
Second Team

Training began when the coaches were all present. They oversaw different aspects of training as they instructed and guided the players on what to do.

During the ball control training, Tony checked his strength with that of a central defender as they both tussled for the ball.

He saw that he could now easily out muscle the player with his body as both he and the defender tried to cleanly get hold of possession without the use of a foul.

As long as the player he tried to out muscle didn't have a strength skill of B also, he had an easy time using his body strength to get the ball.

While Tony was training with the players, Rose had constantly been using her system scanner on the players to find players that had stamina skills of B+ and whose condition to copy could be achieved in training.

Most of the players had stamina skills of B- or even of the C grade. She checked and finally found some players who had those of B+ whose condition to copy thier skills were not too difficult.

'I have seen a few players with the B+ grade but all of them have conditions to be achieved from during a match. Except one player who has a condition of training together for 2000 minutes.'

'We can only wait till the next match then as to train together for two thousand minutes is still very far ' Tony replied as he continued to train.

Training for the day and Tuesday went smoothly as the players trained mostly with the ball.

And when it was time for the squad to be announced the players were called together and Coach Taylor began speaking.

"I said in beginning of the season that we would be giving all of you chances to play and it depends on your performances on whether you would continue to be chosen for the match squads."

After he said that he told assistant manager Coach Luca to call the names of the players that would be going over to Newcastle for the match.

Coach Luca called all the names and the players who were called for the starting 11 and substitutes were all players who had not been in any match squad yet for the season.

It was clear that Coach Taylor was using the Cup competition as an opportunity to give them the chance to play a match and prove themselves.

After the match squad was announced the players went for there break before they went to have there baths and went to the seminar room for the coaches to explain somethings about the squad and what they were to expect in the match.

It was very common that even the premier league teams mostly used the fringe or youth players in most of there cup competitions especially when the opponent they were facing were regarded as below par.

The players who had the opportunity to play in such cup matches mostly played there best to show the Managers that they were capable. Only a few First team regulars would be put in the team or be available for substitutions in case the match wasn't going as planned.

Tony and John were not in the match squad and knew that it was a good sign of sorts as it proved that they were now practically part of the main squad who mainly played in league matches and other important matches.

But the players who were chosen for the match squad to face Newcastle couldn't be bothered by that fact. They were just happy for the opportunity to finally get involved in a match and didn't think anything of being part of the second team.

After the Coaches had finished analysing and telling the players on what was expected of them, a time was fixed for early the next day for the players who were to travel with the squad to Newcastle and a day off was given to the rest of the players who didn't travel with the squad.

The players were released as they all went on there way home. Tony and John drove leisurely as they discussed, they both had mixed feelings as they wanted to be involved in every match but not being chosen for this match was a sign that they could be said to be part of the main squad of the academy.

They talked and analysed it as Tony drove John to his house. After he dropped John off he began to think of what to do with his free time since there was no training the next day and he wasn't going with the squad.

Tony went home and told his mom about everything and what the fact that he wasn't chosen for the match squad in the cup competition and what that fact might also mean. Tony's mom was happy for him as she hugged him tightly.

Lucy Lane was a small petite woman who had long brown hair and deep blue eyes. She was very beautiful and had small feminine features. She was 43yrs old but it was not obvious that she was over 40 years old as she looked like a young lady of about 30. She had a lot of free time and also took great care of herself as her skin looked very smooth.

Her main focus was her family as she was involved with taking care of most of there needs and preparing what they were to eat, and other things. When she was less busy she hanged out with her friends who lived close to her.

She was a banker when she was younger and only stopped working when she gave birth to baby Tony. Banking was a hard and strenuous job that needed long hours in the office and she wanted to be involved in the life of her son.

So she stopped going to work before she gave birth to Tony and since then she had been a stay at home mom and never made the decision to go back to start working even when the boys had grown up, since her husband already provided well for the family.

Tony's father was an Engineer and had a stable job with a construction firm. He ensured his family was well to do as he made enough money for there day to day expenses.

Tony's dad was a man of strong build and of towering height of over 6ft and had dark short hair. He was handsome and had an athletic build as he had been very interested in sports and had unsuccessfully tried to play football professionally when he was growing up.

Just like many people who lived in England, he loved football and was a regular at the Manchester City stadium as he was a committed supporter of Man City since when he was young.

He was very proud of his son who now had a shot of becoming a professional football player and constantly bragged about it to his friends at work and in pubs when he went there for a few drinks with his friends.

Tony's junior brother was slightly shorter than Tony with a height of about 5ft 7inches and had brown hair that stopped close to his ears. He was also handsome and looked like his father, he was 16yrs old and was still in school.

Tony was also handsome and was about 5ft 8inches and could be said to have a perfect height for football. He wasn't to talk to easily lose his balance and wasn't too short to be easily suppressed by the other players.

He had black hair that was relatively long for a boy, he could easily style it but it wasn't too long as to interfere with his vision when he was playing in a game. occasionally styled before he now began playing football in the academy.

He looked muscular and had an average buildwhich showed his athleticism. His facial features could be considered basic as he had an average sized nose and mouth, he also had deep brown eyes.

Tony loved his family and was really close to all of them as they usually discussed about there day and anything that was new about them when they had dinner.

But he knew he couldn't tell them about his coming back to the past or time jump or about the existence of Rose, as they would probably think he was joking or had gone mental.

Someone brought to my attention that we don't really know how Tony looks like, so I am trying to do justice to all the main characters and would try my best in giving a description of how they look like when I see an opportunity to, even if I don't really know how to describe a person. Also thanks for the power stones and your patience with my late updates

cruise_creators' thoughts
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