
deku x reader 4

you could tell deku was struggling to hold back cause he was grinding against your leg while snuggling his face up to your neck. you didn't want him to hold back and you felt like you where ready for him so you said "deku" in a quite tone. deku lifted his head off of you and looking down at you with pure lust in his eyes when he asked "yeah?" "can you put it in please?" you asked unable to look at deku so you looked at the wall blushing insanely. you didn't hear deku say anything and his fingers stopped moving so you looked up at him at the same time that deku leaned down and pressed his lips against yours. you where a bit surprised but you quickly fell into the kiss as you felt deku pull his finger out of you and you heard fabric moving around. you opened your mouth so that deku could slip his toung inside your mouth right as you felt the tip of his member push against your kitten. deku didn't pull away from the kiss as he pushed into you, it hurt an ass load cause deku stretched you out more than you expected so you grabbed onto dekus arm as you felt him shiver a bit. deku could tell it was hurting so he tried to comfort you by pulling away from the kiss and starting to kiss your cheek while using his hand to rub your ears which felt better than you thought. the pain quickly faded and you started to push yourself against dekus member grinding against him so he grabbed onto your hips and slowly pulled almost all the way out. he slammed back into you surprishing you making your eyes roll back a bit as you didn't even bother to try and cover your mouth. you expected deku to go soft on you but he was slamming into you as hard as he could. you reached your hand up and started rubbing on dekus ears as your eyes started to tear up from pleasure. when you started rubbing on dekus ears he started to softly moan while holding your hips. right when deku let go of your hips and raised one of your legs in the air so that he was pounding into you at an angle you felt him hit a sertain spot. when he hit a certain spot you let out a loud moan and had your tail wrapped around legs leg. when you let out the loud moan deku smirked and lightly wrapped his long as tail around your neck. you started to feel a knot start to form near your stomach at around the same time that deku started to get sloppy with his thrusting. "i-Im GoNnA cUm" deku said in a moan as he started to pull out so without thinking you wrapped your legs around him and pushed him back inside you at the same time that ya both cummed. deku shivered and bit down on your neck as he cummed. when y'all both got down from yalls high deku pulled out and layed down next to you. y'all where both breathing heavily when you felt deku wrap his tail around yours and snuggled up to your side. you started to drift asleep slowly....

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