

Bella got out of the car immediately after Zach parked the car in front of Joan's house, And turned to look at Zach before shutting the door, "Uhm, if you could wait here while I get Joan, I could just tell you both what's wrong at once. Unless, of course, you have something important to do then..."

"I'll wait," Zach rushed to assure her before she could complete her sentence, making her flash him a smile of gratitude. 

"Thanks. I'll try to be quick," She said before dashing for Joan's house.

Zach remained in the car while contemplating whether or not to give Dan a call and inform him that something was up with Bella. He had no idea what it was, but something told him whatever she was involved in was dangerous. 

His phone started ringing before he could make up his mind, and he sighed when he saw the call was from Dan, "Hey! Are you with Bella? Someone said they saw her leaving with you," Dan said immediately after Zach had taken the call. 

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