
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup."

(A/N Ok so warning, this chapter might be a little cringe, so bare with it. Well i mean if you're caught up with this chapter you already have been through my cringe writing so it should be good, well i just wanted to warn you all.



When Kira had woken up he looked at his status and was more then happy when he seen the leap in his stats thanks to his new bloodline he had acquired, seeing how he had jumped so high from just gaining the bloodline Kira began to think how much stronger he would be when he went super saiyan or even into his Ikari form, thinking about that Kira decided to take today off to train and try to unlock super saiyan

"Ayano, does my {ID} Skill have a time dilation feature like the original" Kira

[Indeed it does, the time dilation is, one day out here is one week in there] Ayano

"Perfect, everyone, today's the day i'm going super saiyan" Kira said as he walked to the bathroom to take a shower before training, arriving in the bathroom he looked at him self in front of the mirror and noticed that his hair grew, as well as had gotten darker. His hair now reached his neck, while only the tip's of his hair is still blond

After Kira had gotten out of the shower he walked out of the bathroom and made a Dungeon with nothing inside of it as he wanted to try and see if he could use the universe 6 theory to go Super Saiyan, so Kira tried and focused on a tingle feeling in the center of his back while powering up his power to it's max, after five minute's he gave up as it didn't seem to be working

"Damn it, it look's like i'll have to do it the old fashion way" Kira

"How, with you're {Mind of a God} Skill, you can't feel rage as it cancel's you're feeling's out to make you more calm" Ban

"Hmm, well what if i feel so much rage that it cancel's it out" Kira

"I don't think that's possible, it's the more powerful version of the gamer's mind skill, people with that skill, never really loses there control of there emotion's" Ban

"Ayano, is there a way for me to turn the skill off for a little while?" Kira

[Indeed you can, you are able to deactivate it for as long as you wish] Ayano

"Ok good, deactivate it" Kira

[Understood] Ayano said as Kira felt as if nothing had changed

"Itachi, i want you to put me in a Genjustu" Kira

"What!" Ban

"I understand, for you it might feel like a eternity but it'll only be a few minute's at most" Itachi

"Wait hold on, i don't think this is a good idea, especially his {Mind of a God} skill is isn't active, he's a legendary saiyan now, if he loses control where all dead" Ban

"I agree with Ban on this one" Erza said to Kira who was thinking it over

"Ok, Ayano if i go super Saiyan reactivate the skill" Kira

[Understood, it'll be done] Ayano

"And besides if Ayano can't reactivate the skill, you can always de-summon you're self's since i'm in a dungeon i can't hurt anyone" Kira

"Now Itachi, do it" Kira said as Itachi nodded to him as he activated his Sharingan and put Kira inside a Genjustu


"Whe-where am i" Kira said as he looked at his surrounding's, he was chained up in a room that looked like a throne room

"K-kira, is that you" A voice came into Kira's ear's as he was looking around, Kira hearing the voice turned in it's direction, and what he seen shocked him to his core

"R-ruby, what happened to you" Kira said as he tried to go to her but the chain's on him was keeping him in place

"It's okay Kira, as long as were together it's going to be alright" Ruby said weakly as she had blood on her face

"Where are we Ru-" Kira was going to say but he was interrupted when he heard the door to the room open

"Well well well, it's seems our guest are finally awake" Said the woman who walked through the door, while more followed her

"What did you do to her, I'll kill you all" Kira said as he jerked around inside of his shackle's

"Hahahaha, oh that's just adorable, you actually think you're scary" Salem said as she walked up to Kira

"Why, WHY are you doing this" Kira

"Because, you didn't take my warning seriously, now i'm going to make you suffer" Salem said with a wicked grin on her face

"Grab her" Salem said as one of her servant's grabbed up Ruby

"Don't you fucking do it, if you do this you're carving you're own damn tombstone" Kira

"HAhahahhaa, oh what are you going to do, you're powerless, weak, you can't even get near us" Salem

"Please no, i'll do anything" Kira

"Hehe, it's already to late, when you decided to go against me, you already knew what would happen, Cinder do the honor's" Salem said as she sat on her throne

