

When Kira had woken up, he decided to go to the lake to bathe before he went back to beacon, after arriving at the lake he took in the sight's as he never really did so before, after he stripped down he had walked into the flowing water and swum towards the waterfall where he then started to levitate and had gotten into a meditation pose and drifted off into his mind scape.


"WHERE IS HE JASON" yelled a man who brought his fist down on the young man in front of him

"Go to hell" Jason replied as he was punched once again

"Oh come on, is that the best you can do" Jason

"You little bastard" The man was bringing his fist back to punch Jason again but he was stopped by a women who was sitting in a corner

"That's enough, anymore and he won't be able to say he 'Fell down the stair's'" The woman said causing the man to stop

"Since you won't tell us where he is, then you won't be getting any food tonight" The woman

"Yeah because a piece of bread is so much" Jason said causing the woman to stop and look at him

"Frank, go ahead and do a couple more, but make sure it's below the neck" The woman

"My pleasure" The man known as Frank said as he punched Jason in the gut

"Guh' hahaha, come on Frank, tell me you got more than that, i actually want to feel something this time" Jason

"Oh i wonder how many time's you heard that" Jason

"You little bitch" Frank said as he reeled his fist back and struck Jason in the face knocking him out

-------Flashback End-----

"Nm" Kira had jolted awake after having a dream he hasn't in a long time

"Kira are you all right" Erza asked out in his head

"Yeah, it's nothing" Kira said as he had stopped meditating and flew over to his clothes and had gotten dressed, Once he was fully clothed he started to head back towards the cave to see if he forgot anything

"So are you ready to leave Kira" Ban

"Wait, i need to do something" Kira said as he walked over to a tree by the cave, he then brought out one of his sword's and chopped down the tree

"What are you doing?" Erza

"Something i need to" Kira replied as he dragged the tree to a hill that was close by, once he arrived on top of the hill he began to carve the tree down until he had what seemed to be a head stone of some sort's, Kira then placed the head stone into the ground, he knelled down in front of the head stone and spoke

"It's been fun, but it's time i let you go, old friend" Kira said as he began to walk away, behind him you could see that he had carved a name into it, the name was 'Jason'

"Why'd you do that" Ban

"Because i had to" Kira

"He's right, he is no longer Jason, so he had to stop acting like he was, and finally put him to rest" Itachi

"Ok" Ban

"Fucking weirdo's" Ban mumbled under his breath

"Hehe, yeah i guess we are" Kira said as he began to run through the forest, in a matter of second's Kira arrived outside of Vale

"Well guess it's time to start the plot back up" Kira said as he began to head towards a Bullhead to take him to beacon, Once he had boarded a bullhead it was all a matter of waiting, he knew if he wanted to he could just fly or even teleport there but Kira seen no problem in just relaxing for the time being, but while he was sitting there he found himself humming a song he hasn't heard in quite a while

"Oh brother, we'll go deeper than the ink Beneath the skin of our tattoos, Though we don't share the same blood You're my brother and I love you that's the truth" Kira started to sing until he seen that he had arrived at his destination, walking out of the Bullhead he started to head towards Professor Ozpin's office, once he arrived he had entered the elevator and pressed the button to take him to his office. In less then a minute the door's opened in front of Kira as he heard a voice

"I hope they never have to" Ozpin said to a man that was right in front of Kira

"Uhh am i interrupting something?" Kira said causing Ozpin to finally notice he was there

"Oh Mr. Kira, no he were just finishing here, so what brings you here" Ozpin said causing Kira to step inside of the room, in which the man who was in front of him left as he entered

"Oh well i just wanted to thank you for allowing me to visiting my brother's grave" Kira

"Nonsense, as long as you completed you're assignment's there's no need" Ozpin said as he sat in his chair, and began to drink out of his coffee mug

"Ok well i also have a question for you" Kira

"Oh and what might that be?" Ozpin

"Are student's allowed to have pet's inside of there room's" Kira

"Yes as long as you keep them out of trouble and clean up after them, go right ahead" Ozpin

"Thanks Professor Ozpin, well i'll see you around" Kira said as he began to leave

Once Kira had left Ozpin's office he decided to go look for Ruby and the other's, so Kira tried on of his Skill's he hasn't used much, {Transtep} the skill that allows Kira to teleport to anyone he had ever seen, Kira's first time using this skill was inside of a dungeon, he teleported to Ban and the other's to beat the boss, apparently the skill has a feature that allows it to teleport Kira to a place where nobody would be able to see him. So Kira decided to use it, and in matter of second's he was now behind a bookshelf, he looked around when he heard a voice.

"Hey! Can I play?" Jaune asked team RWBY who was playing some sort of card game

"Sorry Jaune, we've already got 4 people." Ruby

"Besides, this game requires a certain level of tactical cunning that I seriously doubt that you possess." Weiss

"Uhh, you attacked your own naval fleet 2 turns ago." Yang

"Bring it on, Ice Queen! I'll have you know that I have been told that I am a natural born leader!" Jaune

"By who? Your mother?" Weiss

"Pyrrha! and Kira" Jaune

"Hello again!" Pyrrha said while waving her hand

"Come on, let me play your hand for a turn!" Jaune said in a begging tone with both of his hand's folded together

"I'm not trusting you with the good citizens of Vacuo!" Weiss

"Why not? You've trusted me with way more important stuff before. I mean, you told us all that Blake is secretly a Fa-" Jaune

"Fun-loving person, whom we all admire and respect." Pyrrha darts over and slaps a hand over Jaune's mouth, Everyone then looks nervously at Blake who looks obviously annoyed that her secret is out.

"Right. That. Ladies, enjoy your battle." Pyrrha said as she dragged Jaune away, just then Kira heard some foot step's approaching

"Sup losers." Sun appears holding his fingers in a "peace" sign.

