
Taking Risks

That afternoon, I followed after Kelsy and documented tons of scenarios while she was doing her rounds in every corner of the hospital. Her protective gear moisty and pleated after working for many hours.

Every time I came closer to her, a steamy feeling gloated through me. Between her breaths, a little wheeze disclosed from her lips worrying me.

I asked her suddenly while cutting off the footage after the interview from three patients with mild symptoms, "Are you okay?". When suddenly Kelsy coughed dryly as she bowed down while covering her mouth.

In a spark, I backed out cautiously from her; my hands in the air. 'Oh no… please not now.' People around looked intensely at her and relocated slowly away afterwards, eager to not get the odds of another affection.

In one go, she let out an impulsive free laugh while talking in within, "I'm fine- No worries." Taking aback by her rotten joke, I screamed furiously at her; my heart shrinking in its own, "What's with you? Are you insane?-"

Out of the blue, a middle-aged man with a yellow dandelion ppe scolded at Kelsy as he ran ready to shove discipline on her, "Doc. Kelsy Hepburn, I'm really disappointed. Last thing I've ever expected from you is too falsely joke around… specifically when taking measures with no regard-" His rough and gruff voice howled through the hallway."-You're one of the staff... show some proper respect!" 'True... that really pissed me off but Kelsy is doing that out of freedom though I don't see to it why he had to humiliate her... at least for me, I wouldn't really mind. He's overreacting.'

Kelsy bended her back in a panic for an apology. Her face red in shame while pressing her palms together in a praying gesture, "Please forgive me, Director Ong. I'll never do that again... I promise."

As he saw Kelsy begging for mercy, the director placed his hand on his waist with a heavy sigh as he feel pitied with her- no… more like he didn't want to lose one of his employees espescially with someone like her. She's totally a pass no matter how reckless she is, "Fine, I'll spare you. Don't waste my time."Kelsy lifted herself up with an awkward smile, "Thank you for your consideration, Director." "No worries, continue well with your hard work." "Thank you again."

After, the director wandered off with tons of assistants on his back. Numerous people whispered in the background as they eyed Kelsy with a disgruntled look, rumoring all their thoughts about her behaviour.

I heaved a sigh as Kelsy regained her consciousness, "Wow! Amazing! I thought you're going to be kick out of your job… but then again- " I giggled it off hysterically with a smug as Kelsy twitched her eyes with inmost anger, "-Whatever... Know that you got the taste of getting reprimanded by your boss for how impulsive you are... couldn't be the same incident as mine." Yeah, get it. Its a lie.

Kelsy rolled her eyes with a slight smile, "Good thing though-" She stared at the people around her who seems to be judging Kelsy in one way or another like they were belittling her. Their vibes emitting a loathing aura- as though they are creating a big controversial scoop for another dramatic content. "-I doubt myself after that time that I'll be able to continue much with my work."

I swatted the air, my nose flared in disgust as I heard her, "Ohh really? In this place and at this time, I wouldn't second think about quitting the job-" I glowered at her my emotions bored than ever. "- If you're asking for any opinion, I prefer to consider my health rather than the others."

She tapped her foot on the ground, her eyebrow raised than the other, "In other words, you cared about me. Do you?" She laughed teasingly while cupping her face with a flattering expression displayed all throughout, "The way you express your concern over me... I would love to see more of you caring for others. Last time was like with Mrs. Scott right? Really sweet- " I admitted thoughtfully, 'Somewhere inside constrained me to do it and it's not my fault why I'm like this.'

I ignored her, knowing that I'm bothered with all these caterpillars crawling within. "If that so, then I'll do it for you. But in one condition-" Kelsy faked a smile, knowing how much this condition will affect her life then I shut her off, "Whatever. Just stop blabbering about and let's go to that patient next. Nothing's going to stop you from helping them right?" Kelsy chuckled while walking first in front of me, swinging her arms back and forth as we went to the eastern area, "Yeah. Nothing's going to stop me from doing what is best for all."

