
The minion

Amelia: It's nice to meet you guys!

Jack: It's nice to meet you too lady!

Everyone chuckles.

Elijah: I'm going to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Amelia: Have fun!

Percy: And I'm going to Mercy's to see what's he's talking about.


Mercy was walking to his house, a dart came flying from a dark alleyway and poked Mercy in the neck.

Mercy: What the—

Mercy fell on the hard, concrete sidewalk passed out.

Someone grabbed him by the legs and dragged him in a dark alleyway.


Percy rang on Mercy's newly black door, Mercy's wife, Shirley answered.

Percy: Hey shir! Is Mercy home?

Shirley: No, I thought he was with you guys.

Shirley gasps.

Shirley: Did those people kidnap Mercy!?

Percy: No, no, he was on his way here.

Percy: Don't worry, we'll find him!

Percy walked away.

Shirley: We?


Percy: Someone kidnapped Mercy! You guys have to help me find him!

Max: Of course, but where should we look first?

Elijah thought for a minute.

Elijah: How about an abandoned warehouse near the ocean?

Everyone stared at him.

Elijah: What? I see bad guys kidnap people and take them to abandoned warehouses all the time in movies.

Amelia sighed.

Amelia: Eli-

Luke: Actually, he might be on to something.


Mercy woke up, he was tied to a chair and a lightbulb hang over top of him.

Mercy heard footsteps.

Mercy: Hello? Who's there?!

A pair of eyes glared angrily at Mercy in the darkness.

Mercy screamed.

Man: Be quiet!

Mercy: Who are you? What do you want with me?!

Man: I know about your powers, how do you activate them?

Mercy: I won't tell you!

Man: I beg to differ!

Mercy saw his arm pop out of the darkness, he saw him holding a watch and swing it left and right.

Man: Tell me how you activate your power!

Mercy: When I eat peppers, fire comes out of my mouth.

Man: Fascinating!

The man got some strange looking peppers out of his pocket, he smiled maliciously.

Man: Take the peppers!

Mercy took the peppers.

The warehouse doors busted open, it was the heroes!

The man quickly got out his pocket knife and cut the ropes so Mercy could stand up.

Man: Kill them!!

The man disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Percy: Don't do this bro!

Mercy: Don't tell me what I can or can't do!!

Mercy put a pepper in his mouth, his cheeks puffed up and his face turned red.

Max: Everyone duck!!!

Everyone jumped out of the way, then Elijah produced water from his hands.

Elijah: Hey guys! I have been working on a new catchphrase!

Elijah: Who's thirsty?!?

Max: That's pretty accurate coming from you.

Mercy set the walls between them on fire and the ceiling.

Elijah tried to spray the walls and ceiling, but the fire kept spreading.

A big chuck of wood fell down, it was about to hit Amelia but Elijah catches her.

Elijah: Are you ok?

Amelia: Yea, thanks.

Luke: WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE! This place is collapsing!!

Percy: Not without Mercy!

Another chunk of wood fell down and trapped Mercy.

Percy: Bro!!

Percy, Max and Luke ran towards him.

Max checked his pulse.

Max: He's breathing but he's out cold!

Percy: That's ironic cuz his hand is hot!

Percy and Max grabbed Mercy's arms.

Luke grabbed the big piece of wood and lifted it up with all his might.

Luke: Hurry up! I don't know how much longer I can hold this stance!

Percy and Max saved Mercy from underneath the wood, Luke put the wood down.

Elijah saw a letter on the floor, picked it up and put it in his pocket.

Everybody ran out of there with Mercy on Percy's back.

They got to a far enough distance to watch the warehouse explode without being harmed.

Elijah and Amelia: Awesome!


Everyone ran to the HQ.

Ratchet saw that Mercy was knocked out.

Percy hands Mercy to Ratchet.

Ratchet: What happened sir?

Luke: He passed out, put him on the bed.

Ratchet carries Luke to the bed.

Elijah: While we was at the warehouse, I saw a piece of paper on the floor.

Elijah took out the piece of paper from his pocket.

Elijah handed the paper to Luke.

John: What does it say?

Luke: It says... The Joker?!?

John: It just says "The Joker"?

Luke: Yes.

Max: Well there's two options: One, it's someone impersonating the joker or two, the joker actually exists.... Which I highly doubt!

Elijah: I smell a mystery!

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