
Chapter 42

Belcalis POV

I couldn't help but awe watching Alfred and Nicki make nachos on the camera we had installed in the kitchen

"Awww baby look Alfred and Nicki are making nachos." I coo and Katorah takes my phone and looks smiling

"She's definitely a keeper." Katorah says and I nod my head agreeing with her

"Yes we must keep her safe especially from the low down nigga she was with." I said and Katorah looks at me

"By the way shouldn't you call and tell your cousin he been playing her ass?" Katorah says and I shake my head no

"She's not going to believe me trust me there were plenty of times I tried telling her about the dudes before him and she didn't believe me until she saw it for herself, so I'mma let her find out on her own." I said and Katorah nods

"I mean I want to tell her I want to comfort my baby cousin, but she has got to stop being so naive now her ass pregnant with his baby." I thought to myself shaking my head

I feel Katorah snake her arm around me pulling me close to her

"Don't worry baby when she does find out we'll be there to comfort her." Katorah says and I smile and she plants a delicate kiss on my lips and on my forehead

"I love you hubby." I said to her and she smiles

"I love you too wifey." Katorah says never taking her eyes off me I felt my heart speed up as we pulled away and went back to cuddling and heard foot steps coming up the stairs towards our bedroom

"Hey guys me and Alfred made nachos!!!" Nicki says with a smile

"I insisted on making them myself, but Ms. Nicki was being stubborn." Alfred said making me and Katorah laugh as we all take a bowl and thanked them both

Than Nicki plops in between of us and we all cuddle up together just as Alfred cuts the lights off and closes the door on his way out Katorah hits play on the movie and we all enjoy our nachos, drinks, and snacks

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