

'Sigh' Right now Kira was in quiet a predicament, you see by the time Kira had noticed someone had spiked the punch it was to late as Ruby had latched on and dragged him down onto her bed with him, thankfully nothing happened as their was still people there when it happened, and by the time everyone left, Ruby was long asleep, the same can't be said for Kira as every time he tried to go to sleep, he heard some very particular 'Noises' from across the hall, but eventually it came to an end when a 'yell' was released

"JAAAUUUUNNNEEE" after that there was nothing but silence, Kira couldn't help but feel proud of his disciple, but Ban decided to put his two cent's in

'I-I-I I can make your bed rock girl' Ban

'Pfftt' Ruby (G)

'Children' Kira said as he blocked out there voice's, But now that they were finished Kira could finally get some sleep, so he closed his eye's and eventually fell asleep


"Mmm" Kira was starting to wake up when he seen that Ruby was still latched onto his side, noticing the sun was coming up he knew he didn't sleep for long

'Ayano show me my Status' Kira thought to himself, Kira has yet to look at his stats since he fought team Rwby (G)


[Name: Kira]

[Bloodline: Mutated Hollowed Saiyan/Symbiote/Original Devil]

[Level: 71>94]

[Exp: 1926/10,000

[Shop point's: 742,184]

[Stat point's: 210]

[Health: 1,489>1,719]

[Strength: 377>400]

[Agility: 330>353]

[Vitality: 200>223]

[Summons: Ban, Erza, Itachi, Yami, Pikachu, Alpha, Omega, Ruby (G), Yang (G), Weiss (G), Blake (G)]

[Girlfriend: Ruby Rose]

[Skill's: {Prodigy: EX } {Will of the god's: SSS } {Renewal taekwondo: SS } {Ki manipulation: SSS } {Flying: SS } {Cooking: S } {Mind of a God: SSS } {Death's Call: SSS } {Blacksmith Skill: SSS } {Mana Burst: A} {Web slinging: A} {Spider sense: SS} {Water bending: SSS} {Presence of a God: SSS} {Transtep: A} {Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū: S} {Fire Bending: SSS} {Dragon Fist: B} {Hell's Gates: D} {Devil's Charm: D} {Demonic Magic: D} {True Desire: D} {Demonic Contract: D} {Telumkinesis: EX} {Energy Drain: A} {ID Create: EX} {Depiction of Nature and Society: D} {Law Magic: D} {kaio-ken: D} {Shadow Clone Justu: D} {Elemental Magic: A} ]

[Transformation's: {True Demon King: Stage One} {Great ape: B} {Armored titan: D} {Susanoo: S} {Ikari/Wrathful state: SS} {Super Saiyan: SSS} ]

[Weapon's: {Sky killer} {Black Heart} {Unlimited kunai} {Elucidator} {Train} {Yami no ha} {Dragon blade}]


Kira couldn't help but smile as he seen he was almost at level One Hundred, he also was quiet happy he was able to master his {Super Saiyan} Form, he looked and noticed that he has quiet a lot of System point's, as well as Stat Point's, he was thinking of what to do next when he heard Ruby start to wake up as she looked up she was met with Kira smiling at her

"Hey, good morning beautiful" Kira

'beautiful, how was your night?' Ban

'Mine was wonderful with you by my side' Venom

'And when I open my eyes to see your sweet face' Ban

'It's a good morning, beautiful day' Ban and Venom sung together causing Kira to sigh

"Mmm, morning Kira....KIRA" Ruby hopped back as she realized she was laying next to Kira

"Hehehehe" Kira could only chuckle at her

"Hmmmm, not so loud" Yang's voice came into there ear's

"K-Kira what are you doing here, why are you sleeping next to me" Ruby

"Well long story short, someone spiked the punch and by the time i found out you latched onto me and dragged me onto your bed with you, luckily you didn't try anything" Kira said as he jumped down off of her bed

"O-oh" Ruby

"Hehe, listen wake everyone up and get washed up we got class in a couple of hour's, i'm going to get cleaned up as well, meet me in the kitchen and i'll have some breakfast cooked up, as well as something to get rid of everyone's hangover's" Kira said as he walked to the door and opened it

"Okay, hehe" Ruby said now excited for Kira to cook for her

"Also Ruby, that was hand's down the best sleep of my life, i love you" Kira said as he proceeded to leave the room leaving a extremely red Ruby behind

'Ahh, that was adorable' Erza

'Meh' Ban

"Hehehe" Kira chuckled as he proceeded to his room soon arriving and hopping into the shower to get freshened up, He then proceeded to go to the dorm's Kitchen that rarely no one ever use's and cook breakfast. About thirty minute's go by and team Rwby arrives with team Jnpr right behind them, seeing everyone here Kira decided to start serving them there food, Kira had made pancakes, sausage's, waffle's, eggs and some more, he even made some crepe's. He and everyone else sat down and enjoyed the food while joking around, Kira even decided to tease Jaune a little which caused Pyrrha to become flustered.


Kira and the other's were now sitting in the sparing arena where Pyrrha and Jaune was facing off against team CRDL, and right now Kira is feeling extremely proud because they have not touched Jaune at all, Jaune and Pyrrha is wiping the floor with them, but sadly the ass kicking had came to an end as team CRDL had lost, Ms. Goodwitch walked out of the stand's down to the arena

"And that's the match" Ms. Goodwitch

"Lucky shot" Cardin say's as he collapses.