"Hey Sun!" Ruby said as suddenly Neptune was beside him

"Ruby, Yang, Blake... Ice Queen." Sun

"Why does everyone keep calling me that?" Weiss

"I never got a chance to formally introduce you to my old friend." Sun

"Uhh, aren't libraries for reading?" Neptune

"Thank you!" Ren said throwing his hand's up

"Pancakes!" Nora suddenly waking up next to Ren, at that Kira couldn't take anymore as he began to laugh his ass off causing everyone to look in his direction

"KIRA!!!" Ruby screamed as she rushed and attached herself to Kira, at her word's Jaune's eye's snapped over to Kira as he suddenly stood up and said

"Sensei!" Jaune said drawing everyone's attention's to him

"Hey Jaune, how ya been" Kira

"Fine, mostly bored without you here to lively thing's up" Jaune

"Hm, so you're going to talk to him before me" Ruby

"Hehe, don't worry i haven't forgotten about you, and speaking about you, i want you to meet me in my room later on tonight, i got something i wanna show ya" Kira

"Wow, a little straight forward don't you think" Neptune

"Oh shut up" Kira said as he took out a cookie from his inventory and placed it in Ruby's mouth as he separated himself from her

"Well anyway like i said meet me in my room later" Kira said as he began to walk away

"OK see you later" Ruby said as she waved her hand at Kira


Kira had been sitting and relaxing in his room while waiting for Ruby to come by, but he wasn't alone, as he had a yellow creature laying on his chest, just then Kira heard a knock on his door

"Knock' 'Knock' Kira i'm here" Ruby said through the door

"Hehe, i'm coming" Kira said as the yellow creature jumped off of his chest to his side, Kira then walked over and opened the door, and there he was a little surprised as he seen both team RWBY and team JNPR

"Well well well, last time you all came here together, i wasn't the most decently dressed person, so what brings you all here, i remember telling Ruby to come but not the rest of y'all" Kira

"I'm here to make sure you don't try anything with my little sister" Yang

"So are we" Weiss said as Blake nodded along side her

"Were here because they came, and it seemed like it would be fun" Nora

"No were here because you dragged us to come along with you" Jaune said causing Ren to nod along

"Well okay i guess come on in, just don't break anything" Kira said letting them all in, once they all entered they all couldn't help but Gasp as Kira had painting's littered all around his room

"Woah, Kira where did you get these" Ruby

"I got bored waiting on you so i decided to paint" Kira said once again shocking everyone there

"You mean to tell me you made all of these" Weiss said with doubt in her tone

"Well yeah, when i get bored i either sing or paint, i've always found it relaxing" Kira

"So are these the reason you wanted to see me" Ruby said while looking at one of the painting's

"Oh, i almost forgot, everyone i would like you all to meet someone" Kira said drawing there attention

"Who is it?" Ruby said, everyone then heard a noise and they turned there head's towards Kira's bed

"Pika" Pikachu said as he scaled Kira until he arrived on his shoulder

"Well everyone, i want you all to meet Pikachu" Kira said as they all looked towards the yellow mouse now on Kira's shoulder

"OMG, So cute" Ruby, Weiss, Nora, Yang shouted as they rushed and Knocked over Kira as they all started to cuddle up to Pikachu who was trying to escape but they wouldn't let him

"Uhh guy's I'd let him go if i were you" Kira

"No way he's so adorable" Ruby

"PIKA-CHUUUU" Pikachu shouted as he let out a jolt of electricity shocking everyone except Nora who only let go do to being surprised

"What the" Nora said as Pikachu ran back over and climbed up Kira

"Hahahaha, oh shit you should've seen you're face's" Kira said

"What was that" Weiss

"It was his semblance" Kira

"Oh well, sorry little guy" Ruby said as she was now beside Kira

"So, since you're all here, how about we have some fun and play some game's" Kira

"Yeah" "Sure" "Okay" "Sound's fun" Was the replies Kira had gotten, he and the other's messed around and played game's for a while until everyone started to get tired, and eventually everyone left leaving only Pikachu and Kira, which they then went to sleep as well


[Name: Kira]

[Bloodline: Hollowed Saiyan/Symbiote/Original Devil]

[Level: 69]

[Exp: 763/10,000

[Shop point's: 266,660]

[Stat point's: 85]

[Health: 1,100]

[Strength: 236]

[Agility: 187]

[Vitality: 198]

[Summons: Ban, Erza, Itachi, Yami, Pikachu]

[Girlfriend: Ruby Rose]

[Skill's: {Prodigy: EX } {Will of the god's: SSS } {Renewal taekwondo: SS } {Ki manipulation: S } {Flying: S } {Cooking: S } {Mind of a God: SSS } {Death's Call: SS } {Blacksmith Skill: SSS } {Mana Burst: A} {Web slinging: A} {Spider sense: SS} {Water bending: S} {Presence of a God: SSS} {Transtep: A} {Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū: S} {Fire Bending: A} {Dragon Fist: B} {Hell's Gates: D} {Devil's Charm: D} {Demonic Magic: D} {True Desire: D} {Demonic Contract: D} {Telumkinesis} {Energy Drain: A} {ID Create: EX} {Depiction of Nature and Society: D} {Law Magic: D} {kaio-ken: D} {Shadow Clone Justu: D} {Elemental Magic: D} ]

[Transformation's: {True Demon King: Stage One} {Great ape: B} {Armored titan: D} {Susanoo: S} {Ikari/Wrathful state: S} ]

[Weapon's: {Sky killer} {Black Heart} {Unlimited kunai} {Elucidator} {Train} {Yami no ha}]


Here y'all go, i tried something different for once and did a part of his back story, let me know what y'all think


MR_No1creators' thoughts
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