors today and told them about sierra they asked about the birth parents and seizures and also it might be because of the pills she's taking too who knows to be honest

I got my flu shot today they always give me a looney tunes band aid but i'm not complaing

it has bugs bunny on it sorry if i'm being childish but my inner child wants to come out so deal with it

My ribcage hurts

I turned my phone off the only time that it'll be on is when I'm going to bed so my alarm can wake me up for work that's it

It hurts to cough, laugh, stretch

I know my mom is going to say something

I'm ready for it my phone will be at home turned off I honestly do not care if my mom goes through my phone but I'm still going to be keeping my streaks with everyone

actually never mind

Okay Toby wants to know who I like and he thinks that I like him hes not wrong though he thinks I'll tell him eventually but that's never going to happen

I think Toby knows that I like him

I'm scared to go to work to see toby might as well just ignore him it seems like the best way to save me from getting hurt by the one person who doesn't like me

I'm such an idiot for telling him that I like him I wish that I could block him bit I cant because I like him why is he worried about me why is he different from the guys at my school

he gave me advice for staying away from scott and from hurting myself he actually cares about me but why does he care about me

I need answers from him but not right now

my mom and lindsay know that I like toby now I really have to ignore him at work

I'm done with boys for good

my family is falling apart and I really hate it I want to cry

I met Lindsay's girlfriend today her name is lauren shes so cute she has a daughter name rhyln

kylie wanted to come pick me up so we could get mcflurries plus she wanted to hangout after but Lauren's here but its Lindsay's friend but then again lauren is our guest so maybe next time kylie could get me i was thinking tomorrow but i dont know what I'm doing or who's coming over plus kylie doesn't know if shes bisy tomorrow either

bruh toby said that he knew that lindsay was gay how though did i tell him i dont remember telling him anything about lindsay being gay at all

oh yeah also i think my mom is snooping through my journal how do i know that she knows where i keep it plus i had a small note in here and it was moved how rude of her to do that

dang I'm gonna need a new journal soon

Toby likes me oh my god

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