"Well done, Miss Nikos. You should have no problem qualifying for the tournament, and i must say Mr. Arc i never expected you to become this good as quickly as you have, what ever you've been doing keep it up" Ms. Goodwitch

"Thank you, professor." Pyrrha

"Haha, well i owe it all to Kira" Jaune

"Alright, now I know that's a tough act to follow, but we have time for one more sparring match Any volunteers? Ms. Belladonna? You've been rather docile for the past few classes. Why don't you" Ms. Goodwitch

"U-uhh" Blake

"I'll give it a go" Kira said as he raised his hand

"Mr. Kira, hmm okay who do you wish to fight" Ms. Goodwitch

"Ooh i'll fight him" Mercury said

"Kira?" Ms. Goodwitch

"That's fine, but if possible i'll like to fight a couple more" Kira said causing Mercury to look dumbfounded

"What am i not enough" Mercury said dramatically

"Not even close" Kira

"I'll fight you entire team though" Kira

"Wha-" Mercury was about to say but was cut off

"Acceptable Mercury come down here with your team" Ms. Goodwitch

"Kick there but's Kira" Ruby said to the side of Kira causing him to smile and walk down to the arena

"Kira are you ready?" Ms. Goodwitch

"Yep" Kira

"Mercury are you and your team ready?" Ms. Goodwitch

"Yeah" Mercury

"Ok Began" Ms. Goodwitch

"So i know you three so what's your name" Kira said as he pointed at the fourth member of there team

"Oh her name is Noire" Mercury said

"Really? Wait a minute she's Cinder your Mercury she's Emerald and finally Noire" Kira

"Yeah? what about it" Cinder

"SOO, What your saying is your team name is CMEN" Kira said causing team CMEN to deadpan

"Hahahahaha" All of team Rwby was laughing their asses off in the audience

"I'll make you eat them word's" Mercury said as he charged forward towards Kira and threw a punch at him to, which Kira did <Renewal Taekwondo: Hoe Grab> Kira grabbed his fist with his left leg, he then used his right to propel himself upwards to knee him in the face, Mercury was sent flying backwards with this attack, his teammate's were all shocked but it didn't last long as Kira was suddenly in front of Emerald, <Renewal Taekwondo: Arang> Kira drove his elbow into her stomach, instantly knocking her out, Kira once again disappeared and reappeared in front of Cinder who he just merely punched in the chest sending her crashing into an wall. The only one left was Noire, Kira simply looked at her as she through her hand's up signaling she admits defeat

"That's enough Kira win's, great job Kira but next time try and take it easy would you" Ms. Goodwitch

"I was" Kira

"Well a little easier" Ms. Goodwitch said making Kira chuckle as he began to walk back up to the stand's where he was immediately 'Attacked' by Ruby as she clung to him

"Yo that was amazing Kira" Jaune

"You truly are deserving to be the School's ace Kira" Pyrrha

"Hehehe, he really is something huh" Ruby said as she looked at Kira with a particular gleam in her eye's

"That is all for today. And remember, the dance is this weekend. But you all have your first mission on Monday. I will not accept any excuses" Ms. Goodwitch

"Well since that's the last class for today, how about we head to the market and pick up some ingredient's and i'll cook diner for everyone tonight" Kira

"OOH! Really? Yeah come on guy's" Ruby said as she ushered team Rwby and Jnpr forward as she dragged Kira forward with her, they went outside where they saw Sun who came up to Blake and asked her to the dance on Sunday, to which she rejected him pretty harshly, which caused Kira to laugh at Sun. Kira didn't really care about who the other girl's dated, as long as no-one was stupid enough to try and flirt with Ruby

Kira went with Ruby to the market to get some ingredient's while the other's stayed behind to do something, Kira didn't really care that they didn't come as it meant him and Ruby got to have some alone time together. So Kira and Ruby went around shopping as well as going into the pastry shop the went to on their first date, while there Kira decided to pay back the Old Man for what happened to his truck the other day

Once Kira and Ruby had gotten everything for dinner they headed back to the dorm's where Kira dropped Ruby off, he then went and started to cook some food for everyone, when he was done he called everyone down to the Kitchen where they all ate, but Kira noticed that Blake wasn't there, but he already knew what was happening so he didn't care, everyone was sitting at the table chatting while eating

"Hey, aren't you and Weiss planning the dance on Sunday?" Kira asked Yang

"Yeah, it's going to be awesome!" Yang

"Why? are you interested in helping?" Weiss

"Maybe, but i have a few idea's for the theme" Kira

"Oh, and what are they" Weiss

"I was thinking a masquerade, it would add some extra fun to it" Kira said causing Yang and Weiss to think it over, soon Kira noticed that Blake was at the Kitchen door peaking in, seeing this Kira waved her over while holding a plate that had some fried Fish on it, she walked over and sat at the table and began to eat, the atmosphere went awkward fast but Kira quickly made it better by telling everyone he made some desert, Soon after everyone went back to there room's, Kira went back to his and took a shower, he then went to lay down when he heard a knock on his door

'Knock Knock Knock'

"Coming" Kira said as he proceeded to the door, when Kira opened the door he seen Ruby standing there in her Pajamas

"Oh, what's up?" Kira

"W-well, i was wondering, you know, umm, c-could i sleep with you tonight" Ruby said leaving Kira unable to process what she said

"W-what" Kira

"I-i want to sleep with you" Ruby said under her breath

"U-uh come on in" Kira said not knowing how to respond, Ruby swiftly came into Kira's room

"S-so what now" Ruby

"We sleep, i guess" Kira said as he went to his bed and flopped down on it, Ruby laid down next to him

"Well good night" Kira said as he closed his eye's

"Good night" Ruby said as she cuddled closer to Kira causing his mind to go blank, but he regained his composer as he drifted off to sleep

Here y'all are


MR_No1creators' thoughts
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