
Borg El Arab and Cairo

In the middle of the Fayum Desert, a place between New Borg El Arab and Cairo, a cluster of people is travelling difficultly across the sand along the Delta and Oasis trudging through the sand. 

It is like a land scape caught in the middle of the life and the death, with on one side the flourishing lives in the delta nourished by River Nile spread with agriculture and wild lives, while on the other side it is a flat piece of sand with occasional bumps filled with lifeless cactus, tumble weeds, sand stones, dead trees, dead grass, with the overly thriving sun on the top of their head sucking up all lives from the land, with the wind howling bringing dust in to people's eyes and mouth tearing through their skins, nothing can be heard, expect for the spitting of men and the howling of wind. 

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