
CXLIII. Embarrasing Chuckles.

Cookie's simplistic yet accurate descriptions of the planets neighboring Earth made Vanilla feel as if she was reading a nice, engaging book about astronomy: one written with more examples and vivid drawings rather than long walls of text, complicated equations, and boring diagrams. 

"After we left Saturn's insides," The blonde girl continued. "The man that accompanied me proposed me to visit two of its moons. They were even more interesting than the ones in Jupiter! I wish you guys could have been there."

"How were they?" Rowie asked, softly wagging his white tail with curiosity. His eyes glowed as much as Vanilla's, who was not covering her pentacle eye with anything that morning.

"Oh my god, let me tell you," Cookie responded. "First, we visited the biggest moon of Saturn. It's called Titan."

"I've seen it with my telescope," Vanilla commented. "It's bigger than our moon."

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