
Arrows for Hunting

Perfect! He liked this one the most.

Human beings do not actually learn long-lasting lessons easily. One sure way to teach them was pain, and in the absence of pain, fear could work too.

Name: Dreadshade Venom

Description: When ingested or introduced into the bloodstream. This poison causes vivid, terrifying hallucinations tailored to the victim's deepest fears, leading to severe mental distress and paranoia, making them constantly afraid and anxious, unable to concentrate or function properly.

Amherst College had a battle arena but it was still forbidden to kill students. Wasn't this great, he was not inflicting any bodily harm. Zane found it difficult to hold back his smile. And the potion did not even have a cooldown, you must ingest the antidote.

"Haha!" He coughed, which sounded a little bit evil.

"System, process the purchase for the Etherbane Toxin, the Frostbloom Toxin and the

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