Three days later...
Felix could be seen sitting on his bed while rubbing Nimo's stomach...He had a holographic spreadsheet with thousands of names and confusing numbers.
"So far only 10% paid their full debt." Felix mumured as he studied the spreadsheet, "The rest have split their payment plans from five years to a century depending on how much they owed."
"With this, you have financed your climb to at least the fourteenth mark." Asna said.
"I have more than a hundred thousand B graded natural treasures in my net worth, yet I can't even reach the fifteenth mark." Felix rubbed his eyelids, "I have no clue how I am going to cross past it."
Because the amount needed was doubled each time Felix reached a mark, he knew that from fifteenth mark and onward, the devourer system would be deemed as useless.
He would be required to invest more than a hundred thousand natural treasures just to obtain 10K BF.