
denki x reader 2

when you put on your robe you saw that it reached your ankles instead of your knees so you looked over at denki to see he was wearing your robe because instead of his ending at his knees it was at his waist. "I think that one might be mine" you said smiling "yeah it think so to unless I magically grew a few feet" denki said looking down at himself "maybe I shrunk" you said looking down at yourself "then we should switch robes" denki said holding his pointer finger in the air "good idea" you said pulling your robe off at the same time as denki and handing them to each other. y'all put on the correct robes and smiled at each other then went back to y'all's dressing rooms, "bad news violet" rem said outside of your dressing room "what is it" you asked stripping pretty fastly cause you didn't have anything else on. "uhhhh it turns out that the camera broke and denki got tangled in some wires cause people kept asking for him to charge there phone" rem said so you sighed and put on your silk robe with nothing on under it. you tied the robe around you and opened the door to see denki wrapped around with cords struggling while people where working on fixing the camera. you just walked over to denki and started untangling the cords around him. "thanks I thought I was gonna die there" denki said as you noticed he only had his black jeans on and no shirt making you blush "y-your welcome" you said stairing at his chest "like what ya see?" denki said smirking as he crossed his arms over his chest making you realize you where stairing. you where gonna say no but fuck that your a bruh girl not a 🥺girl so ya where gonna at least attempt to flirt back. "definitely" you said biting your bottom lip while looking denki straight in the eyes "well arnt you just a little cupid" denki said getting closer to you so that he could grab your hips "can you blame me" you asked wrapping your arms around his neck again "I guess not" denki said leaning closer to you but stopped right before y'all's lips touch he said "this isn't just a one night thing right" you where quite for a few seconds thinking about what could happen so you just said quitly "how about you take me on a date and we'll see" "I'm ok with that" denki said right before he leaned in and gave you a small Peck on the lips as if he was trying to tease you. "I GOT THE CAMERA" a dude yelled holding a big camera and running towards the camera that was right next to you so he ended up bumping into you making you fall over so you reached up and grabbed onto denki pulling him down with you but when you fell your robe got stuck on the camera making it rip open. everyone got quite and staired at you while denki was above you stairing down at you cause your robe was ripped almost all the way off of you. "holy shit" you said quitly. denki quickly snapped back to reality and grabbed your robe that was hanging on the camera and lifted you up so that he could wrap it around you but because it ripped the front of it wouldn't cover you full even if you tried so denki held you up to his chest looking around for something to cover you up with. "damn it I can't find anything, in gonna lift you up alright" denki said looking down at you so you just nodded. denki lifted you up so that you had your legs wrapped around his waist and your arms wrapped around his neck. you clinging to him tightly with you head in the crook of his neck as he brought you into your dressing room. he dropped you onto the couch and there and quickly turned around so that he wasn't looking at you but because on the big mirror in there he could still see you in the mirror so he ended up closing his eyes and saying "is there anything you need" "yeah" you said standing up "what is it" denki asked and you didn't actually know what you needed so you ended up saying "a hug if it's alright with you". denki opened his eyes and looked over at you "really?" denki asked turning fully around to face you "yeah, I mean like that was really embarrassing so I kinda want a hug" you said rubbing your upper arm while also trying to cover your chest up as well as you could. denki didn't say anything a just held his arms open so you stepped forward basically pouncing on him and wrapping your arms around him. you haven't been hugged in awhile you had kinda forgot what it felt like, denki wrapped his arms around you and let you stay there for awhile before you pulled away and said "thanks" "no problem nugget" denki said smiling making you blush a bit at the weird but cute pet name. you and denki heard a knock on your door so you both looked over at it and heard rems voice "violet are you alright" "uhh yeah I'm fine" you said walking over to your clothes "alright well we are gonna have to cancel today's shoot a lot of things are going wrong" rem said "like what" you asked forget that denki was there and taking off your ripped robe to start putting your clothes on "well a storm is gonna hit soon so the lights will probably go out and the cameras arnt working so we are just gonna cancel do you think you could come back Friday" rem asked "sure" you said not really caring "alrighty then I'll redo your schedule" rem said then you heard her walking away around the same time you got your last piece of clothing on. "so about that date" denki said sitting on the red velvet couch in there surprishing you.....

thanks for reading

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