
Grand feast 5

A small cup was handed to me suddenly, before I could take it the female spoke up, in a voice that I ignored but listened to her words, parking up immediately.

"Grand matriarch here is a cup of blood wine to quench your thirst and sate your hunger,"


Taking the small cup I took small sipped even though I wanted to drain it, the taste was excellent.

ah, what a life!

now for the food...


{Head handmaiden}

[I'm sorry I wrote the pov like this for the handmaiden, I felt that it was a bit more refreshing, plus erm...it was written like that in my stockpile and I felt too lazy, to change it.]

The grand matriarch was beyond my expectations, poised, graceful and dignified.

(your eyes are covered with some dark shades lady,)

Still, it was expected of such an awe-inspiring female.


"Have you decide which gender you wish to permanently become?"

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