
CIII. Croaky Froggy.

"So, what plush will you be taking, Vanilla?" Cookie asked, sitting on the bed with her legs crossed and her pink suitcase open in front of her. "I'll be taking Prayer. She is a praying mantis if you didn't know. She can camouflage herself and me, and her claws can hold anything between them!"

She put the green plush out from her suitcase and showed it to Vanilla and Rowie, with a childish smile over her face similar to a kid bragging about their favorite toy.

"That sounds like an interesting plush, Vanilla," Rowie said, who also laid on the bed next to Cookie. "Which one will you be taking?

Imagining the spirit linked to Cookie was something that made Vanilla's wonder spark, although her own wonder about choosing her own plush was stronger.

Which plush? Which one of the spirits and their carrier effects would be the most appropriate for the incoming situation? 

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