
Childish Dragon

Taking a break from the hunting trip he went on with Lapis Hiko let the dragon continue to explore her new environment but he had a swarm of ants following her closely. Smiling Hiko started to practice his Fishman Karate, forming a sphere of water in his hand Hiko started to change the shape of each the water.

While he had three good techniques they were all long-range. Covering his fist in the water Hiko pulled out his stone pillar to test his power, delivering a straight punch Hiko watched as the pillar turned dark purple. '

Not bad but straight up damage won't cut it. ' Manipulating the water again Hiko changed the water so it formed a blade around his palm, with a little more effort the water started to rotate like teeth on a chainsaw. Nodding Hiko thrust his palm at the pillar, stopping after a few seconds Hiko looked to see that there was a chip in the polished stone.

Grinning Hiko let his hand fall to the side, ' that will do, I should be able to cut through sea stone with one strike now. When I tried it before it took a few hits before breaking. ' His thinking was interrupted when he heard something heavy fall onto the deck, looking over Hiko saw Lapis still wet from her recent swim.

Growling Lapis collapsed her back rising and falling as took in deep breaths, ' Well she not even a day old, and she was swimming around for about an hour. ' Sighing Hiko patted the top of her head, " And I thought I wouldn't have children soon. "

Standing up to his full height Hiko looked into the distance, " The girls should be coming back any time now, I wonder how they'll react to you. " Snorting Lapis turned her head not looking at Hiko, looking over Hiko had to smile as he could just imaging a little girl doing the same.

With nothing much left to do Hiko sat down leaning on Lapis, he found that her body temperature was much warmer than humans. He found the heat soon invading his body making his muscles relax, closing his eyes Hiko started to meditate expanding his Nen to cover Lapis as well.

Lifting her head a little Lapis looked at Hiko with his eyes closed, making a happy sounding noise Lapis also closed her eyes.

Sensing three aura make their way towards the ship Hiko opened his eyes, standing up Hiko smiled as he left the sleeping dragon behind. After waiting for a few minutes Hiko saw a large wooden raft making its way towards his ship, with his eyesight he could make out Alvida, Nojiko, and Nami, but they were like ants next to the giant koi corpse that was taking up most of the raft. Whistling in appreciation Hiko looked at the white and orange fish, " That's their biggest catch yet I think we're ready to head to the Grand Line. "

Deciding to help out Hiko made several ants and sent them to help bring in the raft faster, since they couldn't bring the corpse on board Hiko had to tie the rope onto the back of the ship. Once everyone was on board Hiko quickly gave each of his women a kiss and before he could warn them Nojiko looked over his shoulder to see the sleeping form of Lapis. Pointing Nojiko tilted her head to the side, "What's that." Everyone turned to look at the sleeping dragon who was woefully unprepared for what was about to happen.

Lapis was rudely woken up by several high pitched screams when she felt three sets of hands start to roam over her scales. Scared she looked around to find her guardian only to find him standing behind her three attackers, roaring Lapis shook of the three offenders before hiding behind Hiko's legs. Almost laughing out loud at the irony Hiko turned to his harem, " So we all now know not to scare the sleeping dragon.

" They all had downfallen looks as they realized what they had done, " You can probably get to pet her if you have some food for her. " Hiko had to move out of the way to avoid getting trampled as they rushed towards the kitchen, sighing Hiko looked down at Lapis, " Please let them pet you, if you don't I'll never hear the end of it. " Growling Lapis turned around, " If you let them pet you I'll give you some of my Royall Jelly. " Even though she didn't turn around Lapis' tails slammed against the deck in excitement.

As he predicted Lapis reluctantly gave into the feeding, " Hey is it a boy or a girl. " Hiko felt a headache coming on, " It's a girl and her name is Lapis. " Nami looked like someone had killed her puppy in front of her, " You named her without us, how could you. " Shrugging Hiko smiled, " I know I'm, the worst person on this planet. Speaking of which I think we're ready to head out, we should be able to handle anything the grand line can throw at us. " Standing up Nojiko was apprehensive, " Are you sure the Grand Line is something we can handle I've only just gotten a grasp on my Hatsu. "

" If Master says we're ready. " Hiko nodded, " Okay now that's decided we'll head out in two days and head straight for Lounge Town. "

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