
Dinner Table Politics


Vampire King Apollyon


He continued to explain in a steady lower-pitched voice. "Do you understand?"

Luna nodded as she clasped his hand tightly. "Yes, let us try it then."

Apollyon turned his left foot a bit, and Luna went along with his movement, dancing in the Balcony under the moonlight. 

The air was cool and crisp, mixed with the scent of pine trees as it floated in the breeze. 

Apollyon attempted to turn, and they had accomplished smooth fluid circles that would make the Consortium's headmistress in awe.

He and Luna had succeeded in their first try of dancing the waltz, and he had never been more proud of his Empress. 

"Good job, beautiful." Dropping his right arm, Apollyon released Luna and raised his left hand, and guided her forward to spin under them in a clockwise turn towards the left.

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