"My pleasure" Cinder said as she walked towards Ruby

"No, no please don't do this" Kira pleaded

"Kira please help" Ruby

"No get away from her" Kira shouted as he jerked at the chain's that was keeping him captive

"Hehe, i'm going to enjoy watching you're face as i melt her skin off of her bone's" Cinder said as she arrived next to Ruby who was trying to escape


"Bye bye, Little red" Cinder said as she threw some fire at her

"NOOO" Kira screamed at the top of his lung's as he felt a power over taking him

"AAAHHHHHHHHHHH" Kira shouted as he was consumed with a bright green light


"OH SHIT" Ban screamed as he and the other's were blown back

"AH ah, What happened" Kira said as he looked around him to see the other's scattered around

"Kira are you okay" Erza said as she got up off the ground

"Y-yeah, Ayano, thanks for reactivating the skill when you did, any later and i don't know what would have happened" Kira

[Of course Kira, i'll always be here to assist you] Ayano

"Well it would seem that it worked" Ban said making Kira look over his body

"Ayano can you pull up a mirror please" Kira

[Of course] Ayano said as a mirror popped up in front of Kira

"What the" Kira said as he examined himself, he normally was 6'2, but now he was standing at around 6'8, his, once dirty blond hair was now bright green with streak's of white through it, his arm's were covered in a type of white plating, his eye's were completely black besides his yellow pupil's, his mouth was covered with a bone like mask, he even had a whole in the middle of his chest, his saiyan tail was covered in a bone like plating making it thicker and longer

"Woah, this is amazing" Kira

"Yeah you look badass, lucky son of a bitch" Ban

"What you jealous or something" Kira

"Yes, why do you get a bad ass transformation and we don't" Ban

"Well, i don't know about a transformation, but i think i can give you all a power boost" Kira

"Really how" Ban

"But there's one thing, it's going to cost you four you're souls" Kira

"Huh?" Ban

"Ayano, care to explain" Kira

[Of course] Ayano


[Demonic Contract: This skill is the equivalent to selling you're soul to the Devil, By having someone drink you're blood they will receive a immense boost in power, speed, and health. but by drinking you're blood they will then be loyal to you]


"So, essentially you drink my blood, you get stronger and faster, but i own you're soul" Kira

"Yeah yeah yeah, you basically already own us, so shut up and give me some of you're blood" Ban said as the other's nodded at his word's

"Alright, come here" Kira said as Ban stepped closer to him, Kira untransformed and bit into his arm, he then shoved his arm into Ban's face

"Drink up" Kira said, to which Ban started to drink some of Kira's blood from his arm, after a few second's Ban stumbled back as he felt a surge of power course threw him

"Oh, that's that good shit" Ban said as suddenly a pair of horn's grew out of his head

"So, anyone else want some?" Kira

"Yeah why not/Sure/...." Erza, Itachi and Yami


So after about five minute's everyone had gotten used to there new body part's. Ban grew some horn's, Itachi grew a pair of black angel wing's, Yami grew a pair of demonic wing's, and finally Erza grew a pair of white wing's which surprised everyone the most. But Ayano said that it's because when drinking Kira's blood, everyone gained a trait that best matched there personality

"So now that were settled down, let's start training, ID Create Rwby" Kira said as he made a Rwby Dungeon

"You four can go and test you're new strength, but when the boss arrives i get it" Kira said as the other's nodded and went their separate way's leaving Kira standing in the middle of a field as he waited. But Kira didn't have to wait long as in around three minutes the dungeon boss spawned, but what it was shocked Kira, it was a Dragon Grimm that was surrounded by a bunch of Wyvern's

The Dragon was around 50 feet tale, it was black with white and red plating on the under side of it's belly and on it's head, it had four eye's that were bright orangish red, it had gill's down the side of it's neck. It stood on all four of it's webbed feet, it had spike's coming down the middle of it's back that led down and continued on it's tail, the end of it's tail looked like similar to the end of a arrow, but last but not least, it's wing's, there were four of them in total, they were black and red in color,

Once Kira seen the Dragon he knew it was going to be his, so he told the other's to stay back as he went Super Saiyan, and he flew towards the Beast's and then the slaughter began, Kira began to rip through the Wyvern's as he found that the bone like plating on his arm's sharpened into claw's which made Kira happy as he was ripping through them like they were paper

