
Chapter 2: 'Quiet Prince'

'Oh my darling~'

The ringtone of my phone startled me as I was sitting on a dinner table all alone and eating breakfast. My parents were busy with work and usually aren't home all the time. Working as a doctor who's specialist in labour department, mom tend to push herself as she always look after her patients even after they're giving birth. While dad who's working as one of regular office worker with position as the Head of Human Resources Department, he tend to overworked himself because of the trouble caused by his juniors at work.

Sometimes both of them would bring me out to eat at a fancy restaurant because they both feel guilty for leaving me alone at home. I always convince it was okay for me because I can still survive with basic skills in life.

'Oh my darling~'

I snapped back to reality and answered my phone quickly without checking the caller ID.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Morning, Fate! Come out of the house now! We'll be late for school otherwise!" Destin's voice echoed from the outside of my house.

"Oh, crap! Wait a sec!" I hung up the call hurriedly.

Rushing to get ready for school, I grabbed my school bag and slipped onto my shoes after I put the dishes on the kitchen sink. Ugh, looks like I have to do the dishes after school. I almost ran out of my house and suddenly crash into Destin's huge built.

"Ahhh!" My head bumped into his back.

"Oh, sorry. Are you okay?" Destin sounds concerned as he turned around to face me.

"I'm fine. Let's just walk to school before time's up." I shrugged my shoulders and we both walked to school on the way.

Upon meeting with Destin yesterday, he said something about keeping track of my home address from my parents. Apparently, both of our parents were keeping each other in contact even though I was the one who wanted to break all connections. I kinda feel bad about it and keep apologizing to Destin ever since yesterday but he said he was fine with it.

"So, I was thinking... Are you really serious about your love confession yesterday?" I blurted out, hence breaking the silence as we walked.

Destin stopped walking all of sudden and I looked up to catch a flustered look on him.

"Cute..." I chuckled.

"Hey, I can hear you!" He snapped a little like a cute kid. I laughed.

After a while, there was silent moment between us before Destin picked up the pace. I was hoping he would drop the subject but he surprised me.

"Fate, I hope you'll think about it... But if you can't accept it right away, we could be start off as a friend... "

I can feel the insecurities within his tone and I was worried he might rushed things because honestly it was so sudden. But his suggestion about start off as a friend really taken me back. Is he really okay being just friends? What if he gets hurt just being with me? I just didn't want to hurt him for the second time because I really regret it in the past.

"I'll think about it. In the meantime, how about hanging out with me after school? I found a cheap place where we can eat." I suggested, not wanting to let things get awkward so easily.

"Haha. All you can think is eat, huh, Fate?" He laughed at my sudden choice of words.

"Ah! So what? Will you go with me or not?"

"Sure, I would love to. I can't resist when you just ask me out on a date unconsciously." He teased.

"What? Date? Ugh, just think of it as you want. It's just hanging out with friend after school."

As we both reached school closely, we've talked about different things and asked the same question. Like favorite food, drinks, games, movies, and things after what happen when I lost contact with him after middle school. Not to forget, the whole rumor about being 'Teeth Queen'. He laughed at the reason and asked me to show him my teeth. He really become a tease after a few years I haven't see him.

As he talked, I managed to catch a close up look at his profile. He had become so dashingly attractive to both women and men seemed to get jealous of his look. I still don't know how he could be this good looking and he's kinda attracted attention. With the rumor about me going on, as we both walked passed the school gate, everyone's seems to start gossiping. I wonder what they could talk about despite me being the 'Teeth Queen' and him being so handsome beside me. I hope they won't labeled us as the 'Official Couple' one day. Not that I mind, but the attention kind of bothers me sometimes.

"So what class are you in, again?" I asked him as we've walked towards my classroom.

"Fate, haven't you seen me before?" He said, cocking his eyebrows at me.

As I entered my classroom and took my seat, he followed suit and take a seat beside me which is next to the window like the main characters in the manga I've read before. I tried to jog my memories of the student who's seated there before. I think I've heard it was someone called quite and the person usually likes to be alone. Even though everyone approached that person, they wouldn't bother to socialize with the others. I've never been bother about other people rumors as I'm kind of busy with my owns. I've never approached that person even though they're next to me but I think there might be some occasions where the person next to me would asked me for help like borrowing my erasers, notes and such. I think deeply again as an interesting thoughts crossed my mind.

"What?! So you're the rumored 'Quiet Prince' that seat beside the window everyone been talking about?" I said bluntly, almost didn't believe of my own words.

"So that's what everyone said about me, huh? Are you interested in me the least?" He teased me again as he leaned on the window.

"Oh, you teased me again! It doesn't matter to me, thought. I just thought you've never even bother to make friends or acquainteces in the first place."

Looking at the watch on my wrist, I took out my notes and text book for the first period of lessons today which is History to study a little bit even though I already did before went to sleep. It was kind of a dull subject for everyone's else including me but I kind of need to concentrate on it if I want to pass it with excellent grade.

"Argh, why is it history again today? We even had it yesterday." Destin complained as he buried his head onto the desk.

"Haha. So what are you gonna do about it? Sleep through class ?" I jokingly stated.

"I'm just gonna take a quick nap. Wake me up five minutes before class start." And he went quiet after that.

I checked by waving my hand in front of him. He's really dead asleep.

"Wow, that was quick." I took a quick look at him.

"Even though he's an 'ikemen' , I wonder if he knew about my obsession. I bet he'll be shock." I said out loud.

Seeing as there's no one around except for us and the quiet type of students along with the class president, I spend my time studying a little. Out of all subjects, history was actually one of my top subjects I can score. Not that I like history or I can memorize well, I just simply have a great study guide for it from my senior. My worst subject would be Chemistry as I've no interest on it or whatsoever. The formula and all of the short name they have on the subject were killing me to remember.

Time passed by real quick as I've venture into the history book and class was about to begin in five minutes. My classmates were already here, chatting their life away like some sort of attention seeker.

"Destin, wake up. Class will start soon." I shake his arm lightly but he wouldn't budge at all.

I've got an interesting idea and decided to test the water.

"Destin. If you aren't going to wake up, I'll tell the whole school about your obsession with 'My Little Pony'. " I whispered into his ears, grinning from ear to ear.

"You wouldn't dare..." He rises his head and pierced his eyes on me.

"Hehe.." I continue to grin at him. We had a staring contest for a while until the homeroom teacher entered the class.

"Okay, everyone! Enough chitchat. Take your seat. I'll take your attendance now."

"We'll continue this later." Destin said as he continued back staring out of the window.