
Toyed Through His Memories

When Argus came to his senses, after that white blinding light he found himself in a corporeal spirit, At his sight, a vivid memory is being played...

"Son, you should eat more." Picking a mouthful serving of fish packed at the bottom of the small hill of rice, Dayang Nuwa, gently placed food using her unblemished hands at the young Argus's space.

It was a memory of them eating a sumptuous meal together, Argus, his iloy, and his Abba were there. Laid at their table is a splatter of different kinds of food, unique to their tribe's delicacies.

Most of the food was placed at the top of the banana leaves which they use as a plate, especially the rice. Soup and drinks on the other hand are neatly contained in wooden cups or bowls.

"Am already full, iloy..." Patting his belly, he signaled to his mother.

"You should eat more so you can have more energy to spare later when you train." his mother urged him as she also placed a fish towards Datu Hagat's space with her bare hands.

"Thanks, Dear..." And Datu Hagat, beamed a smile in return.





Seeing this familiar scene has made him warped in a warm feeling. Argus could not help but wail crying in his heart. It's an unbearable thought that he will never see his family be completed again in a meal like this one.

Argus in his corporeal form stood there weeping. He tried touching her mother's figure but unfortunately, his hands could only pass through their body. It's just an illusion created from his memories.

It is part of their culture that in every meal, family members must sit together and nobody is allowed to skip a meal without being in each other's presence.

Surely, he will miss this warm atmosphere. He closed his eyes and another scene has unfolded...





In a dimly lit hut from which, only the torch's light and the moonlit passing through the gaps of the windows have illuminated the whole place, the young Argus can be seen cornering his uncle for some questions.

It was his uncle's dwelling hut who lived alone most of his life, a loyal and devoted warrior to their tribe.

"Uncle, what is happening outside? Why are the elders wearing their war bonnets? Are we headed for a battle? Let me come too." The young Argus clasped the wrist of a burly figure. It was his uncle, the trusted right hand of his father.

"No, you must prepare your belongings. You must leave."

"No, I shall come!" The young Argus pleaded.

"No..." His uncle insipidly just said. "Restrain him and prepare his belongings! This is an order from the Datu himself." Waving his hand as he snapped the hands of Argus, the voice added.

Like the battle-ready warrior he is, his uncle slowly wore his feathered war bonnet, his white-wool braided hair is like a whit flame ruffled beneath as he removed his chaleco vest, revealing those perfectly sculpted muscles with Batuks describing a lot and most of his epics in a tribal tattoo.

His fingers run across his waist tightening the grip at the helm of his skirt. This uncle of Argus stared at him without uttering a word.

A few breathes came and he shifted his gaze from the young Argus to the wall-mounted sword rack, coming close with a solemn expression on his face. It contained some hopeful pair of bright eyes and a passionate, determined will blazing in fury.

At that moment, the young Argus realized how serious the coming battle must be and a brewing plan came to his mind.

"I wish I could've named my son, Hyaradth..." breaking the silence, his uncle suddenly stated his wish.

"But uncle, you don't even have a wife yet..." The young Argus replied.

"Truly... Yes, that is the case." And as his uncle said so, he pushed the wooden light door heavily due to the heavy burden and responsibility his uncle must've been feeling.

"So long Nephew!"

That was the last word he recalled that his uncle has uttered before he died.




"I knew it since that part, something was amiss... Uncle! How pitiful you are." Argus lamented still tucked in his corporeal form, unable to do anything. He just watches as his uncle's broad back gradually departs towards the location of the battle.




Then another scene came. In it, the young Argus is being firmly held by two guards, and his trusted Sulgo who shall soon betray him appeared.

Argus scoffed and tossed a ton of insults while in his corporeal form but to no avail, nobody seemed to hear or see him.

"You detestable traitor! I have treated you with kindness! You! You have repaid my grace with a donkey's stool! How dare you!"

His deep hatred towards this Sulgo of his—Ku-al only grew as he watched him give advice as if he truly cared.




"Young Master, we should quickly pack your belongings! The whole tribe is in an uproar..."

Wearing that familiar clothing he now wears, Sulgo Ku-al bowed his head, pleading the young Argus to run away.

"No, Help me! I must go there!"

Followed by that firm declaration, Sulgo, Ku-al could only nod helplessly.

"Release the Ranoan, I'll prepare his belongings... Get me a donkey."

Yet the two warriors who gallantly restrains the young Argus for the purpose of his safety creased their brows, they seemed insulted "How dare you order us, you are just a lowly Sulgo!" Remarked the two warriors in unison.

"Don't you want your Dearest Ranoan to fight for you? Isn't it a disgrace to see your Ranoan tucking his tail behind his back and running away when faced with enemies? This is his chance to prove his qualifications to take the right as the rightful heir in being the Datu!" Beaming in a fervent speech as if awestruck with his own righteous indignation, Sulgo Ku-al yelped, trying to convince the two warriors.

And when they heard this, they instantly closed their mouths, quietly releasing their tight grasp on Argus's wrists.

"I'll support you Argus..." Sulgo Ku-al reassured the young Argus with a pat towards his shoulders.




"That detestable Traitor! Why I did not notice his other agenda? It looked so sincere to me at that time." Saying so, Argus in his corporeal form tried punching the face of Ku-al but as he had expected, it only passed through and Ku-al was unharmed.

Then, as he repeatedly lunged himself forward... His surroundings have suddenly blackened, the wooden walls burned into flames and he felt himself falling into a bottomless pit of the abyss.

His body fell and the figures of Ku-al including the two warriors disappeared. He just free-fell in a never-ending pit.

At this instance, Argus skeptically thought that he must've been being played by the Magindra with his memories in this Illustrious space.

"How do I get out from here..."


Hopefully, you like the chapter.

And hopefully, somebody still reads my book. (sigh)

You know your comments kind of motivates me to write more, if you have anything in mind feel free to comment.

Anyway, kindly wait for the next Chapter!

I added a bonus chapter for today...

To Be Continued...

Suezarocreators' thoughts
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