

Just after Fake was gone, Gully leaned back in the couch, where she always lay; George took the newspaper and started to read it; Paul sat beside his mother; John headed to his room to read whatever he was reading at that time, and Swindle said:

"You know what, Gully? You should take a vacation."

All Gully, John and Paul turned to Swindle and glanced at him puzzled.

"I'd love that, Ringo, but I don't have the age nor the money to do so," said the geriatric Gully.

"Don't worry, Gully, you're still young, and you have those three to help you out with everything you need. And don't worry about the money; I'll take care of it, I'll manage your investments from now on."

"What?!" John exclaimed and pointed at Swindle threateningly—even though it goes without saying that this threat had no effect on Swindle. "I don't know what you're thinking, but we don't need your help."

"Oh, really?" Swindle asked mockingly. "So, how much have you made with your investments?"

"Well, one can't always win, and Dale told us 80% of all investors have losses at the beginning. But we still don't need y—

"Listen to your brother," Gully interrupted him; "he knows a lot more of business as we do, and he always helps us out because some people can't do anything by themselves," she said glaring at John, Paul and George.

John sighed and shrugged.

"Ok, but don't go too clever," John warned Swindle.

"I'm always too clever," Swindle replied, "but don't worry, I'll make you earn way more than you imagine. You take care of packing your stuff," Swindle putt he travel bag on the table, opened one of its side pockets and took out a phone. "I only need to make some calls."

Swindle took the travel bag, dialed a number and headed to his room to speak privately.

John headed to his room to continue his reading.

"Well," Paul said to his mother. But she was already sleeping—. "It seems we need to ask for our vacation week. But we really needed it. Or what do you think, George?"

"Do as you please," George said without taking his eyes off the newspaper. "As long as we don't lose our money or our jobs."

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