
Chapter 36

Ana Louella

As soon as I got home, my friends lectured me about the importance of a phone. They were so worried about me, and I can't blame them for worrying too much about me since it was really my fault. I should've brought my phone with me, but I can really be forgetful sometimes.

It has been a week since Drake was stabbed. The devils didn't attend their classes for a week. I think Drake is still recovering. I wonder when they are coming back.

A piece of paper was slammed on the table, pulling me out of trance. I looked up to see who just placed it on the table.

"What-" Drake cut me off.

"I accidentally ran over your heels." He said and with that, he left.

Did he just barge through the door while our professor was discussing?

I picked up the paper that he had just slammed on the table. It was a gift certificate amounting fifty thousand pesos. This is too much for just a pair of heels. I could even buy more than fifteen pairs with this gift certificate.

"Hey! This is too much!" I blurted even though he was already gone.

"Aren't you done yet Ms. Marcial?" Our professor asked.

I can feel my classmates staring at me, so I quickly sat and bowed my head in shame as I apologized to our professor. Thankfully, Jemimah Laureen isn't here or else I would be the class' focal point today.

"What was that for?" Meg asked.

"I- didn't you hear what he said?" I asked.

"No- I-"

"Sh! I'll explain it to you some other time." I chimed in, and she just nodded.

"I'll be late. I need to give this back to him." I said as I showed her the gift certificate.

"So... how about you help me with the cover-up?" I pleaded.

Meg looked at me for a moment as she let out a sigh but nodded anyway.

"Love you." I whispered, and she just winked at me.

Boring hours have quickly passed and as soon as the professor dismissed our class, Meg and I parted ways. I searched the whole university for Drake, and I was about to give up, but I saw him sitting on his car's hood as he puffed on a cigarette. He is with his friends, but he seems distracted because he isn't talking to his friends and his eyes were glued to the smoke that is slowly fading.

"Drake!" I shouted as I walked towards him.

The devils snapped their heads at me, and I avoided their gazes and continued walking.

"This is too much. I can't accept this." I said as I held the gift certificate out to him.

He took one last puff on his cigarette before he threw it on the floor and stamped it.

"Take it." He replied.

"No, I won't. Just forget about the heels. I have plenty of them at home." I stated.

"Louella, just fucking take it!" He snapped as he scowled at me.

"This is too much! I can't-"

He snatched the gift certificate from my hand and ripped it into pieces.

"Are you out of your mind? Why did you rip it?" I snapped.

"You don't want to take it. What am I even going to do with it?" He asked as he looked at me sternly.

"You could've just donated it! You- you're an idiot!" I fumed.


In rage, I kicked his leg and then I scrammed.

"Fuck! Dimwit!"

I heard him cursed, and I heard his friends laugh at him.

"Serves you right, jerk." I mumbled and then I giggled.

I went to Andrei's place which is one among our hangouts and there, we watched some movies while eating pizza and some potato chips. We also talked about random stuff and thankfully, Andrei didn't ask why I'm late and where I went..

After a couple of hours staying at his place, Meg and I decided to go home and we just parted ways. We already had dinner at Andrei's house, but I felt a little hungry, so I stopped at the nearest coffee shop to have some coffee and sandwich.

I pulled the coffee shop's glass door open and exited. When I felt my phone vibrate, I took it out from my jeans' back pocket and answered the call from an unknown number.

"Hello." I said and then I heard sobs on the other line.

"Ana... JD... missing."

"Jandi, is that you?" I asked worriedly.

"Yes, got your number... from Dave. JD... missing. He didn't... go home." She sobbed.

"Why- what happened?" I asked.

"Don't know. Help me, Ana. Find JD." She sobbed.

"Hush now. I'll find him, don't worry. What about Dave? Is he trying to find him?" I asked.

"Yes, but... can't find him." She said in between sniffs.

"Did you ask his friends where he could possibly go?" I asked.

"They're... helping Dave.." She sobbed.

"Stop crying now, please. Hush now. I'll find him." I said to comfort her.

"Thank you, Ana. I'll wait... for your call." She replied.

I heard her sniff before she ended the call.

That idiot! Where the hell did he go?

I dialed his number so many times, but he didn't answer any of my calls.

Could he still be at the university right now?

I guess, there is no harm in trying. I hailed a taxi and when I got into the backseat, I told the driver where I'm heading. As soon as I reached the university, I went to the parking lot where I saw him earlier.

It is quite dark, and the only sources of light were only the stars and the moon. Thankfully, I found his car in the parking lot.

"Positive." I mumbled.

I tapped his car's window and called his name a couple of times, but I didn't get any response.

