
I killed him

Zane turned round to gaze at his reflection in all directions. Clothes do make a man. He was dressed in a black tuxedo, the cut of the suit had a high society quality to it. 

Zane's features were already exceptional, the cloth made him gain an even more mature quality. The vest wrapped firmly against his waist making him taller. The material was extremely comfortable, Zane smiled. Being rich was truly the best. 

His belongings have been packed and sent down. He had taken only two boxes with him, the bigger one contained his box while the smaller one contained his daily necessities, a few clothes and other important things he couldn't leave behind. 

Taking all his clothes was useless, he was sure his wardrobe in his new house was already filled with clothes. He silently bade his room farewell and resolutely walked out.

He went up to the roof of the building. Eight people were standing there. His mother, the butler, the lawyer, the ever frowning Miss Miriam and four men also dressed in uniforms, these should be the guards assigned to the trip, well the visible ones. 

He was sure at least five invisible guards were hiding around, well maybe he was overthinking things, he was an illegitimate son, after all, having four escorts was already generous enough.

He gave them a faint smile and looked worriedly at his mom who was dabbing his wet eyes with a handkerchief. This was not the 18th century, she should have found another scene to act for his journey.

Her actions right now sharply contrasted with her scolding when he left the house without informing anybody. At least her hot or cold attitude towards him was something he wouldn't be missing when he goes to Beva.

His eyes lit up completely when he saw their ride, "Is this the Spruce Dolphin, isn't it the latest aviation technology of the Innovative Server Foundation?" He turned to the butler and asked, his eyes were shining, his excitement impossible to hide. 

Miriam looked at him with slight disdain and scoffed, "It is. Please, young master, Do well to remember your current status."

"Miriam!" Edward rebuked sharply. It was a mistake to bring her along, he was one of the major contenders to succeed in his post and normally she was well put together but she has disappointed him during this trip. It seems like she can't still be composed on matters concerning the family head, this could be detrimental.

Facing Zane who was still caressing the jet with his hands, "Could it be that young master Zane is interested in aviation?"

"No, not really. However, Mr Rein outdid himself with this new invention. It is indeed a marvel. I never thought weight could also be reduced by pumping helium into its fuselage, besides using its rear-mounted energy converted module to harvest wind energy during flight, Simply genius." 

A helpless look appeared on his face as his hands trailed down the blade of the jet, "However I still have no idea how he managed to make the jet achieve its incredible speed? The ISF didn't report it and it is not like anyone can give me their Spruce Whale to study, to think that you had it. Could I take a look at the cockpit?"

The astonished look on Edward's face had not faded when Zane turned back, It seemed like he had gone off ranting again. It couldn't be helped, this was a large bag of knowledge points and if he could find out the secret of the speed of this jet, wouldn't he get a thousand knowledge points or more?

"Zane, you can look at all that later, if you don't hurry now, you might be late, it's bad manners to let others wait for you." Raina said.

"Madam is naturally right. Young master Zane, we need to be on our way."  Edward said with a smile as he opened the door with a slight bow.

Zane's lips twitched. Who are these two playing for a fool? The Spruce Dolphin has reached a speed of Mach 11.8, how was it possible for him to be late? He waved a final goodbye to his mother and proceeded to enter the jet.

Ignoring the rich leathers, fine wood veneers and stylish stonework, he proceeded to download a book on the intricacies of aviation designing and building and refresh his memory, his intention to use this chance to thoroughly study the Spruce Whale.

The Sun already began its descent when they landed in Bevan. Zane climbed down the stairs, his heart was beating a bit faster. This city felt charged somehow. The atmosphere was electrifying like there was some form of invisible tension in the air, he swallowed, so this was the Alliance Capital city, Bevan.  

Only after he entered the car with Edward did his heartbeat become steady. Zane's instincts had been worn from his time observing people and were telling him that this city was dangerous, he should turn and run. 

He closed his eyes, he could appreciate the beautiful environment later, for now, getting into the right frame of mind was important.

The Butler watched the young man in front of him in silence, "Young master Zane, we would  be reaching the lobby in three minutes, would you like any last-minute preparations?"

"I have already memorized the details of the guests of the gathering today. Is there anything you forgot to tell me?" His brows were slightly raised, a challenge arose in his eyes.

Edward smiled, did this sentence mean he intended to shift any social flax he commits this night on him. It seemed like he was ready.

"No, young master Zane. I believe I covered every area, the rest would be up to the young master's incredible capability."

