
Chapter 4

Ana Louella

The days went by quickly. I spent the weekend with my friends. We watched some movies while eating popcorn and chips. That is our usual routine if we do not have schoolworks during weekends. They would come at ten in the morning and stay with me until six.

For the past two days, my thoughts were filled by Ace. I cannot think of anything else beside him and my heart would always skip a beat every time I think of him. I have never felt this way before and every time the idea that I am starting to have feelings for Ace pops in my head, I cannot help but feel a little scared. I do not know him personally and I do not know why I am experiencing this kind of feeling but there is something that I am sure of, I want to know him deeply.

I really need to get a hold of myself and forget this for a moment because I need to return his sketchbook now. I should also buy him a slice of cake or some cupcakes as a peace offering. I want to make it up for him. Besides, I am too early for my first period so I can still do my agenda for this day.

I went to the nearest cake shop from the university. I arrived here approximately ten minutes ago but I have not bought anything yet. There are too many cakes and I cannot decide properly. I do not know which one to give him.

I guess, I will just give him a slice of strawberry or blueberry cheesecake.

"Can't still choose, miss?" The cashier asked and I nodded.

"Just take this last piece of chocolate mousse cake. It has strawberry on top. This is our best seller and it can easily be depleted, very saleable." He stated and I nodded.

"Okay, I will take it." I replied and then I smiled at him.

He was about to place the cake on a cute blue box when someone suddenly spoke.

"I like that cake. I will take it."

It was Drake. Why the heck is he suddenly here?

"Why don't you just buy something else. There are lots of cakes to choose from." I replied and then I scowled at him.

"I like that one so just buy something else." He said and then he smirked at me.

"I'll pay twice the price." I stated and then I stared at the cashier.

He looks so flustered. Maybe, he knows Drake and he is afraid of him. Well, who would not know this devil?

"I'll give you ten thousand." He said as he took his wallet from his jeans' back pocket.

That is too much for just a slice of cake. Is he that stupid? I bet, he just wants to annoy me.

"You- you don't need to- to pay ten thousand ju- just give me a hundred and fifty pesos si- sir. It's yours." The cashier stammered and then he looked at me with saddened eyes.

"I was the first to buy that cake. How could you give it to him?!" I asked angrily and he bowed his head before answering.

"I don't want to be expelled from the university. My aunt would kill me." He replied nervously.

"Coward! Now, you don't need this signage anymore." I said as I ripped the signage that is pasted on the door.

I crumpled it and threw it at him and it hit his head.

"What happens to first come, first serve rule huh?" I asked and he stared at me for a moment and then he looked down.

"Look at me!" I snapped at him and then he looked at me nervously.

I grabbed the cake from his hand and threw it on his face. He seems shocked but I did not apologize to him. I know that it is rude to embarrass people but I just cannot control my emotions right now because he is just so infuriating and he is getting in my nerves.

"You are not just a coward, you are even stupid!" I snarled at him.

I took out a hundred and fifty pesos from my wallet and placed them on the counter. I looked at Drake sternly and then I walked past him.

They are both stupid! That Drake is really getting in my nerves and I am starting to hate him.

I sighed heavily and walked towards the university. There are no students yet when I arrived in our classroom. I am too early for my first period.

I guess, I will just return Ace's sketchbook tomorrow and I will just bake some cookies for him later. That would be better than to buy something for Ace in that cake shop.

A few minutes later, my classmates start to arrive and the class was filled with murmurs but I just ignored them. I guess, they are talking about us. Oh! How can I forget that rumors spread faster than any virus?

Finally, Meg is already here. She flashed a smile at me as she walked towards me. She kissed my cheek and then she placed her bag on her table.

"Why are you so early Lou?" She asked as she sat beside me.

"I woke up early. Did you bring your lunch?" I replied.

"Yeah. How about you?" She asked and I just nodded.

A few minutes later, our professor has finally arrived and the murmurs suddenly died.

"The professor will surely announce your expulsion. Any last words before you leave, my dearest Louella?" Jemimah, my seatmate said mockingly and I just looked at her sternly.

"Good morning class!" The professor greeted and we greeted her back.

"Before we start our discussion, I'd like to announce something first." Mrs. Delos Santos stated and I cannot help but feel a little nervous.

Is she really going to announce our expulsion? I hope not! If I ever get expelled, my parents will surely kill me.

"Lou, no matter what happens, we're on this together." Meg whispered and I just smiled at her.

My seatmate giggled and I scowled at her.

"This year marks the centenary of the foundation of Don Leoncio Severino International University and to celebrate its great achievement, the university will conduct a gala and every student is invited. Everyone in the university is expected to come. You can find the other details in the invitation including the theme, date, time and the dress code." Mrs. Delos Santos said.

The class was filled with murmurs again but this time, we are no longer the their topic. Everyone in the class cannot hold back the excitement including me and Meg. Meg, Andrei and I have never attended a ball or gala and even prom because Meg was hospitalized on the day of our school's prom. Andrei and I took care of Meg so we never got the chance to attend the prom. This would be our first time to attend one and I hope that nothing bad will come up on that day.

"Ms. Lucena, kindly distribute the invitations after my class and let's proceed to our discussion first." She added and then she gave the invitations to Cristina, our class president.

"Okay Mrs. Delos Santos." Cristina said as she took the invitations from Mrs. Delos Santos hand and then Mrs. Delos Santos began discussing our lesson.

Hours went by quickly and before I knew it, our classes had finally ended. Meg and I are walking away from the university to go home. For me, going home is the best part of studying and I cannot wait to lie down on my own comfy bed. I am pretty sure that most of the students would agree with me.

"We should start designing our gowns already. We have three weeks to do that. What do you think Lou?" Meg asked as she walked in front of me.

"I think, we should just buy ready-to-wear gowns. We still have to pass some projects next week and I'm sure that there would be more schoolworks in the upcoming weeks." I stated and she nodded before answering.

"You're right but I hope we can buy or rent gowns together?" She asked and I smiled at her.

"Sure Meggy, let's invite Andrei too." I replied and she gave me a smile.

Neither one of our professors told us about our expulsion. I guess, we are still students of DLSIU. Although I am anxious of going back to the university tomorrow, I feel so relieved to know that they haven't expelled us yet. Sooner or later, I will find a way to coax the devils. All that we can do for now is to stay away from them as far as we can.

Meg, Andrei and I had a peaceful day in the university because the devils did not bother us. In fact, I never saw any of them in the university after my encounter with Drake at the cake shop earlier. I do not know if their silence means withdrawing from the war they have started or are they planning something to conquer us? Whatever the answer is, my friends and I have to prepare ourselves because we will never know what will happen next but there is one thing that I am sure of, even the greatest storm would calm down. Sooner or later, the devils wrath would come to an end.

Since everything in this world is unsure, all that I can do for now is to pray for our safety and hope that the upcoming days would be just like today.

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