
Not so much the End

"ROOOOAAAAAAR!!!!!!!!!" Alpha and Omega both let out a deafening roar as they rushed forwards towards the Grimm that was flying overhead

"HAAAAAAAAA!!!" Erza let out a battle cry as she charged forwards with both Itachi and Ronin beside her

"So, you realize this is gonna be a bitch to explain right?" Ban

"Yep, but fuck it," Kira

"Two...two...Kira's?" Ruby questioned what was happening

"Forget that, there's another set of us!" Yang

"Kira, just what is going on," Ozpin

"Uhh, I would explain, but now really isn't the time, so I'll do it after, alright?" Kira looked back at them all showing them his hollow mask and horns

"....We have no other choice it seems, so, what do you want us to do?" Ozpin

"Right, I need both of the team Rwby's to worry about ember and the other lackeys, Yami, you go with Ozpin, Ban, you go with.....who are you?" Kira asked the other guy who was there

"Oh right, Kira, this is my uncle Qrow," Ruby

"....Huh, ok well, Ban you go with Qrow, all I need y'all to do is make sure no one interrupts my fight with Salem," Kira

"Right!" Team Rwby/ Team Rwby (G)

"Got it," Qrow/ Ban

Kira then turned his head to look at Salem who was staring at him, seeing this he only smirked as he dropped into his Renewal Taekwondo stance and blitzed forwards at Salem, causing a sonic boom to erupt behind him, quickly causing him to appear in front of Salem, who was too slow to stop Kira from delivering an Arang to her stomach, which sent her flying away from the arena, Kira quickly followed behind her.

flying at blinding speeds, Kira quickly caught up with her, he then grabbed her head and started to grind it into the ground as Kira kept them flying, but he stopped in mid-air and swung his body a full three hundred and sixty degrees and flung Salem into a mountain causing an explosion, he quickly flew over and landed about fifty feet away from where Salem was

"So, who gave you that sword?" Kira

"Hehehehehe, you really expect me to tell you that?" Salem said as she was once again regenerating

"I mean, I could just make you," Kira

"Oh, and how is that?" Salem

"Simple, {Immortality Negation}" Kira said as he heard a notification go off


[New skill bought: Immortality Negation]

[description: The ability to negate immortals]


"Oh? is that supposed to scare me? even the gods of light and darkness can't kill me!!" Salem shouted as she charged towards Kira blasting a magic spell at him, but before it hit him, he disappeared

"You should be careful, seeing how you aren't immortal anymore," Kira said as he was now behind her, his arm through Salem's chest, causing her to vomit up blood, Kira then let her drop to the floor

"W-why aren't I healing!?!?!" Salem

"Are you deaf? I said you're mortal now, so, this can go one of two ways, you can tell me who gave you the sword, and I can heal you and let you on your way, OR, I can just kill you, revive you as a servant, and force you to tell me, the choice is yours," Kira said as he walked in front of her, and looked her in the eyes

"I-i...He...hehehhehehe!" Salem started to laugh maniacally

"I'm guessing you choose option two?" Kira asked as he looked at the deranged Salem, she only looked at him and mumbled

"You can't revive me.....If there's nothing left!!" Salem shouted as she cast a spell causing the ground to split open with rays of flame, clearly trying to annihilate herself and the surrounding area

"{Law Magic: Time Isolation}" Kira said activating a skill that allowed time to be stopped

"Sigh' Suicide...That's just sad..." Kira said as he walked over to Salem, he then swiftly decapitated her

"Now, how to stop this...." Kira said as he looked at the ground that was about to blow the entire surrounding area to dust

"I mean...do I even have to? will it reach over to where the others are?" Kira asked, getting a response from Ayano

[Negative, the blast will not reach the others, but I do recommend leaving before you unpause time, otherwise, the body of Salem will be obliterated] Ayano

"Alright good, now let's get back to the others," Kira said as he grabbed the body of Salem and flew off in the direction of the others, he quickly arrived, he then unpaused time, the blast Salem did then went off, causing everyone to look in the direction only to see Kira standing there

"Enough," Kira said as he then threw the body of Salem in front of him, leaving everyone speechless

"What's that supposed to mean? She'll just regenerate and kill you again!" Cinder shouted

"Hehehehe, oh, is that so, ARISE," Kira held his hand out in front of him, causing the body of Salem to start to quickly regenerate

"See!! I told you s-" Cinder was saying but stopped due to the sight before her, Salem was kneeling in front of Kira

[Pick a Name]

"Your name will remain as Salem, now, my first order is for you to tell your lackeys to stand down before I kill them too," Kira said causing Salem to nod and stand up so that she was now facing everyone

"Everyone, There is no need to remain fighting, come, and let's praise our one and true savior, KIRA," Salem said inviting her Lackeys to join her

"...." Everyone was speechless

"Wha....You BITCH!! I gave up everything for you!! To follow YOUR cause!! Then you just go and drop all that!!! For that TRASH!!" Cinder shouted as she then sent a fireball at Salem and Kira, Kira closed his eyes as he sighed he was then about to retaliate, but he then heard a body fall, looking up, he saw that Salem had killed Cinder

"CINDE-" Emerald shouted but was quickly dealt with by Salem, who eradicated the rest of her Lackeys

"...." Kira was left speechless this time as he looked at Salem

"There we are, peace and quiet," Salem said with a smile on her face

"That was fucked," Kira said as he walked over to the dead lackeys

"ARISE!" Kira said causing all of them to quickly regenerate, leaving all of them in a kneeling position

[Pick a Name]

[Pick a Name]

[Pick a Name]

[Pick a Name]

[Pick a Name]

"Sigh' Cinder, Emerald, Mercury, Neo, and Tyrian," Kira said as he couldn't be bothered with making new names

"My lord!!" all of them shouted as they saluted to him

"K-Kira?" Ruby's voice entered Kira's ears, he then remembered that he now had to explain all of this to everyone

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