Kira spent over five minutes playing around with the Wyvern's until finally the Dragon looked like it had enough and came flying at Kira while it sent a roar his way, the roar shook the ground and everything in sight, this was making Kira excited as he began to lay towards the dragon, they both met each other half way as the Dragon sent a fire blast at Kira which he just went straight through as if it wasn't any thing, Kira flew straight at the Dragon and punched it in the face, which sent it flying

"Oh guess i need to try and control my power huh" Kira said as he took off after the winged beast that was getting up out of the crater Kira sent him into, Kira seen that the Dragon was about to start flying again decided to be some what of a dick, and he decided to rip one of the Dragon's wing's off

"RRRRRAAAAAAGGGGHHHH" The Dragon howled in pain as Kira began to rip wing after wing off until it was wingless, seeing this Kira decided he was finish and flew up into the sky while looking at the Dragon as he raised his hand into the air and said

"I SMITE THEE" Kira said as the cloud's above him parted and a bolt of lightning was sent flying at the poor defenseless Dragon that had managed to stand at the last second but it was already to late as the lightning struck and fried the poor thing causing it to die

[Level Up]

"Phew, well that was fun" Kira said as he landed next to the Dragon

"Now Arise" Kira said causing the Dragon to quickly start regenerating, until after a few second's the Dragon was standing in front of Kira once again

[Pick a Name] Once again a screen popped up in front of Kira's face, while thinking of a name he looked over and realized that there were Wyvern corpses everywhere, seeing this he smiled and named the Dragon

"Okay imma name you Alpha" Kira said to which the Dragon roared out in a way to tell Kira he liked the name, Kira then walked over to one of the Wyvern's

"Arise" Kira

[Pick a Name] the system rang out again

"Omega" Kira said as the Wyvern rubbed it's head against Kira which he petted Omega with a smile on his face

"So now what" Ban asked as him and the other's walked towards Kira

"Well were going to gri-" Kira was saying but was cut off by the System alerting him

[New Dungeon unlocked: God Eater Dungeon] The System notified Kira

"Oh, well it seems like we unlocked a new dungeon, how about we give it a try" Kira

"Yeah/ why are we still talking start it up/ Sure/....." Itachi, Ban, Erza and Yami

"Ok well let's get going" Kira said as he opened the Dungeon


[Name: Kira]

[Bloodline: Mutated Hollowed Saiyan/Symbiote/Original Devil]

[Level: 71]

[Exp: 752/10,000

[Shop point's: 269,420]

[Stat point's: 95]

[Health: 1,489]

[Strength: 375>377]

[Agility: 328>330]

[Vitality: 198>200]

[Summons: Ban, Erza, Itachi, Yami, Pikachu, Alpha, Omega]

[Girlfriend: Ruby Rose]

[Skill's: {Prodigy: EX } {Will of the god's: SSS } {Renewal taekwondo: SS } {Ki manipulation: S } {Flying: S } {Cooking: S } {Mind of a God: SSS } {Death's Call: SS } {Blacksmith Skill: SSS } {Mana Burst: A} {Web slinging: A} {Spider sense: SS} {Water bending: S} {Presence of a God: SSS} {Transtep: A} {Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū: S} {Fire Bending: A} {Dragon Fist: B} {Hell's Gates: D} {Devil's Charm: D} {Demonic Magic: D} {True Desire: D} {Demonic Contract: D} {Telumkinesis} {Energy Drain: A} {ID Create: EX} {Depiction of Nature and Society: D} {Law Magic: D} {kaio-ken: D} {Shadow Clone Justu: D} {Elemental Magic: D} ]

[Transformation's: {True Demon King: Stage One} {Great ape: B} {Armored titan: D} {Susanoo: S} {Ikari/Wrathful state: S} {Super Saiyan} ]

[Weapon's: {Sky killer} {Black Heart} {Unlimited kunai} {Elucidator} {Train} {Yami no ha} {Dragon blade}]


Here y'all go enjoy


MR_No1creators' thoughts
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