
50 million deal

After Wang Meili's drama, Xu Nuan got on work and checked the drafts written by girls for their debut track. She was impressed by seeing their creative ideas and interesting choice of words for songs. Although it was not perfect, knowing this industry she knows that not everyone can write their music here. The companies produce idol machines and not artists, during making them perfect idols they forgot to work on their creativity and strength and weaknesses and focus more on their outer and fancy appearances.

She sat with them and gave them some suggestions to improve their soulless drafts into a proper heartfelt song. After that, she contacted a few producers, whose numbers she got from here and there but no use. No one wanted to work with the newbies for their debit and if someone is ready, their rates are too high and out of her budget. And if someone matches their budget, their music quality is not on par with her. 

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