
~°~Chapter One-hundred & Sixty-seven~°~

It's been just a couple weeks since my birthday and I'm already done with being a legal adult, like right now…

"Mom? I need a bowl for cereals." I request, standing in the kitchenette, all dressed up for school.

"Of course, baby, it's just in the cabinet over the sink." She says sweetly from somewhere else in the house.

Exasperation washes over me but I swallow it down. "I know, mom but I can't reach it." I say slowly, unhappy.

She makes an exaggerated sound of surprise. "Really? Aren't you an adult?"

I glare in the general direction that her voice is coming from hoping she can feel it through the walls. "Mom, it's been three fucking weeks, that joke is already very old."

She bursts out laughing. "But I'm still laughing."

A familiar presence brackets me and I angle my head to let Virgil kiss me. "Stop torturing him, Renee." Virgil scolds her playfully, reaching up to get the bowl for me.

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