


Red was all Taehyung could see, he was beyond mad, it was a good thing that Namjoon was present there to control him otherwise god knows what Taehyung would have done by now.

"Tae please calm down" Namjoon said to Taehyung who just smashed his laptop on the ground.

"How can you ask me to calm down Namjoon hyung you know damn well that how much I hate that guy , my heart is filled with venom against him, how dare show up his face in front of me after four years, Namjoon you know damn well what he did to me and Jimin four years ago, because of him I had to go through depression while Jimin suffered from eating disorder and nearly starved himself , you were there too Namjoon hyung how can you ask me calm down , don't you fell anger towards him?" Tae said , his eyes were glassy as all the memories of his past came to his mind , and now he was clutching his head and trying to block all those horrible memories.

nothing hurts more than being betrayed by the person you love.

Namjoon just stood there looking at Tae with concern , seeing Taehyung in this condition was really painful for him , his eyes were also filled with tears , he never wants to see Taehyung depressed again and neither Jimin.

After taking a deep breath he went towards tae and made him sit down on his chair and sat in fron to him and said "Tae I know what you are talking about and trust me it takes a lot for me to stay calm in a situation like this , I hate Jungkook just as much as you do , but you have to understand that we can't let our personal matters interfere with our company work , every decision that you make Tae will effect the company and lets not forget that we have promised Mr. Jeon to take care of his son and we can't go back on our work, it will affect the image of our company , Tae we have worked really hard to establish this company we can't let this problem affect us , think about it Tae , at the end whatever decision you take I will support it. okay?

Taehyung didn't say anything for a few minutes , he was thinking about everything Namjoon said and every word his hyung said was correct , it was true that they both have worked their butt off to reach where they are today, and going back on his word means effecting the deal with Jeon corporation and if the deal is canceled then Tae's company will suffer a huge loss and he can't let that happen . He also has to think about his employs who work so hard for his company.

Now thinking about Jungkook, Tae now understands why people would call Mr. Jeon's son a brat because he is a brat ,

Jungkook ,Jimin and Taehyung was in a polyamory relationship back in the high school , Both Taehyung and Jimin came from a middle class family while Jungkook came from a rich family, Jungkook was an athlete, while taehyung was the head of student council and jimin was the leader of Dance club . Tae and Jimin were best friends since elementary school and they were also neighbors , along with them Namjoon , Yoongi , Hobi and Jin Tae's elder brother went to the same school they all were quiet popular before Jungkook joined their school.

Taehyung and Jimin were really attracted to Jungkook , and soon all the three became a thing , back then also Jungkook was a bad boy and also a fuck boy, but it changed when he came in the relationship with Jimin and Taehyung , or that was what Tae and Jimin thought , all three of them were in the relationship for at least 1 year but one day both Tae and Jimin were walking in the cafeteria , and when they entered the cafeteria they saw Jungkook making out with another girl ,

Both of them were hurt and angry they felt like somebody had just shot them in their heart , Taehyung immediately went towards them and yanked the girl away from Jungkook and when he confronted Jungkook , Jungkook just laughed at them , telling them that he was just passing time with them and that he never really felt anything towards them , they were just toys for his fun and nothing else .

"you thought I loved you hahaha that's the funniest joke I have ever heard ."

"you guys really thought that I would love someone ugly like you seriously, no way"

"both of you are disgusting and pathetic to think that something like true love exists "

"you guys are such sluts hahahah, I had my fun with you to now don't show me your face again , faggots ".

After that the entire started to keep their distance from those two , both of them became an outcast ,no one wanted to talk to them , everyone started to insult them , throw things at them , fill their lockers with garbage and their were insults like 'slut', 'whore' , faggot' were written on their desk it became a daily thing , people would laugh at them and Jungkook would always just stood their and watch and never stood up for them , sometimes he would also join other students and make fun of Tae and jimin . After some days Jungkook left the school but the bullying never stopped and along with then their hyungs Namjoon , J-hope , yoongi and Jin also had to suffer because they were the only ones in the entire school who were friends with Jimin and Taehyung .

Thinking about those days and insults now makes Tae's blood boil and now he is not going to let Jungkook run away again, he has to pay the price for every insult and every wrong deed he did in the past , Taehyung is going to make him regret everything he did to them in the past . He is going to take his revenge from Jungkook , he is not going to miss this opportunity, he is not going to let Jungkook get away easily .

'Jeon Jungkook you better prepare yourself , for what's coming for you '

"you are right hyung I am going to make Jungkook my assistant , and a I am also going to use this opportunity to punish Jungkook for what he ha done in the past" He said to Namjoon.

"All right Tae I am not going to stop you and I think Jungkook deserves to be punished" Namjoon said ,Namjoon knew that Taehyung is not someone you should mess with , no one can handle Taehyung's wrath and angry Taehyung is a very ,very dangerous Taehyung, an angry Taehyung is like a hungry lion who is not going to show any mercy to his prey. 'Jungkook better be prepared'

Namjoon said as he walked behind Taehyung.

Mr. Jeon was sitting in the waiting area with his son "do you know Mr. Kim " he asked Jungkook "no " Jungkook replied "then why did he react that way after seeing you" Mr. Jeon said "I don't know you should ask him" Jungkook replied again.

"Listen Jungkook you better behave here with Mr. Kim , I don't want you to do anything stupid which will ruin my image do you get that" Mr. Jeon said.

"Let me remind you again old man you forced me to work here I am not here by my will , do you get that , so anything that will happen here will be your responsibility , don't blame it on me " Jungkook said

"Jungkook you better behave because if I hear any complain from here then I am going to ruin those people you love so much" Mr. Jeon said

"you know what you are monster , I really don't know what was god thinking when he created you" Jungkook said with anger evident In his voice

"Jungkook I am your dad-" "yeah that's a very sad thing" Jungkook said interrupting Mr. Jeon "If you are my dad then why can't you understand that I don't want to work here and I don't think that Mr. Kim is interested to teach me anything"

"That's not at all true Mr. Jeon"

someone said out of nowhere , grabbing Mr. Jeon's and Jungkook's attention. Taehyung

Taehyung came towards them and said " I am really sorry Mr. Jeon for earlier, it had nothing to do with you , I had a little problem back in my office but now everything is okay , so don't worry " he then turned towards Jungkook and said "Jungkook-ssi don't worry I will be more than happy to teach you a thing or two"

Taehyung said with a sinister smile which sent shivers down Jungkook's spine and it was that moment when Jungkook knew that he was fucked there was no escape this time , he can't run away this time , he had to face the consequences of his actions now , he also knew that Taehyung is going to make his life miserable after all what he did to them in high school was not something which could be easily forgotten and Namjoon who was also by his side, will support Taehyung .

"very well then Mr. Kim , I will take my leave now and Jungkook don't cause any problem " Mr. Jeon and then left the building leaving behind a nervous Jungkook with Taehyung and Namjoon who had a smirk on their face which clearly meant that they were going to have fun in making Jungkook suffer .

"Now let's get to work Jungkook -ssi" Taehyung said.

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