
Chapter 207: The Bad News

Sean rushed to go upstairs since Susan told him Catherine woke up. They met at the stairwell.

"Both are left?" asked Catherine.


"Why was Iris here?"

Sean's look got gloomy at how Iris sounded out Catherine's situation. Sean said, "How are you feeling?"

"I'm better now. Susan said I had a fever last night."

Sean touched her forehead. His hands were slightly cold. He said, "You don't have a fever anymore."

"Did you look after me all night?" asked Catherine.

Susan told Catherine David arrived at about 1 in the morning. She had a serious fever. Sean fed her medicine and helped with the IV transfusion. Her fever wasn't gone until after four.

"I'm glad you're okay now."

Seeing the dark circles underneath Sean's eyes, Catherine felt touched. He mentioned nothing about how tired, and his look didn't get better until after knowing she was better.

"I feel so much better. And my rash is mostly gone."

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