
Chapter Fifteen


♦Third Person POV♦

The  High Council was extremely powerful, they had to be to control hundreds of thousands of supernatural creatures to remain hidden from the human population and not to misuse their powers. The Council consisted of supernaturals of every kind but it was clear who headed the Council.

Lower creatures like goblins, giants, ogres and the like couldn't go higher than Captains of armies.

   The Council members wore dark, hooded, flowing robes and sat around a huge lengthy table on a raised dias in a huge room. The entire room was darkened except for a wide circle of light from no definable direction because windows could be seen, in the middle, in front of the dias. It was made so that only the person appearing before the council could be seen, with the menacing dark robes the Council wore, it created a very intimidating atmosphere.

   There was quiet murmuring as they awaited the arrival of the last Council member.

   "Xavier Ivor." A cold feminine voice called out when the last member finally strolled leisurely in.

"'Sup Este. Did you miss me?" He drawled  leaning back on his high backed chair.

"It's Estelle to you Xavier and you're over an hour late. Asking you why is futile so I suggest we just carry on." The beautiful vampire stated, swivelling her head to detect a contradiction, seeing none she carried on.

   "There have been reports of sightings of the Beast." A dangerous looking demon spoke up.

  "Sightings?" Estelle said with an eyebrow up. "Surely you don't mean that Nicholas."

Said demon shrugged imperceptibly. "I'm not sure, I just report. It is most likely false perhaps due to the high concentration of the Beast's darkness. Terrified commoners will make up anything."

"Well what do you say about this, Theodore Mistletoe." Estelle turned towards the head and representative of the witch clan.

  "It's actually worse off than we realize," The elegant wizard spoke up, his long fingers spanning a magick globe. "The Beast has people under it's control, people seeking more power and turning to the dark side, people who think the Beast can protect them and will win this ongoing war, people amongst us. We've failed to see how deeply the supernatural kingdom has been affected by this plague of darkness." He continued with quiet authority.

       "And what have the Hellhounds who are relegated to discovering and preparing the Imperial been up to?" A dandy faerie drawled mockingly, flicking pale, powdered locks out of his eyes.

"Why don't you put your colorful butterflies out there and see what you'd find." The Hellhound representative snarled out, fire falling off the tips of his hair.

   "Patience Jacque." Estelle said coldly, her blue eyes glittering wickedly, tendrils of golden blonde hair peeking out under her hood.

"Captain Serguth?" She announced, waiting patiently for the war hardened, intelligent giant to walk into the circle of light.

  "Greetings to the High Council." The giant's big voice boomed out, smartly dressed in antique but sturdy war clothing, he bowed deeply.

"Report." A quiet, lethal werewolf spoke up.

"Gaetho and the Mountains of Gold have been lost over to the dark side. The battle rages hard and fierce, some battles won, some lost but the war has just begun."

"Tis true that this battle is lost from the start without The Imperial?" An elf with white locks and upturned violet eyes spoke up.

"That is true Alyssa." Jacque answered. "But I have a plan which Theodore says shouldn't fail."

"I try to encourage the men." Serguth continued when he sensed the side talk was over. "But more and more are slipping to the dark side and more and more losses are being recorded."

   "Then you should rally your men and fight harder, this is no time for coffee breaks." The imposing werewolf ordered.

"But Darrell, shouldn't the armies be made to retreat, to regroup and reconfigure their forces." Estelle argued.

  "No." Darrell Slovenia, Werewolf King and High Council head stated. "That will only give them reasons to turn to the dark side. You of all people should understand this Estelle."

"Yes Sirs." Captain Serguth bowed even lower. "I will do as bid by the High Council." The giant agreed, going out.

"What is this plan you speak of?" Darrell asked for the benefit of the entire Council.

"Theodore can trace the Imperial's aura, I have no idea how to explain that but what I do know is that I shall send a Hellhound undercover when there's a place to search."

  "Why undercover? Why not just send your best troops?" Alyssa asked intelligently.

"It's quite simple, if the Imperial hasn't been found at this point considering our extensive search then the Imperial probably doesn't want to be. Plus my troops are stretched thin for the 9th Holy war."

"Surely you shouldn't jump to conclusions..." A bubbly siren started to say, her blue green eyes worried.

"I'm not jumping to any bloody conclusion." He snapped. "It's the bloody truth and the only reason it's gotten this bad is because we prefer to close our eyes and play pretend. Theodore could help me out here?" He asked wearily.

"My sister, Eileen Mistletoe the Mage..."

"The one who prophesied the birth of the new Imperial?" Alyssa inquired kindly.

"Yes, the same one. She traced the aura to an island town outside of the Olde Country, a place called Brenton and from then on the Hellhound should be able to trace the Imperial. As a strong wielder of fire and fire is the most powerful weapon of an Imperial but this is old news, it has always been that way since the 1st Holy War."

♦Neruda's POV♦

I pace the long, dark waiting hall of the High Council, soft murmurs and whispers float out to me from inside the huge hall.

"Neruda del Monté." The sound of my name startles me, taking a deep breath I square my shoulders and march in.

   I move forward to the magically lighted arena and bow.

A redhead with her robes wide open to reveal the little clothes she had on purrs at me - obviously a sex demon.

"He's hot." The scantily dressed Council member murmurs.

"He's your son." Another woman accuses, this time addressing my dad.

"Do you doubt my lineage?" He smirks and I hide an eye roll.

Her reply was a soft growl and now I don't bother to hold back, I roll my eyes - Werefox Leila.

"You are to go to Brenton undercover, am I right?" The undisputed head of the Council asks.

"Yes he is." Mr. Mistletoe answers on my behalf, playing with a glowing ball.

What the hell!

"Don't worry, I'll explain everything to him." My dad announces magnanimously and I narrow my eyes.

"We never do." Ms. Laccrosse, second in command comments.

I just want to get the hell out of here, nobody told me anything about going nowhere undercover.

"Great!" I sigh sarcastically, stepping out after being dismissed. "My life has just being decided." I let my hand go up in flames and run it through my hair.

"Neruda!" My dad calls to me.

I turn to look at him. "You shouldn't have even bothered calling me before the Council then, if my fate was already decided." I state bitterly.

"You don't have to be difficult." He says tiredly and I want to punch something.

"Really dad? I'm being difficult?" I repeat in anger. "Whatever." I add helplessly, "it's not like I can change the Council s orders. Is there anything else you want to add to ruin my life?" I ask dejectedly.

"You might be going to school." My dad says sheepishly.

"Dad!" I explode in outrage.

"Son, I'm sorry but this is inevitable."

"Jacque." Estelle's voice interrupts us as she comes out of the shadows without her robe, blood red dress swishing, her blonde hair piled high on her head.

"You're needed." She summons him. "Oh and before I forget." She adds like it just occurred to her but I know better, this was all part of the plan all along.

"I wanted to ask if you wouldn't mind staying with my only child, she lives in Brenton, that is until you're done with your mission."

This is really happening, well of course it is!

I really want to make my dad proud and not mess this up for him.

"I'd be honoured to." I reply tightly.

"Estelle's already sociopathic as it is, staying with the Laccrosses, I need to wake up from this nightmare." I mutter under my breath, walking away.

"Say something Neruda?" Estelle hums and I curse, stopping abruptly. Darn vampire hearing.

"I was just saying I'd love to go there, heard so much about Lavinia and her husband. They have three children don't they, lovely family." I babble, knowing she wasn't buying one bit of my story.

Estelle just gives me an amused look. "Heard so much Neruda, haven't you?" She shakes her head, walking back into the dark hall.

  "Oh I have." I scoff, leaving the building.

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