
Fuckin A!!

"GOOD MORNING VIETNAM!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Kira shouted out as he stood on the edge of a cliff

"Fuckin A, what's with you today?" Ban asked as he, Erza, Yami, Itachi, and the rest of his 'Servants' stood behind him

"Bro!! I feel as if a breath of fresh air has flushed through me!" Kira said as he turned towards them all

"How so?" Erza

"I no longer have to lie about myself to the one that I love! Everything is out in the open, well almost, but hey! Fuck it!" Kira

"Sir, we should get home if we don't want to be late," Itachi

"Oh right, come on," Kira said as they all de-summoned their selfs

"Looking over the cliff one last time, Kira smiled as he then started floating and quickly flew away, taking his time taking in the view, Kira thought about all that happened since his fight with Salem, It's been two weeks, and in that time, while BEacon was being re-built, Kira was invited to move in with Ruby, Yang, and Tai, so of course he accepted, and after a while, a wave of peace washed over the four kingdoms

"Kira!! HAHAHA!" ruby shouted out as she, Yang, and Tai was waiting outside of the house seemingly waiting for him, quickly landing, Ruby ran and jumped into Kir's arms

"Hey, sweetie!" Kira said as he kissed her forehead

"Hehehehehe," Ruby giggled

"So, you ready?" Tai asked

"Yep!" Kira replied as suddenly a voice rang out from behind them

"You weren't going to start without us were you?" Weiss said, turning around, Kira saw Weiss, Blake, Jaune, Nora, Ren, Pyrrha, Qrow, as well as Ozpin

"Well, it's great we're all here, so, are you all sure you want to do this? because you may see things that will really fuck you up," Kira

"Yes, I think it's best for us to see these, 'Alternate Realities' You were talking about," Ozpin

"...Ruby, are you sure about this, like I said, you may see a version of your mother, and it may not be good," Kira asked Ruby who looked at him determined

"As I said, no matter what happens, I won't stray away from this," Ruby

".....Alright, well, once we enter I hope you all know I will summon the others, so, be aware of that," Kira said as he then raised his hand

"ID Create RWBY AU," Kira said as suddenly they all were transported to a forest

"Woah," Yang

"Come on out y'all," Kira said as everyone summoned their selves in front of the group

"Gods, I won't get used to seeing a grimmifeid version of you two," Tai said as he looked at Ruby (G) and Yang (G)

"Tell me about it," Ruby and Yang

"Hehehe," Ruby (G) only laughed

"So, how do you all want to do this? Split into groups? Team JNPR goes with Neo, Cinder, Mercury, and Emerald, Team RWBY goes with Team RWBY (G), and me, Tai, Ozpin, and Qrow, goes with the rest?" Kira

"Yeah, that sounds fine," Was the basic answer that everyone gave

"Alright, well Jaune, your the leader of your team, Ruby your the leader of yours, and well, obviously I'm the leader of ours, so Jaune, you go left, Ruby you go right, and well go straight, Understood?" Kira

"Yep!!" Ruby

"Understood!" Jaune

"Great, now split! If anything happens just shout and I'll be there," Kira said as they all started heading their separate ways

"Alpha, you scout ahead for Jaune's group, Omega, your scout ahead for Ruby's group, Vallen, scout ahead for us, now go," Kira said sending them on their ways

"So, this is where you had to fight Team Ruby (G) it must have been hard to kill them," Ozpin

"Yeah, but, I know they would have killed me if they could, so I had to, but, I don't know if this is the same one or not, as there are countless universes," Kira said he noticed Ozpin keep glancing over to Salem

"So, I have a question for you ozpin," Kira

"Hmm?" Ozpin

"If we were to find a version of your daughters, how would you react?" Kira asked causing Ozpin to think about it for the first time

".....I.....Haven't even considered that" Ozpin

"Hmm, well, if it's fine with you, if you want to take them out of the dungeon, I'd have to kill them and them bring them back, but after their alive again, I'll let them live how they want, but, when the time comes, I'll leave that decision up to you," Kira said as they continued forwards, when suddenly they heard a screech, signaling that Vallen has located something

"Well, I say we pick up our pace," Kira said as he started jogging forwards while the others struggled to keep up with him

"Hmm? A village? Maybe there are actual people," Kira said as he arrived with the others right behind him

"I doubt it, I don't sense any life here," Salem

"....." Kira went silent as he thought about how quiet it was

"Itachi," Kira said causing Itachi to nod as he suddenly disappeared, after about five seconds, he re-appeared with a tiny animal in his hands, looking at it, Kira immediately laughed as he figured that they were in the same AU where he had gotten RWBY (G)

"Ruff!!" The dog barked out in worry

".....Everyone, look away," Kira

"Huh? Wh-" Tai

"Just do it," Kira said leading everyone to look away

Looking at the dog, Kira felt like a piece of shit for what he had to do, touching the dog's head, its body quickly went limp, to which Kira immediately said

"Arise!" Kira

[Pick a Name]

".....Zwei (G)" Kira said as the dog then jumped into his arms, looking at him, half of his body was covered in black goo, as half of its face was covered by a skull

"Y'all can look, and judging by this little Bugger, I assume that we're in the same Universe I found Team RWBY (G) in," Kira said as he held up Zwei (G)

"Oh, wait, does that mean you ju-" Tai

"SHHHHHHHHHHHH, we don't speak of this, especially to Ruby," Kira

"But, I say we keep heading forwards because this universe's version of Salem is more than likely watching us right now, SO LET'SA GO!!" Kira shouted as he began to march forwards with the others quickly following behind him


It's been a while, but hey!! Time for season 2!!

(Yes this is a reference to LevelHeaded_Guy33's comment!)

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