"How can? Butler Edward's teaching ability, I am sure is without par"   

The both of them continued to lightly banter as Zane practised his word games, however, all things must end, the car came to a stop and started to touch down.

"We are here, young master Zane."

Zane gave a cheerful smile, "Butler Edward should not worry so much, I will take this as an impromptu exam and do my best." He looked at the butler and quickly turned away but in the next moment. 

Edward could detect the genuine concern in his eyes. Did the young master think he would be punished if he failed his task? A sliver of guilt intruded and expanded within him, he closed his eyes and whispered in his mind, "Good luck, young master Zane." 

There were other cars as people continued to troop into the hall. It was brilliantly lit inside, the place was resplendent and the beautiful glowing lights of the crystal chandeliers made the various people inside look even more outstanding. 

A soft piano sonata was played accompanied by the crescendos of violins, its notes setting the tone of luxury and opulence.

This was a gathering thrown for the available young masters and mistresses of the main house and the second house. However, when each person came they would come with their own confidants and followers and as such the simple welcome party has turned into a grand gathering.

They were sitting and chatting together, occasionally drinking cocktails or eating exquisite snacks, it was a tacit understanding that they were secretly sizing each other up.

In a moment, the atmosphere surrounding everyone had turned strange, some whispered about, speculating incessantly and naturally, there were a few looks of disdain thrown at him. 

They thought that it was because of his clout as the family's head son as well as a top-ranked person in the CAT that enabled such a party thrown in his honour. No matter what doubts many felt, it was not shown. 

Zane walked into the hall, his eyes caught a sofa and he made for it.  Anyone approaching him will probably do so before he sits down. 

Robert Valois reached him immediately, with a warm voice and an amicable smile, "You must be Zane, the current 2nd ranked student in the Alliance. I read your thesis on optics and virtual reality, it was really fascinating. I am Robert Valois, your cousin, pleasure to meet you"

Zane's eyes brightened. Now, this would be a pillar and shield for the entire night, in such a party, you don't need to know everybody, you just need to hold the right person tight, who best that Robert Valois, his direct cousin. 

Robert Valois had style, connections and his smile were exceptionally amicable. He was also incredibly handsome like a jade tree facing the wind, putting the fact that he was a top elite mage at Amherst College. he was just perfect for this.

"So Mr Robert read the thesis, do you have any interest in virtual reality or optics?"-- Bait thrown

"What Mr Robert, I am just three years older than you. Call me Brother Robert, we are cousins after all."

"Brother Robert" He replied obediently, his eyes flickered around the room and he whispered, "The Valois family is a really large family"

"Hey, Robert! Why are you hoarding him, quickly introduce him?" Two boys said in sync as they walked over.

"What hoarding? Zane, this is Louis and Luca, they are my younger brothers."

Zane nodded, he watched the identical boys for a short while before distinguishing and greeting them in turn" Luca, Louis, nice to meet you"

A groan slipped out from Luca's mouth, "Couldn't you save our face by taking a little longer?"

"Is this the power of the Alliance second rank student?" Another boy said while walking into their circle, his hair was dyed green and he had a nose ring, he was the picture of a school delinquent.

"Marcellus, who called you here?" The other twin, Louis said. He did not even try to be polite about his dislike.

"Don't call me Marcellus, my name is Marc!" The boy, Marc looked angry, his eyes were narrowed and an image of him spitting fire appeared in Zane's mind.

"Stop now," Robert warned. With the doting helpless look of an older brother, he sighed, brushing his hand through his head. "These two, they are like fire and ice whenever they meet."

Zane gave him a strange look for a second, both had awakened to both the specialised fire mage and ice mage class respectively. Moreover, in exactly ten years from now, they would have an earth-shattering battle that left both of them famous through the capital. A series of murmurs soon caught his attention.

A man walked steadily through the doors of the hall, trailed by a line of people. He possessed raven-black hair that was slightly wavy bound back by a thin bronze tie and stormy grey eyes. Zane's eyes landed on him and heart-wrenching guilt filled him, the grief was so consuming that Zane had to shut his eyes. 

'Father tried to save me. He is dead. He died because of me. My fault. It is all my fault. My greed, my pride. It is all my fault...I killed him...I killed Father.'

The lines keep pouring into his mind over and over again. Accompanying it was a deep sadness and regret, a dark ocean of despair. No one could save him, he did not deserve it. He killed his father. It was all his fault.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Dark_Scholarscreators' thoughts
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