He is still here, but where could he possibly be? Could he be at the natatorium?

I cringed when I remembered the first time I have been in that place. That night was horrible and now, I had to go back in there again. I need to find him for Jandi, and that is all.

I quickened my pace and I stopped walking the moment I'm front of the natatorium. I sighed after seeing that it was illuminated.

"Positive, again." I mumbled as I went inside.

I saw Drake sitting on the poolside as his feet dangle in the water. He is wearing swimming trunks and based on how he looks, he must have gone here to swim, but doesn't he have a pool at home?

There are few empty cans of beer on his side. I saw him take a couple of gulps on his can of beer and then he took a puff on his cigarette.

Is he trying to ruin his lungs and liver... and kill himself?

"Will you please stop making your sister worry about you?" I snapped, and he instantly turned to me.

He didn't answer me. Instead, he scowled at me before he puffed on his cigarette.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!"

"Get out."

"Go home, now!"

"Get the fuck out of here Louella!"

"No! You'll come with me, and go home. Jandi's waiting for you."

"Fuck!" He grumbled as he ran his hand through his hair.

"Why are you so fucking annoying? I said, get the fuck out of here. What can't you fucking understand?" He growled.

"I'll send you home." I said as I walked towards him.

I tugged his arm, and I hissed the moment I touched him.

"Drake- you're burning. I think you're having a fever." I stated, and he swatted my arms.

"Fuck off." He snarled.

"Get dressed. Aren't you feeling cold?"

"I don't need your concern. Fuck off Louella."

I roamed my eyes around the place, and I grabbed the towel from the bench the moment I saw it. I went back to Drake and draped the towel on his shoulders.

"Get up." I commanded.

"Can't you just leave me alone?" He grunted.

"No! So, get up."

"I won't go home. Leave me alone."

"You want to make it hard for me huh? Fine!" I snapped.

I took his clothes from one of the benches and started putting his shirt on. When I'm halfway done, he pushed me which caused us to lose our balance, so I ended up lying on the floor with Drake on top of me.

'Ugh! Why did we even have to end up in this awkward position?' I grumbled innerly.

My heart is beating so fast, and I did my best to calm myself. He reeks alcohol and smoke, and I felt the heat emanating from his body. I don't know why I'm feeling a little worried.

"Uh- you- get up." I stammered, and he immediately stood.

"Go home now. I'll get back to Jandi later." He said before he took his clothes on the floor and went somewhere.

"I'm so stupid!" I grunted as I slapped both of my cheeks.

I stood and sat on one of the benches. As I waited for him to get back here, I played some games on my phone.

I can't just leave him here for three reasons. First, he is sick. Second, he is probably drunk, so he can't drive. Lastly, I promised Jandi to bring him home.

I put my phone back inside my bag and yawned. While I was in the middle of yawning, he appeared in front of me, and I instantly covered my mouth with my hand.

"Why are you still here?" He asked nonchalantly.

"I'm waiting for you." I said as I stood.

"I don't-"

"I'll take you home now. Hurry!" I chimed in as I started to walk.

"Louella, can't you just-"

"Come on!" I snapped as I tugged his forearm and pulled him along with me.

Thankfully, he didn't complain.

"Wait. My car-"

"You can't drive, so we'll just call Dave to pick us up."

"I'm not drunk, dimwit." He said as he wriggled free from my hold, but I didn't let him go.

"You're still under the influence of alcohol, so you can't drive."

"I can drive. Let go." He said as he tried to wriggle free from my hold.

"Shut up and give me Dave's number." I said as I held out my phone.

He grabbed my phone from my hand and dialed Dave's number.

"Cut the crap, Dave. We're at the university." He said before he ended the call and gave me my phone back.

"You're burning. Aren't you feeling cold?" I asked as I stopped on my track and looked at him.

He just scowled at me and then he immediately looked away. I took out my phone from my jeans' pocket and dialed Dave's number.

"Can you bring a sweater for him?" I asked Dave.

"What the hell are-"

"Thanks, Dave. Hurry up but drive safely." I said.

I ended the call and put my phone back on my jeans' pocket.

"Let's wait for Dave at the coffee shop.."

"What- no!"

"Let's go! I'll buy you a cup of coffee."

"No-" I cut him off.

I pulled him along with me as I quickened my pace. I don't want to hear any complaints from him anymore. I wish Dave would come sooner, so I can now go home. I hate seeing this idiot's face because it is making me sick. Although Drake brings me nothing but trouble, I still couldn't help but worry about him.

This idiot is probably not as tough as how he looks.

NEXT UPDATE: When this book reaches 25K reads. See you soon! ;-)

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