

With the confidence boost from living through the recent fight, Nami started to push herself even more. Each day Nami would ask Hiko to keep teaching her when he said they were done for the day, Hiko had to hold back a little as even with his healing hands Nami might tear a muscle. When he watched the anime Hiko would often think that the humans there were of a different breed as they had an insane amount of strength even without training.

Hiko saw that in Nami as they sparred using staffs that weighted more than 25 five kgs, Hiko always wondered what would happen if Nami studied Martial Arts instead of meteorology. After a week of intense sparring, Hiko sometimes found himself on the defense from Nami's attack, he was of course holding back a lot and not using his devil fruit powers.

The sound of metal on metal clashing broke the silence of the sea as on the deck of a small ship two people sparred with long metal staffs. Nami growled as Hiko dodge yet another one of her strikes by flipping back on one hand.

Pressing her advantage Nami swung her staff horizontally hoping to catch Hiko along the ribs, smiling Hiko made his hand vibrate into the wood of the ship before leaning at an impossible angle using his tail as a balance.

Just as Nami's staff passed his body Hiko pushed off the ground bring his staff around in an overhead strike, recovering from her brief shock Nami raised her staff overhead blocking Hiko's strike head-on. Nami winced as the force from the strike traveled to her hands almost forcing her to drop her staff, letting out an audible growl Nami guide Hiko's staff to the side planting her staff on the ground as she used her momentum to hold herself off the ground and deliver a kick towards Hiko's face.

Hiko grin turned into a bloodthirsty smile as he felt Nami's desire to win project from her, Hiko blocked the kick but since he was in mid-air the force behind the strike sent him flying to the side. Twisting his body Hiko landed on all fours as his bestial nature showed, when Nami looked over to see Hiko she paused as his eyes stared into hers.

Nami had never felt this way before it was like a predator ready to pounce on its prey, but Hiko's eyes looked like he wanted to devourer her in a different type of way. Nami rubbed her thighs together as she felt her underwear become damp, when Hiko saw this he was immediately brought out of his primal state.

Moving at his top speed Hiko appeared in front of Nami as he embraced her, " I'm sorry you had to see that I lost control, I promise it won't happen again. " Nami was startled before she realized what had happened, ' he thinks I'm scared of him and I'll leave him. '

Nami remembered that feeling when she was drawing maps for Arlong how she wanted a friend to come see her or anyone that wasn't one of those fish-men. Nami hugged Hiko back as she buried her face in his chest, " Don't worry I won't leave you, we'll stay together forever. "

Looking up Nami met Hiko's eyes and after a long minute, she closed her eyes leaned forward her lips pursing, " Wait, I have to tell you I'm a greedy person, if you stay with me I will look for other women. But know that I'll never forget about you and if you ever feel neglected, tell me I will move heaven and earth to get rid of those feelings. " Nami stalled before she opened her eyes and grinned, " That's okay with me, it's not uncommon for powerful men or women to have multiple partners, just tell me if you want to court another woman so I make sure she good enough for you. "

Hiko laughed, " Good enough for me? " Nami nodded like it was a serious matter, " As Head Wife, it's my duty to make sure my man finds strong and capable women, one other thing I don't want to do the deed until I kill Arlong, I want to be done with that chapter of my life before I start my new one okay. " Hiko smiled as he leaned down and stole Nami's lips, the kiss was tender and caring as Nami fully trusted a person for the first time in years. Hiko also couldn't help but feel giddy on the inside as he kissed the orange-haired beauty ignoring the notification that appeared trying to ruin the mood.

[Quest Completed: Take Responsibility]

Rewards: Promise Ring, 2000 PP

[Promise Ring]

Rank: S

Bonded: Hiko and Nami

This ring symbolizes the bond between two people, both will be able to tell each other's location at all times and communicate telepathically.

The two separated, Nami's cheeks were bright red and she was panting slightly " Well that was fun, so what do we do now. " Hiko grinned, " I hate to say this we need to continue your training, but I know of a place where we can properly celebrate. " Nami grinned as she walked over to her staff ready to fight again, " Are you going to tell me were where going. "

Still grinning Hiko shook his head as also bending over to pick up his staff, " I won't tell you the name but I will tell you were going to a restaurant where the food is divine. " Nami grinned as she held her staff, " Okay mister secretive, you can stay silent but I want an extra-long massage. " Shrugging Hiko blocked Nami's strike, " That's fine with me, I don't mind having my hands all over your body. Nami blushed but she didn't stop, ' You're going to regret saying that. '

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