
Chapter Three: The Knights of Order

The youthful and handsome Avery, was in his room cleaning his sword.

The grave and elderly wizard, Zash, entered carrying his book of spells in his grizzled hand. "It is fortunate to see that you are still alive", he began gravely.

"I just took my eyes off of Azackton for a second, and find myself on the ground. If I haven't had, I could have ended him", Replied the dissatisfied boy.

"Which is indeed why you need to obey what your instructor tells you, Avery. He is very experienced and has served your father well for many years."

"Dad was a famed warrior wasn't he? It is no surprise to me that he still moves well", laughed Avery jovially.

"He was and still is the King and sole protection of our kingdom. It must be taken seriously. I advise you to respectfully learn, young Prince. He has warded off Azackton's malice for many a year. As time would have it, he is becoming older and in need of a younger, future king. You boy, are his mission to raise as a strong monarch."

"My student, there is someone here to examine you. A rather renown group of knights from another kingdom, have come in search of a new warrior. This is your chance to honor the King", Announced Captain Zauhn entering the room.

"Who are they?" Avery asked, jumping off the bed where he was resting.

"They call themselves The Knights of Order. Come now, they are down in the Throne room waiting." With that, Zauhn stepped out, as our young hero followed him.

"Gentleman Knights, I present to you, the son of our great King Zarash of Cravon: Prince Avery" Said General Zauhn ushering him in with much grandeur.

The strong knights with their eyebrows furrowed, and shoulders crossed over their large breasts, watched solemnly as Avery entered.

Our Prince bowed slowly attired in his armor and flowing red cape.

"Sir Prince, I am Toru, first Knight of our errantry. I present to you at my right, Boru, and at my left, Halu. As you are aware, we have come from serving our master King Konin, from the kingdom Zoor. We are traveling Knights who are appointed to serve and bring to justice, any criminal. I Toru, have come now in search of a fourth member for our knighthood. Are you willing to show us your skill and bravery, young warrior?"

"I am. I will do what it takes", Replied Avery nodding.

"Very well then, show us what you know. Your magic and use of arms if you will."

King Zarash bowed his head in assent, and motioned to his son to commence.

The Prince of Cravon performed both exceptionally well in weapons and magical powers. He showed The Knights his sprightly nimbleness and agility.

The three men looked at each other gravely and nodded their heads.

"Prince of Cravon, you show worthiness and a promising aspect. Do you agree to begin with us, a mission trial?"

"Trial? Am I not now, good enough? I am the Prince and next King. My abilities are far more accomplished than any other youth's", Avery said raising his eyebrow at this challenge of his prowess.

"Son!" Gasped The King infuriated.

"In response to your questions, your fighting is good indeed, but the heart of a Knight is also of great importance, sir. As of now, you are yet too young in joining Knight errantry",

Toru replied crossing his arms again.

"Please sirs, let me speak to the boy. I promise you, his fighting is exemplary, but he often uses his tongue far too much", Intervened King Zarash.

The great Knight Toru looked questioningly at his fellow men, who in turn, nodded their heads patiently.

"Very good. We shall wait here", Toru answered The King.

Zarash taking his son by the arm, led him to a chamber opposite the Throne room and closed the door.

"Avery, how you have embarrassed your mother and I! Especially my people and this Kingdom which is in great peril!"

"I felt insulted, father. They saw my strength and yet placed me yet, so below their standards."

"That is because you are but a boy! This was my one chance in insuring the protection of my homeland, but you managed to cripple it. How will I, aged man that I am, guard this Castle from a siege?"

"You are correct, father. Please forgive me. I will go apologize to them."

"That's not good enough. You can't just go and pretend you didn't insult the famed Knights of Order in their faces!" Shouted The King throwing his hands angrily.

"I am sorry, dad. It won't happen again. I will go make it right"

Bowing and hugging his father, Prince Avery again, steps through the lattice curtain and bows handsomely to The Knights.

"Forgive me, men of honor for my outrage. If it now pleases you, I would desire with you, a spot to earn your respects."

"We have spoken amongst ourselves as you were absent. We have decided that you for now on, are a member of The Knights of Order. All we now require, is for you to sign this paper, and lend us your services dutifully."

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