By the time, we went to another critically diagnosed COVID 19 patient with not much awareness as I followed Kelsy from the back. Her stature not even wavering a little bit as though she was used with all these dangers in every corner… which she is. When we arrived to room number 128 by the name Edna Jennings engraved on it, she opened as silent as possible and greeted the patient with sincerity.

The warm, white-walled room extended in front of us. The folds of the windows closed as miniature linings of light gleamed through the place. A greenish cacti plant stood beside the door. As I proceeded inside; my video camera on ready, a strange feeling hurled my certitude away.

Medical ventilators tubed on inside the old woman, assisting the regulatory of her breathing as her dextrose delivers IV fluid through her veins. Her face swelled and her body froze while relying to the the medical workers to sustain her life in fullest extent.

Imagine yourself being bedridden in a place full of patients with the same cause of admission. 'I wouldn't give it a go. Anybody wouldn't want to. In view of the fact that we were born in this world to live for the good of us and to move forward in whatever's coming onwards us… not the other way. '

Kelsy made her way beside the hospital bed as she scribbled on her sheet. Meanwhile I documented many metres away, my back leaning on the wall ensuring my safety… which was quite ironic since this place never definite itself in a nutshell as 'safe'; and as for me being practicably safe, forget about it… at least in a matter of time I'm able to follow with much dignity the safety protocols the higher ups had given.

Kelsy pleased; her eyes raised in concern as she saw one of her patient suffer like anyone she'd aided with, "Edna... your grandsons and husband are doing fine. They also insisted me one thing." The beige ppe nurse from near the door handed Kelsy the balloons and a bouquet of daisies. Her voice full of delight, growing her patient's trust on her, "Happy Anniversary, Ms. Jennings… ahh… Edna as what you wanted me to call you."

She massaged her foot in absolute comfort, though it is somehow risky to ever do that. 'I wanted to shout Kelsy to distance herself but… I don't think I had to… since I'm foolish and everything. 'Nevertheless, why am I worrying about her again? Do I have to?... 'She tapped her foot on the ground, her eyebrow raised than the other, "In other words, you cared about me. Do you?"' Who is really?

The patient remained still. Her aspect didn't change and her motions hardly ever come to light as the disease she was carrying congealed her. As I could tell even though she barely moved an inch, the emotions was induced from the tears pouring down her puffed up cheeks. Kelsy stated; her eyebrows tilted outwards while blending in on her patient's convenience, "We will arrange another video conference this evening. I hope you're awake at the time of the event." She regarded at her waiting for an answer… though nothing came out from her patient's mouth.

Kelsy laughed it off while shifting her head on me as I attached myself on the wall like a lizard, putting my hands up unwillingly. As she saw me exhibiting a comical act, she chuckled charmingly… as always while instructing me, "I'll leave you behind here-" She observed my camera on my hand as though she was perusing the contents on it… and shook her head as she folded her arms, "-Please keep her face hidden." I asked her, not wanting myself to be stuck here, "Yes, I know but… why?-"

Without answering my question, she let the blue ppe chubby nurse assist the patient and walked outside after giving the patient another routine check. Though I know Kelsy is quite busy, being as such is pretty much not a convenient reason to cut me dead.

As Kelsy was out of my sight, the chocolate-skin nurse suddenly chatted enabling me to jump in my shoes, "I idolize Doc. Kelsy… She's very sweet and kind. She never failed to emphasize well with her patients-" She steadied her gaze at the door, probably eyeing on Kelsy… though she was out of range. "- I can't believe she's a volunteered doctor."

My mind exploded with shock as I heard her, "What do you mean? Volunteered doctor?" She informed me much more than I grasp with, "The chairman recruited her after our medical workers dropped in rate… ahh wait no, she volunteered herself as what my workmates had said. I heard that the hospital she'd worked previously with were less infested with COVID19 patients. Dang… a very devoted one for someone's younger than me." "Are you serious?" "It's up to you if you believe me or not… like come on man, I don't blabber falsified rumours for my own satisfaction."

I avoided eye contact and contemplated. When I heard that I immediately can't understand her. 'Surviving is the most essential element when living your life. Our life depends on the living… but for what purpose was Kelsy dignified in taking gambles anyone wouldn't take a chance to?

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