
New HQ

John: What happened last night?

Luke: Lucy told me that she needed some space because I've been ducking her.

Luke: She told me I can still see my kids.

John: Do they know?

Luke: No and I don't want to tell them.

John: Why?

Luke: Because sooner or later she'll want me back.

John: Ok, let's just change the subject.

John: What's on the agenda today? watch a movie, write or read a good book perhaps??

(John just broke the fourth wall XDDDD)

Luke: I was hoping we could find a nice new Headquarters for us, you know somewhere it doesn't reek.

John: I was hoping you would say that!

John: I'm going to call my realtor.

Luke: We don't need a house!

John: I know, MY realtor sells secret bases.

Luke: That's perfect! Call him or her.

Luke was walking out.

John: Where are you going?

Luke: I'm going to get my kids.


Luke got his kids and went back to John's.

Jack: Hey Mr. John!

John: Hey kids!

Luke: This must be your realtor!

John: Luke, this is Mary, Mary this is Luke.

They shook hands.

Mary looked deep into his eyes.

Mary: So nice time meet you!

Luke: You too!

Mary: Are you single? I'm sorry I asked.

Luke: No it's fine, I like people who are straight forward but no I'm happily married.

Mary handed Luke a sticky note with her number on it.

Mary: Darn it, if something happens call me.

Mary winked flirtatiously at Luke.

Luke: ....You bet!

Jack: Why are you hear?!

Luke: Watch you're tone son.

Jack: Why should I?! Do you care about her or something?!

Luke: This is a place of work and you should Behave. Treat people with respect.

Luke: We'll discuss this later.

Mary: You might want to hold on to your son and daughter.

Luke: Come here guys.

Luke held his children tightly as Mary waved her hand and suddenly all of them was in a bright blue tornado.

The tornado faded when they got to their location.

Jill: Woah! You have powers?!

Mary: Yup, I do.

Luke: Where are we??

Mary: Where in your new lair!

Luke: No, really?!

Luke looked at John and he nodded.

Luke and his kids looked around in amazement.

Jill: This is...

Jack: Awesome!

Jack and Jill ran off to explore the lair.

Luke: Where's are we located??

Mary: Where underground!

Luke: A under ground lair?! That is so cool!

Luke: Kids come here!! This is so cool!

Luke: Kids?

Mary: It's easy to get lost in here because this lair is so big! But you'll probably know your way around in about a week or so...

John: Hey! Where does this lead to?

Mary: This will lead you to the surface more quickly.

Luke: What's the longer way??

Mary: The steps.

Luke: There's steps in here??

Mary nods.

Mary: Let me give you guys the tour.

They followed Mary and went to the fancy dining room first where they saw the kids eating pizza.

The kids waved at the three of them while stuffing their faces.

John: This is so cool!

Luke: Are you crazy?! Cool is an understatement, this is astounding!

Mary: Come here.

Mary: These guys are my androids, they look and think like humans!

Mary: This is Ratchet and this is Clank.

Ratchet: You can count on us to be your eyes and ears on missions sir!

Luke: Do you guys know how to fight?

Clank: We know karate and where equipped with blasters.

John: Ok cool!

Luke: Hey kids! Where did you get the pizza??

Mary: Oh, they probably got it from that machine.

Mary: This machine allows you to ask for any type of food, a blue laser will appear and then the food.

John: WOW!

John and Luke looked at each other in amazement.

Mary: I have to show you two more things.


Mary: This is your new super computer! It can alert you if there's trouble when you don't know it and it talks!

Computer: Hi Mr. Luke! Your my new boss correct?

Luke: Yes I am, do you have a name?

Computer: No, but I can if you want to name me.

Luke: How about... Ally?

Ally: I like that sir, thank you.


Mary: These are the slots for your weapons and your suits!

Suddenly the alarm was going off.

Mary: An intruder!! Stay frosty people!!

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