

Guillermo: What will we have to do, if we join you?

I smiled when I heard Guillermo's words.

Eric: You will have to protect the Station and its people. Other than that, you, as every fighter of the Station will have to go on supplies runs from time to time.

Guillermo: Just that? I thought that it will more like a dictatorship place.

Eric: Hearts and Minds, that's what it matters for me. I don't need to force them to do something. I just need to begin and the rest will follow me. That's what matters and that's what I want to protect. The world just entered the next world war against a common enemy, unfortunately, we are bound to lose this war. The survivors will have to stay together and protect each other. Of course, we humans are really strange. We will do anything for personal gain while we will close our eyes when someone's dying.

Guillermo: I see. We will join you, but we need help if we want to move all of our people and supplies to your place.

Eric; Don't worry. I already contacted the base and someone will come here with a truck.

Half an hour later, Brian brought us a truck so that we could fill it with all the things Guillermo had in his place.

For the next five hours, we moved supplies, weapons, and equipment from the care house to the truck. As for the people that couldn't fight or walk without help, we decided to let them ride in the cars that we found around the block.

Most of the people where glad nothing happen and that they will go to a more secure place than this building.

When they arrived at the train entrance, most of the people were confused. They didn't know why would we stop here, but when the gate opened, they finally understood that the secure place was right under the feet.

After we helped Guilermo's people to settle down, I decided that we should start building a place where people could rest in the second station. As I begin to carry things on the train, the people around me understood what I was doing and join me.

While we were carrying building materials to the train, I asked Jon and Paul if they could go to Hershel's farm and take back the bus and bring Jorah to me, as I let Beth take care of him when I hurried to save my people. The little guy was surely crying after me when he found out that I wasn't near him when he woke up.

And just like that ten days passed by.

The Second Station has already become a nice place where people can live without any worries. Gale decides to create a hospital where she and the nurses will take care of the people that will get injured and also a place where they will take care of the old people. She decided to build the hospital in two whole rooms. One for the injured, while the other one was for the old people. Ellen becomes Gale's right hand and both women become the worst nightmare for all of the recruits. Yeah, recruits. I decided to organize our people a little and together with Paul, Andrew, Olivia, Jon, and Ace, we start to train the people that were willing to become the soldiers of the Station. I also joined the training as I didn't have any military training.

We also build a small village in the Second Station where people could live quite comfortably in their little shacks. I call them shacks as the building wasn't that big. Each building was built with a dimension of 5x5.

On our eighteen days of training, a loud explosion was heard from inside the city. I send Jon and Ace to see what happened.

When they returned, they said that a medical facility exploded and the whole place becomes a mass of zombies.

Fortunately for us, the explosion happened in the other part of the city and the horde won't make its way towards us.

On the twenty-day, I decided to go with the supplies team to see if we can scavenge more things. The team for today was an elite one as it has Tanaka, Amanda, Lee, and Larry and if you add me to the mix, this group becomes a force that can take care of itself.

We found a lot of tools in a shop, unfortunately, no food was left by the people that have already looted the place. So we just put the tools in the Humvee. After we cleared the shops around that block, we decided to return to the Station as the Humvee was already full of different things ranging from tools to food to antibiotics and even clothes.

When we took a left around the block, we heard gunshots being fired somewhere close to our location. I decided to carefully approach the noises as we didn't know if this was an ambush or just a fight with the zombies. I took Tanaka with and let Lee, Olvia, and Larry protect the Humvee while we will check the noises. After walking for five minutes we entered a destroyed building and through it, we saw a squad of ten police officers fighting a bunch of zombies. When I turned my head to ask Tanaka if he knows the officers, I saw him tighten his grip on the rifle.

Eric: Tanaka, let's help them. You seem to know them, which is good as it won't that difficult to speak with them then.

Tanaka didn't respond and just nodded at my words.

We carefully shorten the distance between us and the zombies. When we were twenty meters away from the horde of zombies, we begin to fire at the zombies. The officers, saw us helping them and were grateful that there are still some people that will help them.

After forty minutes of fighting the horde, we managed to kill all of the zombies that were sieging the officers.

When we approached the officers, they recognized Tanaka. We found that this group was looking for a place to stay, as their old place was overrun by zombies a day ago. I decided to invite them to the station as it will strengthen our power if more people how to know how to fight to join us.

Back at the base, I let the officers with Ace, as he was taking care of the inventory of the whole Settlement.

I found Andrew discussing with his wife about a project that will benefit the Station, but we didn't have any place to build a greenhouse. One possibility was to clear the next Station and integrate into ours while the second possibility was to one of the two fuel storage areas and store the fuel somewhere else. The storage area was big enough to build four greenhouses underground and these four will provide us with fresh vegetables.

Another thing that was brought up was the fact that Sonia and Katjaa wanted to grow some chickens. This thing wasn't a problem as we could ask Hershel for four of five chickens and a roster.

After I was left with Andrew, I propose a project that will help us in the tunnels. The project was about creating an armored car that could move on the rails. We had some cars and two armored cars will help us clear the tunnels of any zombie we may find. Also these cars could be used to carry things between the stations as it will be a waste to use the big train for small runs.

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